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Ladies and Gentlemen of the TSL Universe, on Saturday, August 24th at 10 am Eastern Standard Time in the Year of Our Lord 2024, it all begins again. That’s right! After nearly two months, The Race For Social Co-Ed Immortality begins anew! The TSL Spring 2024 session brought us lots of twists and turns before we arrived at our final champions, and the TSL Fall 2024 session looks to do the same! Every single season is its own story, as new teams and new players show up to do battle at the Lenny Alba Fields at The Rose Garden, looking to etch their name into the good side of TSL history. So, while the tenured TSLer knows who I am, let me tell you, the new person to the league, just who I am. I am The Godfather, a displaced TSLer who moved to Des Moines, Iowa many years ago for work, and in an effort to continue to follow the league I love (and at the time that a LOT of my friends played in before most of them got old), I’ve been writing articles for over a decade, correctly guessing game winners, and highlighting what’s going on in the league. You can usually catch my musings every Friday during the season. 


Now that that’s out of the way, let’s try to catch everyone up on what’s happened since the Spring Championship Saturday. First things first, after much debate, there was no massive D1-D2 merger, sort of. This year, both divisions have 11 teams total (5 for D1, 6 for D2) and while that ALMOST got us to a 6 team D1 and a 6 team D2 (along with a Not 10-team D3), we’ll still have two separate playoffs for the divisions. However, there are going to be MORE D1/D2 Crossover games than ever, and if there isn’t a clear “D1 is still stomping D2” type of result, I think we’ll inch even closer to the ‘realignment’ in the Spring 2025 season. But for the Fall? D2 gets all of the fun to pull “upsets” left and right with the added bonus of going for their own championship anyway. 


Another fun thing is that despite the Rose Garden claiming they were breaking ground on the Topper Dome this year, it appears that plan is shelved for yet another winter? The result for the league, however, is the addition of a 5th field! This is good since it gives us another field to play on, which means games can get done sooner, but it’s bad because that means we need to get two more refs every hour. Week 1’s ref schedule already has some new faces on it, and if you’d like to join in to help, please contact Jeff or Garrett as soon as you can. The 5th field also gives us some wiggle room when it comes to getting in make up games, etc. 


Every offseason gives us some team turnover, and no two TSL leagues ever really look the same. So here’s a quick catch up on what’s been happening: 


Same Faces, New Places (teams that changed divisions)



  • The Freeballers get all of the credit in the world, as they won D2 and they went straight to D1, no questions asked. 




  • The Malones won D3, and kind of blew everyone out of the water in doing so, and they ended up in D2, as they should have. I’m actually surprised they didn’t jump straight to D1. Word is that Rhace is scared of D1. More on this as it develops. 




  • Passing While Intoxicated made the leap into D3 after their D4 title win in the Spring. They add to what was already an exciting D3 lineup of teams. 




  • Pit Harade jumped up to D5 after a couple of winning seasons that fell short in the championship aspect of things. 




  • TMA is back in D6, where it all started for them so many seasons ago. Here’s hoping they find the success they had back then once again. 


Same Faces, Same Places (Championship teams that didn’t move up so we can shame them)



  • Sticky Bandits stayed put in D1 after winning the title last season, weak. 
  • Back That Pass Up decided not to exist anymore after winning D6. 
  • THK also decided not to exist anymore after winning D5, at least for the Fall session.  More on them in a moment.



Old Faces, Right Places (Teams that have come back to the TSL after not playing last season)



  • Grey Hair Don’t Care comes back and jumps right into the D2 mix, and they get a 10th game because of it! (It was a scheduling thing, but still.)




  • Spinelli’s Plumbing returns, and they’re in D5 again. I’m pretty sure the last time that happened, they averaged 47 points a game or something ridiculous. Look out D5!



New Faces, Right Places (Brand new teams to the TSL who have either finally come to the big leagues, or just started here in the first place.)



  • Straw Hats in D3 appears to be a Cobblestone offshoot, but one has to assume these players will show up more often? 




  • GirthQuakes in D4 is a Matt Kieta - Dylan Jaloza - Bobby McConnell side project of sorts, but they’re bringing in a few new people to the TSL in doing so. 




  • Select (Not sure if this is their team name, or if they just kept “Select” in the “Team Name” box on the registration form and went with it?) in D4 is a new team that Mark Harzynski of Tater Tots fame formed. Excited to see how they do this season. 



Same Faces, New Names (Teams that Rebranded) 



  • Wet Bandits in D1 are the newest incarnation of the “if you can’t beat ‘em, change your team name to honor them since they own you” name of whatever the Legends used to be. They were Eyes Uptown last year. 




