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Ladies and Gentlemen of the TSL Universe, I don’t quite know how we got here so quickly, but I’m saddened to tell you that we’ve already made it to the last week of the TSL Spring 2024 Regular Season. It seems like just yesterday Jeff was emailing me in the middle of April to see if I’d be returning for another season of writing this article for the league and, like it always does, it flew by so quickly. 


When you take the fields on Saturday, June 15th, in the Year of Our Lord 2024, it’s a cause for celebration. While the TSL will be having the shenanigans in place for Lenny and Rameer Day (Observed)/Part 2, it’s also a time to reflect on the season that was. The last second victories, the crazy amount of ties, the incredible amount of fantastic plays that TSLers from all of the divisions made. 

After you toast to the season that was, you’ll be turning your head to the real season that’s about to begin. The Race for Social Co-Ed Touch Football Immortality is only a week away. The games will matter more than they ever have. Top seeds will be upset, others will dominate. It will be the war that has more twists and turns than a wild game of Chutes and Ladders. 


But that’s for next week. This week? Go out and have fun. Have some more drinks with your friends before they become your bitter enemies. Get in the dunk tank, spin the wheels, and do whatever other nonsense the TSL powers that be will be bringing your way. Get your picture taken with Topper. Do all of the things. Have yourself a good time. 


As for the games themselves, we find ourselves coming into Week 8 with only a handful of things certain for the Race for Social Co-Ed Touch Football Immortality. Let’s take a look at what’s at stake for each division. 


D1/D2 Crossover Games:


Last Week’s Games:


The Untouchaballs 30 (D2), Eyes Downtown 26 (D1)

Sticky Bandits 33 (D1), Freeballers 8 (D2)

Scared Hitless 43 (D2), Frodo Swaggins 16 (D1)

Eyes Uptown 40 (D1), Mavericks 24 (D2)


There are days I really, really enjoy puttering around my log cabin in Des Moines, Iowa and last Saturday was one of them. Right around 11:00 am your time (Des Moines is in another time zone) my phone started lighting up like aliens had landed on Earth. It wasn’t aliens though, it was phone calls, emails, and texts about how The Untouchaballs and Jeremy Burr picked off Bobby McConnell on three separate occasions to beat Eyes Downtown after it was declared (allegedly) by Bobby that they’d win by 40 points. The league was electric with that news, and it carried throughout the other crossover games. Scared Hitless came out and beat up on Frodo, even though both teams had subs, it should wash out. The Mavericks were hanging tough with Eyes Uptown until the end, when a late interception gave the game to EU, but is more than likely leaving the Mavs thinking “We can beat those guys if we get another shot.”. That’s a good thing. Sticky handled the Freeballers pretty well, but it appears that the FB were short handed themselves and still hung in there as best as they could. The crossover games were wild, and we’ll be getting more this week, which will hopefully give us more of the same fun and excitement. 




What We Know: Eyes Downtown is locked into the #3 seed, and Frodo Swaggins is locked into the #4 seed.


What’s At Stake: The #1 seed is up for grabs in D1, and you better believe it’s worth it. As we head into the week, Eyes Uptown and Sticky are both sitting at 5-2, but EU holds the tiebreaker. The difference between being the #1 seed and the #2 seed is playing a battered, not having the best year Frodo Swaggins team, or getting the Eyes Downtown squad that, while they may struggle with D2 teams, is still quite good. What stands in the way of Eyes Uptown winning and clinching the #1 seed? Jeremy Burr and The Untouchaballs. I’m currently only “kind of” sure that the TSL isn’t scripted. Sticky gets to square up against the Mavericks, so they won’t have a cake walk either. 




What We Know: Puckett All-Stars, even if they win both games this week, are locked into the #5 or #6 seed, and won’t be able to get a bye. 


