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Team statistics: Keller Whales | Spring 2024

  Total Home Away
Matches total: 8 6 2
Matches played: 8 6 2
Won: 4 3 1
Draw: 1 0 1
Lost: 3 3 0
Highest win: 30-12
Keller Whales
Practice Squad
Buffalo Vice
Keller Whales
Highest loss: 20-46
Keller Whales
The Malones
Total goals (for and against): 440 320 120
Total goals per match: 55 53.33 60
Goals for 222 156 66
Goals for per match: 27.75 26 33
Goals against 218 164 54
Goals against per match: 27.25 27.33 27
No goals against 0 0 0
Goals per matchday

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