  • Mix’n It Up in D3 is the newest name for the Keller clan, although they never should’ve strayed from 3rd and Schlong and everyone knows it. 




  • The Herd in D4 is The Roaring 20s from a season ago. 




  • Day by Day is the former Just Joshing in D6.




  • Purple Nurple are the former Mighty (Mighity?) Drunks in D6.



In Memoriam (Teams that we lost this season)



  • Tater Tots always get top billing here in the Fall, mainly because they never play in the fall session, but always come back for the spring. They’ll be missed. 




  • Puckett All-Stars showed LOTS of promise last season, and I was looking forward to seeing them improve even more this season. But all is not lost! It just appears at least some of their girls came down with pregnancy, and once the parasite is removed, they’ll look to return in the Spring! (Kidding of course, congrats!)




  • Reset Warriors lasted one season before they merged with Two Tuddies, which has led to some interesting changes for the Tud Buds this season. 




  • Back That Pass Up won D6, and I’m pretty sure Buddy said that was it for them on the final podcast of last session.  Despite making an attempt to keep the band together, they couldn’t do it, but Jeff tells me a good chunk of them have other homes throughout the league for the Fall. 




  • Travis Henry’s Kids were being dragged back to D4 kicking and screaming, knowing they don’t have the QB talent to win the big one in that division. Langley reportedly said he’d go to D4 “if I can have Stoner Dave, Ralph Finney, and Katie Salisbury”, and when Jeff easily said no, John canned the team in protest, robbing us all of a season of Pistol Pete. 


Well, that should just about catch everyone up on the comings and goings of the league to get us to where we are now. The Fall session of TSL is always a blast as it coincides with big college football games being on at the bar, everyone wanting off the weekend of Fall Fest in Ellicottville, but it also has the occasional potential snowstorm as well. And maybe a Halloween Bowl. The real question, of course, is which teams are going to rise up and grab the Social Co-Ed Football Immortality? Let’s take a look here. 




Odds To Win The Championship: 


Wet Bandits (3-1)

Sticky Bandits (5-1)

Eyes Downtown (5-1)

Frodo Swaggins (20-1)

Freeballers (100-1)


Preseason Hype: On paper, the Wet Uptowns have the most talented roster, but as the TSL has shown us time and time again, having the best athletes doesn't always mean you’re going to win. After an offseason of “will they break up?”, the Wet Uptowns stuck together to try to win this thing yet again, and after a year without a title, they’re itching to get there. Sticky returns as the reigning, defending, undisputed, TSL heavyweight champions of the world. The entire squad is back, although last year’s difference maker Maggie is apparently injured, so Rylee Moser joins her sister Laura on Sticky this year. No official word yet on if Steve is training in the shadows, ready to step in if something happens to Mike Thomas midseason. I’m assuming yes. Eyes Downtown had their worst season in a long time as a franchise last year, and the whispers that it was because Bobby lost his edge and focused his time elsewhere are only getting louder this season as he’s starting a D4 team and having “other fun”. They return the same squad from last year (slightly surprising, I expected a big free agent pickup) as they try to win back their title. Frodo Swaggins has been the whipping post for D1 for a bit, but last year was the worst of it, as Garrett fell in love for real and his body just didn’t know how to react to those feelings, throwing him off his game (Or he’s just getting older, same thing). After a few seasons where Frodo tried to get fresh, new people to join their squad, they’ve decided to go the complete other way this offseason, acquiring approximately 7,429 games of Social Co-Ed Football experience, adding Kevin Zack from Sticky Bandits, and coaxing Micah Hanford out of semi-retirement. While those are some big names to grab if this was 2010, they’re still pretty good ones for 2024 too. And last but not least, the Freeballers join D1, which is great. And before Scott gets mad at me, this time you’re not 100-1 as a joke, D1 is hard, and there are some GOOD teams in your way. There will be some growing pains, and losing Sean, of course, is hard. But Freeballers are a feel good story regardless, as Hogan returns to the field after some challenging time off. He’s the league’s hero this season no matter what. 


Preseason Prediction: Wet Bandits finally get it together after a year of not doing so, wrestling the D1 title away from Sticky on Championship Saturday. 