What’s At Stake: Everything else. D2 is literally maximum chaos for the final standings, and the two byes are still up for grabs. Puckett could win both of their games against CTT/FB but only end up as high as the 5 seed. But for the best chaos, let’s pretend the following happens: Puckett loses both games and ends up at 1-7. CTT wins its crossover game against Frodo (plausible) as well. The Mavericks lose to Sticky (plausible). The Untouchaballs lose to Eyes Uptown, who have the #1 seed to play for and there’s no way Joey Batts isn’t ready for them after UT’s big win last week (plausible). That makes FOUR teams - CTT, Freeballers, Mavericks, and Untouchaballs all finishing with a 4-3-1 record. That means the super crazy Topper Tie Breaking System will decide who finishes where, and could decide both byes, OR just one, because Scared Hitless is currently sitting at 4-3, and they get Eyes Downtown who has nothing to play for this week EXCEPT for not losing twice to “lesser D2 teams''. In a perfect world, of course, they also tie, and Scared Hitless ends up 4-3-1 as well. Please tie. But if not, SH could be playing for the #1 seed at 5-3, or they could end up the #5 seed at 4-4. What a world. 

This Week’s Games: 


D1/D2 Crossover Games;

Frodo Swaggins vs Can’t Touch This (+6) - It wasn’t too long ago that CTT was wondering if they’d ever win again, but now they have a couple of wins and a tie AND a shot at the D2 division title. CTT continues to improve as their girls just continue to dominate and the TSL’s Most Handsome QB Because Joey Batts Got Old in Ryan Dougherty is casually chucking full field TDs. Frodo feels a bit in disarray. I heard there’s been some bad injury luck, and they’re literally limping to the finish line. CAN'T TOUCH THIS BY 3


Sticky Bandits vs Mavericks (+8) - I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again: There’s something about this Mavericks team. Every report I get on them or hear about them from someone else is that they’re just in a good spot and vibing, playing for each other. You love to hear that stuff. They’re also the only Mavericks team playing well in all of sports currently. This week they get to take on a team that’s been doing exactly that for years (decades?) in Sticky. The Mavs hung in there with Eyes Uptown, but with the #1 seed in D1 on the line, Sticky isn’t going to take the Mavs lightly. STICKY BANDITS BY 10


Eyes Uptown vs The Untouchaballs (EVEN) - I refuse to make Jeremy Burr an underdog, even if the lines I was given this week told me to. UT’s win was maybe the story of the season so far, although beating both “Eyes” teams back to back makes him a legend. I don’t think Joey Batts wants a fruit basket sent his way, nor does he want to play ED in the first round of the playoffs. Expect even more late game heroics from him. EYES UPTOWN BY 4


Eyes Downtown vs Scared Hitless (+10) - Scared Hitless, for those that don’t know, did play in D1 for a little bit there. It never went too well, although they always showed up for the playoffs. They still seem to be improving (adding Travis helps, but he won’t be playing here, since EU plays at the same time). I don’t think you can ever count SH out, but has Bobby ever gone 3-5 in the regular season? Do you think he’ll be okay going 0-2 against D2? If he does, HAS father time finally caught up to him? Is it over? It’s not. EYES DOWNTOWN BY 17


D2 Games:


Freeballers vs Puckett All-Stars (+3) - Puckett will continue to try its best to get another victory under their belts, although they struggled against the Freeballers last time they played. PAS actually has the better offense, but Freeballers have a Sean. FREEBALLERS BY 3


Can’t Touch This vs Puckett All-Stars (EVEN) - These two teams meet again after CTT’s late game heroics got them to a 47-46 victory a couple of weeks ago. Puckett continues to improve, and I feel that a lot of this will hinge on if CTT pulls the upset over Frodo in the game before this. If they do, the top seed is possible for them, and they’re going hard, if they don’t they might just have some fun and not be fully invested. CAN'T TOUCH THIS BY 2



Last Week’s Games:


Bullet Club 32, Topper’s All-Stars & Todd 30

The Malones 50, Jabronies 44

Bullet Club 30, Keller Whales 30 (TIE)

Buffalo Vice 44, Practice Squad 41

Let’s Get Reccked 36, Buffalo Vice 28

The Malones 38, Topper’s All-Stars & Todd 29

Bullet Club gets back in the win column after a close win over TAST, but they also let a lead slip into a costly tie with Keller Whales later on. The Malones get challenges from the Jabronies and TAST but still end up 2-0 on the day. Buffalo Vice went 1-1, getting a win over Practice Squad before losing to LGR later in the day. 


What We Know: BC’s tie with the Kellers puts them at 2-5-1 and locks them into the 8 seed, with TAST being locked into the 9 seed. Bullet Club vs Topper’s All-Stars & Todd in a playoff game next week. 


