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Welcome back! Week four was a hot and humid one out on the fields, and I hope everyone remembered to bring their sunscreen and didn’t end up getting toasted like The Sentinel does most times! It was tough for us at The Sentinel to get to most games this week, so for this week some divisions will have the normal coverage, others not. We highly recommend some of you players emailing Jeff to have him fill us in on your games so we can cover everything properly! As we always say, want to get recognized? Tell us about your team! With that, let’s dive in.


Breakfast Club

Dri’s Company 31, D’s Nutz 28

D’s Nutz were without their D! Dorene was nowhere to be found this week, so DN had to rely on Mel’s mom for leadership. Dri’s company, captained by the first lady of Frodo Swaggins, who is apparently often late (just like the captain of Frodo) and not concerned with the first or second drive of the game. This leaves opportunity for Bobby McConnell to develop and use the rest of the girls. This has led DC to have the most impactful player in Sarah Hunt. She catches, she plays defense, she scores touchdowns, and most of all she plays with a smile. DC led for most of the game, but DN capitalized on  their opportunity for a two score swing at the half to make the game closer. Stoner Dave had the opportunity to seal the deal late in the second half, but combined soccer and ballet, with a 360 spin header, instead of getting a pick. Lucky for him, DC held on in the end. 



Eyes Downtown 35, Sticky Bandits 20

HE’S BACK! HE’S BACK! HE’S BACK! Everyone’s favorite Downtowner showed up on his moped, as Blasé comes back with a vengeance and blocks 2 of Mike Thomas’ passes on the first drive. Another player revived from the corpse of Tight Ends in Motion, Lindsay Stoddard, shows up and looks like she has been training for years with this crew. She still has her jukes and hands after all this time. She was seen talking to Derek Bongiovanni saying “I can’t believe Dave Baker didn’t want to keep us on his team!” Sticky kept the game close by the offensive talents of Christine Krol (the better and nicer of the Krol’s), Dave Baker and Jay Jaskier. The Sticky offense sputtered out in the end and despite best efforts, lose by 15. 



Can’t Touch this 31, Mavericks 27

A back-and-forth affair the entire way, CTT finally got some serious momentum going on offense, capitalizing on their early possessions to put the pressure on the Mavs. Jordan Lawson had his full array of weapons, and big Mike was as vocal as ever, but some unusual turnovers shifted momentum, and CTT stood strong against arguably the best team in D2. CTT has some newer faces, and we knew it might take some time to blend them in, and if this game was any indicator, it looks like that may be happening. Besides, they do still have the strongest armed QB in the league!



Wanderers 35, Bullet Club 29

This matchup is always a classic, and this one did not disappoint. Yet another back-and-forth affair, as Frank Laudico used his new weapon, Stoner Dave, to perfection all game, finding big gains. The Wanderers did not have their usual cast of ladies, and were short-handed there, but they made plays time and time again as usual. Dylan Jaloza was sharp, and moved the ball all game, utilizing his guys and girls to get chunks, even with George Lombardo ailing from a rib injury sustained earlier in the game. With the game on the line, Langley let a ball go right through his hands, and Dylan was sacked, ending yet another classic. 

Jabronies 27, Toppers All-Stars & Todd 13

This one was a bit of tough sledding for both teams, as Jabronies had to overcome the loss of Lindsey West midway through the game, and Dubey working out his chemistry with his team. Topper looked spry out there on defense, leading most to wonder if he is better out there on defense than at QB! Defense led the way here though, as both teams struggled to consistently move the ball, even taking it out on the refs sometimes! TAST looks like they have a lot of potential once the team starts to gel together, but Jabronies have been doing this so long now, and Kleckler looked on a mission, making timely catches all over the field. They were just a little too much in the end. 



Passing While Intoxicated 38, Tater Tots 28

This game makes you wonder whether the Tots came back to earth, or PWI got their groove back. Maybe a little of both? Buddy Lee was sharp and elusive all game, doing his thing back there and delivering dimes to his receivers. Alex and Colorado Mike played a great game, being the ever reliable targets buddy has grown with since coming into the league. The Tots looked just a step off for the game, with some big plays but also untimely miscues, especially from the normally sharp B. B had a couple key turnover, but some drops also plagued him. The tots staged a late comeback, but fell just short. 

Passing While Intoxicated 32, Reset Warriors 6

After beating the Tots an hour earlier, PWI had an easier draw in the second game, drawing the new kids on the block. Buddy was forced to throw to Colorado Mike, as Addison was put on IR (perhaps it was due to Renee absolutely roasting him last week!). Mike describes himself as a possession receiver; just put the ball near him and he will get it. Reset Warriors were having a rough time on it Saturday, only scoring once. They are very talented and have good athletes, but they are still working out the kinks of putting the game together. We all know how difficult that is, especially starting in D4. They will figure it out. 



Come From Behind 54, PowerPuff Girls 28

We all told you that CFB would not be sitting where they were a couple weeks ago for very long! Field 3 had a large crowd of spectators in awe of the QB’s on the field. Paul Lovullo throws a phenomenal ball, TSL’s own Tom Brady. When that ball leaves his hand it has zip, it has finesse, it’s gentle, and fierce, loving and cruel. Paul threw a dart of a touchdown on the front pylon around a PPG defender before anyone was even ready for it. On the flip side, back up QB Maddie Norton brought a much-needed spark to the PPG team. Could Maddie be the second female QB in the league??

Travis Henry’s Kids 45, Stir the Sauce 42

THK came into this game in a predicament, having to play with only 5 players on each side of the ball against a tough STS team led by big wrestler Dan. As the score indicates, it was back-and-forth the entire way like a teeter totter. Langley utilized the speed and size of his receivers over and over, while STS did the same, hitting wrestler Dan time and time again. The game ended with a little controversy, as Dan caught a deep ball down the sideline down 9 points, and while trying to stop, slipped and both feet went into the endzone, resulting in a male touchdown, effectively ending the game. THK gets by with a win, and the league bemoans Langley going down to D5 even more!



Pit Harade 33, Sticky Laces 6

The Sentinel did not get to see too much of this one, but did see enough to notice Pit Harade had some subs, and Joe K was throwing the ball! We haven’t seen that since his ladies team back in the day. Joe was sharp though, and got it to his players in space to make some plays. Sticky Laces looks like they are still adjusting to the style of play over here in the TSL, which is an adjustment for a lot of teams that come over. Like we said last week, we still want to keep our eyes on them. 


That’s it for this week! See you all on Saturday!

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