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Team statistics: Puckett All-Stars | Spring 2024

  Total Home Away
Matches total: 8 4 4
Matches played: 8 4 4
Won: 1 1 0
Draw: 0 0 0
Lost: 7 3 4
Highest win: 48-36
Puckett All-Stars
Scared Hitless
Highest loss: 20-33
Puckett All-Stars
The Untouchaballs
Puckett All-Stars
Total goals (for and against): 527 255 272
Total goals per match: 65.88 63.75 68
Goals for 243 120 123
Goals for per match: 30.38 30 30.75
Goals against 284 135 149
Goals against per match: 35.5 33.75 37.25
No goals against 0 0 0
Goals per matchday

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