What’s At Stake: The #1 seed, and positioning, mostly. Buffalo Vice is locked in at 3-5, and will finish either 6th or 7th, depending on if Practice Squad can upset the Wanderers. The Jabronies can finish anywhere in the 2-4 seed range still, if they beat the Kellers (who can only finish as high as the 3rd seed), and Wanderers lose twice. LGR seems destined for the 4-5 matchup at this point. The big news is at the top, where if the Wanderers beat Practice Squad, their 11:00am game against The Malones is for the #1 seed and the right to play the BC-TAST winner next week. 

This Week’s Games:


Wanderers vs Practice Squad (+10) - PS’ return to D3 has been full of ups and downs all year: close wins, close losses, getting blown out, etc. The only thing they haven’t done is blow someone else out, but that doesn’t matter. They have their sights set on a 4-4 record and they’ll be good with that. They almost want that 3-5 record so people can doubt them again in the D3 playoffs, which always goes well for them. They’ll keep it close, but Wanderers take it late. WANDERERS BY 6


The Malones vs Wanderers (+7) - Yes, it feels weird seeing the Wanderers getting 7 points ever. But, The Malones aren’t exactly a normal team. They’re 7-0 and only 3 of their wins were one score games (9 vs BC, 6 vs Jabronies, 9 vs TAST). The two styles here are completely different, but the cool new kids on the block playing one of the longest tenured teams in Social Co-Ed Football history is a hell of a storyline. The Wanderers MIGHT have to play a little bit out of their comfort zone to stick with The Malones, but they’re more than capable. This will be a great game. THE MALONES BY 2


Jabronies vs Keller Whales (+3) - The Jabronies are the best team nobody cares to talk about. Joe Miano is his typical, efficient self, Eric Klecker catches some deep passes, and they’re in most every game they play. Yet they aren’t quite getting the respect they maybe deserve. The Kellers’ hot start is gone, and they’re 0-3-1 in their last 4, including losing to TAST along the way. This feels like two teams going in opposite directions. JABRONIES BY 8


Let’s Get Reccked vs Topper’s All-Stars & Todd (+7) - It shouldn’t come as a surprise, but when Topper sent Todd away last week on a conditioning assignment, TAST had played two of their best games. Getting Dubey has been great for Team Top, and now that he’s more comfortable with the team (and the team with Dubey), they’re a team to look out for. Let’s Get Reccked is a team chock full of potential that they’re not realizing, and they know it. For a 3:00 game, this should be a good one, depending on how long both teams have been at the bar anyway. TOPPERS ALL-STARS & TODD BY 3



Last Week’s Games:


Passing While Intoxicated 49, Vaspian 16

Interdimensional Lightning Falcons 42, Cobblestone 1

Cunning Stunts 51, Creekers 15

Reset Warriors 38, The Roaring 20s 26


D4 wasn’t very exciting last week, as most of the games were blowouts. PWI dunked on Vaspian pretty easily, Darryl Carr QB Superstar allowed ILF to win because he wanted to do something only a handful of teams have done before: Score 1 point. And the Stunts took the Creekers behind the woodshed. The Reset Warriors and TR20 played a pretty competitive game, but even that game was a two score win for RW. 

What We Know: The Cunning Stunts could go 0-2 this week against Vaspian and Cobblestone and still have clinched the #1 seed based on having beaten the only teams that could tie them in record (ILF and PWI). TR20 and Cobblestone are clinched into the 8-9 seed game, though technically the seeds themselves aren’t set. 


What’s At Stake: Not much really. Unless Vaspian shocks the world and beats the Stunts and ILF to get to 4-4, there won’t be much of a shake up. The Reset Warriors - Tater Tots game could have some implications on seeding if RW pulls off the upset. That would make them both 4-4, along with the Creekers, and then Toppers Magical Tie Breaking System would get to decide who gets to play ILF/PWI, while the other two play each other. 


This Week’s Games:


Passing While Intoxicated vs The Roaring 20s (+8) - TR20, don’t look at this season as a lost season. You came into D4 as fresh faced newbies (after wanting to start in D1, by the way) and you’ve been learning the game better and better every time you play. You’re the future of this league. PWI is on a 4 game win streak and coming into their own. Their ladies are getting the recognition they deserve as of late too. With a shot at the #2 seed on the line, they roll pretty easily. PASSING WHILE INTOXICATED BY 16


Cunning Stunts vs Cobblestone (+20) - The line is more about how good the Stunts have been as opposed to how “not good” Cobblestone has been this season. Cobblestone has had trouble getting everyone to the fields and it’s just been a rough one. It happens. The Stunts have been juggernauts, as they always seem to be. This team feels even better than the last few iterations. I think it’s time we talk about the Stunts going to D3 regardless of how the playoffs shake out. CUNNING STUNTS BY 24


Interdimensional Lightning Falcons vs Vaspian (+10) - ILF keeps chugging along, sitting at a quiet 5-2 and in second place in the division thanks to their 1 point win over PWI back in Week 3. I don’t mean quiet as a bad thing, they’re just doing what they’re supposed to do, and there hasn’t been any surprises this time around, other than a close game against the RW. Vaspian just struggles mightily on offense, especially against the good teams in the division. INTERDIMENSIONAL LIGHTNING FALCONS BY 20


Tater Tots vs Reset Warriors (+7) - The Reset Warriors are a pretty good story for a new team. Granted, they have the advantage over other new teams simply based on having players that have played in the league before. While their 3 wins are against the bottom teams in the standings, they’ve held their own against the Stunts (lost by 8) and ILF (lost by 1). You can’t sleep on them. The Tots got off to a crazy hot start, and fizzled out a little bit as the schedule got harder. They’re still in just about every game, but they feel a step behind the top 3. This is a game to watch for sure, assuming the Tots aren’t in the dunk tank all day and just forfeit instead. RESET WARRIORS BY 1


Cunning Stunts vs Vaspian (+20) - Vaspian just doesn’t have the firepower to keep up with the Stunts. CUNNING STUNTS BY 27



Last Week’s Games:


Powerpuff Girls 53, TMA 0

Not So Sticky 38, Travis Henry’s Kids 16

GUCCI 42, Travis Henry’s Kids 8

Powerpuff Girls 44, Two Tuddies 7

Come From Behind 52, Stir The Sauce 10

GUCCI 42, Two Tuddies 20


The Powerpuff Girls rocked some awesome costumes, and went 2-0 in games against TMA and the Tud Buds. Not So Sticky put a chip on their shoulder for being 16 point underdogs last week, and beat up on THK, who would then go on to lose handily to GUCCI. GUCCI put up 42 points twice to go 2-0 on the day, taking a win over the Tuddies as well. Come From Behind also just put up lots of points in an easy win over STS. 

What We Know: Just about everything. GUCCI clinched the #1 seed with a 7-0-1 record. Stir The Sauce is locked in at the #6 seed no matter what happens in their game this week. TMA and The Tuddies will finish as the 7th and 8th seeds, depending on the result of the Tuddies games against THK. 


What’s At Stake: Not much. Everything depends on what THK does. A THK win over the Powerpuff Girls locks them into the #2 seed and the standings are set from #1-#6. A PPG win causes a little bit of a shake up, assuming THK wins their game against the Tuddies, that makes THK, PPG, and CFB all tied at 5-3 for seeds 2-4, and NSS (because they tied twice somehow) falls to the 5th seed. If THK loses both games, They end up 5th, going on the road to play NSS in the playoffs. 


This Week’s Games:


Travis Henry’s Kids vs The Powerpuff Girls (+8) - As with every THK game, things depend on whether or not Pistol Pete is going to be present. THK beat PPG 43-16 in Week 1 of the season, although this isn’t the same PPG team. June has been kind to the Girls, as they’re 3-0 with a 149-40 combined scores in those games. They’re really clicking on offense, and while their defense still needs a little work, it’s coming along. If THK is without Pete, the PPG will win. If he’s there? TRAVIS HENRY’S KIDS BY 12


Stir The Sauce vs TMA (+10) - TMA looks to get revenge on STS for a 28-0 loss from Week 1 this season. TMA’s offense is dreadful, averaging 14.5 points per game, outscoring only the Dogg Pound in D6. And the defense isn’t much better, allowing 38.5 points per game, the most in the TSL. Worst offense and defense? Not a recipe for success. It’s been a tough season for TMA. STIR THE SAUCE BY 14


Travis Henry’s Kids vs Two Tuddies (+14) - The Tuddies have one last shot at not being the only team who didn’t get a win this season. Getting a THK team that needs to win this one vs getting a THK team that the game won’t matter for is a big difference. I still think Langley and Co are going to look at this game as a “get right” game after last week regardless of the result of the earlier game. TRAVIS HENRY’S KIDS BY 6



Last Week’s Games:


Blitzkrieg 27, Dogg Pound 6

Back That Pass Up 52, Just Joshing 34

Balls Deep 28, Dogg Pound 12

Mighty Drunks 40, Sticky Laces 32

Blitzkrieg takes care of business against the Dogg Pound, staying in 1st place. The DPs would go on to lose to Balls Deep, giving them their first win since Week 3. Back That Pass Up put up a lot of points against Just Joshing, who continues to improve weekly. Finally the Mighty Drunks took home a victory over Sticky Laces. 


What We Know: We know that D6 is insane, and that Sticky Laces and Dogg Pound will be playing in the 8-9 seed game. 


What’s At Stake: Firstly, The #1 seed. If Pit Harade beats Blitzkrieg, they’ll finish 6-2 and win the division. If Blitzkrieg beats Pit Harade, they’ll finish 6-2 and will only win the division if Back That Pass Up loses one of their two games against Sticky Laces and Dogg Pound. If BTPU and BK both finish 6-2, BTPU will win the division based on their 30-26 victory a couple of weeks ago. Pit Harade could fall as far as the 5th seed with a loss, if the McMuffins beat the Mighty Drunks and Balls Deep beats Just Joshing. However, Just Joshing could potentially end up the 5th seed if they beat Balls Deep and the Drunks beat the McMuffins. And if BTPU loses a game and ends up 5-3, all sorts of other scenarios open up. In D6, we have no idea what’s going to go on here. 


This Week’s Games:


Balls Deep vs Just Joshing (EVEN) - Balls Deep hasn’t been playing very well for about a month now. Just Joshing has been playing better and better every single week, and they looked good in a loss against BTPU a week ago. JUST JOSHING BY 7


Back That Pass Up vs Dogg Pound (+10) - BTPU has shaken off whatever felt “off” about them earlier this season, and now the schedule couldn’t be nicer to them when they need it most. The #1 seed is there for the taking, as long as they take care of their own business first. They’ve played (and beaten) most of the top teams in close games, only getting blown out by Pit Harade in what might be an anomaly. Perhaps they’ve got a little “Florida Panthers” in them, going from “just made the playoffs” to “losing in the championship” last year, to “playing very well to get back to the championship” a year later? The parallels are there. BACK THAT PASS UP BY 20


Back That Pass Up vs Sticky Laces (+7) - Sticky Laces might be 1-6, but they’ve been improving every week as well. They’re in games, and they’ve entered the territory of “Don’t Sleep On This Team”. While that’s all well and good, BTPU is on a mission. BACK THAT PASS UP BY 10


Sausage McMuffins vs Mighty Drunks (+7) - The Mighty Drunks might be the most confusing 4-3 team ever. They have a -54 point differential and have just looked downright awful at times this season. They’re allowing 33.7 points per game, one of only two teams giving up over 30 points per game (The other, ironically, is BTPU at 31.1 points allowed per game). And their reward for Week 8? The McMuffins, the highest scoring team in D6 at 33.9 points per game. Good Offense vs Bad Defense can only mean one thing. SAUSAGE MCMUFFINS BY 17


Blitzkrieg vs Pit Harade (+3) - This one is it! For all the marbles! (Maybe, since BK can win and then not get the #1 seed). Both teams have been playing pretty good football all year. Blitzkrieg has been incredibly consistent, and if not for an early season slip up against Balls Deep, they’d already have the #1 seed wrapped up. Pit Harade has been incredibly consistent (despite starting multiple QBs this year), and if not for an early season slip up against Balls Deep, they’d already have the #1 seed wrapped up. While that’s not entirely true, the point is that these two teams are incredibly similar. They have talented tall guys, both teams boast excellent girls, and they both have players really coming into their own. Game of the Day potential right here. BLITZKRIEG BY 2




  • What Fun Things Are Happening For Lenny And Rameer Day (Observed)? First off, we’ll be bringing back the Dunk Tank. There will be TWO Wheels of Chance - one wheel has every team listed on it and if you’re present at the bar during it being spun, everyone from that team will win drinks. The other is the Prize or Punishment wheel - If you get a prize, you’ll get free drinks, a bar tab paid for by the league, and other surprises. If you get a punishment….You’ll see. (it won’t be that bad, don’t worry. Don’t be scared.)




  • Why were you talking about fruit baskets before? If you listened to the TSL podcast (which you should!), you’d have heard Jeremy Burr talking about his win over Eyes Downtown. One of the things he did for Bobby was send him an “I’m sorry for your loss” fruit basket that just so happened to get delivered while they were recording. Lenny loved that fruit basket move (although he was usually doing it to woo someone for someone else), so it deserves an extra shout out here. 




  • Since the D1-D2 Crossover games have been mostly pretty good, what does that mean for D1? Nothing is set in stone of course, but if the D2 teams are all playing with the D1 teams and it’s not constant massacres, it bodes well for the future. It’s not a secret that a D1 with 4 teams is lame, and if the rumors are true and one of the current D1 teams fold, we won’t have a 3 team division. I’d bet that D1-D2 are going to combine in some shape or form. 




  • If that happens though, what does it mean for the rest of the league? It’s a good thing. It’ll give the powers that be the ability to move some teams around, and get the “overpowered for their division” teams up a division, and help some teams that need to drop a division move down. It’d be a nice shakeup for sure. If there’s one thing the league wants to do, it's to make things more competitive overall, but still be fun. 




  • Is there going to be a summer league? No, historically the TSL has always been a Spring and Fall league. And now we have the winter indoor session as well. But running a league in the summer presents its own challenges, namely July/August is when most people take summer vacations, and there’s just a lot to do every weekend it seems. There’s no need to compete with constant vacations, family parties, weddings, quinceaneras, or whatever else is going on. Plus, it gives the grass some time to grow a bit more before the Fall league starts up in late August. But don’t forget, we have the TSL Wine Tournament that you can sign up for right here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1kHH9UEaZ5bohtmGsUZlPjfzPF_dglSHgJurWR9OGeJo/edit#response=ACYDBNgujqnrNos58MWoX161zlrvFB3PUifHvr9d0sXRAcetvyklAKjA6QPvz1Za8_E2i6g 






  • Breakfast Club Playoffs!! This has been one of the closest BCs from top to bottom in recent memory! 
  • #6 D’s Nuts 34, #3 Mistymeanors 31
  • #4 Steph Infection 37, #5 Jeneva Conventions 27




  • There’s nothing better than a TSL party, so please, stop up at the bar and join in on the stuff going on! Go spin the wheel! Make some new friends! 




  • With the biggest article of the season coming up next week, I could always use some more information about your teams. Please take a second to email me at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. so I can get a better idea of who’s on your team and who to watch out for!




  • Speaking of things to watch out for - The Sun is on that list. Sunny and 75 is a perfect day for football and a perfect day to wear sunscreen and not get burned. 




  • The three hottest teams in the TSL right now: Powerpuff Girls, The Malones, and GUCCI




  • The three nottest teams in the TSL right now: Eyes Downtown, Practice Squad, Two Tuddies




  • Games of the Week:
  • 9:00 - Breakfast Club Playoffs!
  • 10:00 - Frodo Swaggins vs Can’t Touch This
  • 11:00 - The Malones vs Wanderers
  • 12:00 - Keller Whales vs Jabronies
  • 1:00 - Blitzkrieg vs Pit Harade
  • 2:00 - Eyes Uptown vs The Untouchaballs
  • 3:00 - Reset Warriors vs Tater Tots




  • Will B’s Brother be making an appearance for Lenny and Rameer Day (Observed)??




  • Thank you to the overflow of emails I received last weekend from TSLers who wanted to comment on my Lenny and Rameer article. I really appreciate those who take the time to read the article and comment on it, but that one was extra special and I’m glad it made others in the league really happy too. Some were about remembering our friends, others for teaching them a bit about the league history and who Lenny and Rameer were to the TSL. 




  • Even with tomorrow supposedly being a “day of fun” for all of you, I know that the games that mean something will probably be a little tense. Remember to not flip out on the other teams, your own players, and the refs (even if they get something wrong). It’ll be hot outside, but try to keep your cool. 


Just go have fun this weekend. I wish I was there. 


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