This Week’s Games:


Sticky Bandits vs Freeballers (+10) - In an unsurprising move, Jeff Krol gives his squad the weakest team in D1 to start the season as a tuneup. Hogan has some rust to knock off, Freeballers have to adjust slightly, and it’ll be a promising start, but not a winning start. STICKY BANDITS BY 13


Wet Bandits vs Eyes Downtown (+3) - These two teams look to get their suspensions out of the way early again this year, as they meet up for another Week 1 battle. One has to think cooler heads will prevail this time though, as they have a common enemy in the Sticky Bandits. I expect a hard fought game that will come down to the wire. Give me the team with the better QB in that scenario. WET BANDITS BY 3



With D1/D2 Crossover games happening nearly every single week, this is where I’ll normally post those game predictions in a regular article. However, for today, I’ll do it after I go over the teams in D2. 



Odds To Win The Championship:


The Malones (3-1)

Mavericks (4-1)

Can’t Touch This (6-1)

The Untouchaballs (8-1)

Grey Hair Don’t Care (10-1)
Scared Hitless (12-1)


Preseason Hype: I’m not betting against The Malones until I can see someone slow them down and stop them. They were a juggernaut last year in D3, and word is that they’ve only gotten better for this year. Like I said before, I wish we saw them in D1, but that will have to wait until Spring. They join a ridiculously even division that almost saw a 5 way tie for first place last season. The Mavericks are right there with them, and while the good vibes team of the Spring fell short of a title, they should definitely be in the mix this season as well, although losing Misty Himes for the season (on the IR with “wedding”) is going to hurt. Can’t Touch This actually got through their wedding stuff last season, so they can focus even more on the on field product this year. After a long losing streak last season, they started winning games, including crossovers, and had a very good shot at the D2 title. Despite offseason rumors that Ben Stack was going to join CTT, he wasn’t allowed to leave Bobby, but CTT apparently signed the good Stack, Kate, to a contract anyway. The Untouchaballs are back yet again, and they’re returning mostly the same team, adding Steph Czaja along the way. I was informed of some Burr leaving the team rumors, but he’s just too damn good of a QB to run to play second fiddle to anyone else, so I won’t believe it until I see it. Grey Hair Don’t Care returns after a season off, and while most of the team is coming back to the TSL, QB Dave isn’t, as he led the Freeballers to the D2 title game and sent them to D1. Can he win two in a row with two different teams? Lastly, Scared Hitless continues to be a very good team, although the Travis experiment is no longer. Losing him hurts of course, but they always seem to find their way along the course of the season. 


Preseason Prediction: The Malones beat The Untouchaballs in a ridiculously entertaining game that will have the best, loudest smack talk session between Burr and Rhace that the TSL hasn’t seen in ages. 

This Week’s Games: 


Crossover Corner! 


Can’t Touch This vs Frodo Swaggins (EVEN) - Our first Crossover game is already an even line. That’s exciting! CTT, if memory serves me correctly, beat Frodo in a Crossover game last season, so here we are with a slight grudge match as Frodo tries to “get one back”. CAN’T TOUCH THIS BY 3


Wet Bandits vs Grey Hair Don’t Care (+10) - I don’t yet know what GHDC is going to look like in their return, so it’s hard to pick them against the D1 favorites. WET BANDITS BY 14

D2 Games!


The Malones vs Scared Hitless (+7) - On the one hand, The Malones win games because they’re fast and athletic as heck. But so are Scared Hitless. SH has won D2, they’ve played in D1, and they know what it takes to win in the upper divisions. They have the knowhow, which goes a long way here. But The Malones have something to prove, and I can’t imagine them not being hyped for Week 1. THE MALONES BY 13


Can’t Touch This vs Grey Hair Don’t Care (+6) - As I said before, I don’t know what to expect from GHDC, but I know what to expect from CTT. Right now, they’re in a winning phase, and I expect that to continue. CAN’T TOUCH THIS BY 8



Odds To Win The Championship:


Wanderers (3-1)

Let’s Get Reccked (4-1)

Mix’n It Up (6-1)

Jabronies (7-1)

Bullet Club (11-1)

Practice Squad (12-1)

Buffalo Vice (12-1)

Passing While Intoxicated (12-1)

Topper’s All Stars & Todd (15-1)

Straw Hats (20-1)


Preseason Hype: D3 has 10 teams, which works because D3 tends to be the division with the closest games and an “anyone can win it” feel to it. Granted, The Malones disrupted that last season, but they’re in D2 now, and they’re replaced by PWI (who should fit in wonderfully here) and Straw Hats (who I don’t know enough about, but sure!). The Wanderers are on top here as they should be. They’re essentially the same team they always are, and stopping Sal and Stoner Dave feels impossible at times. Here comes 9 one score games. Let’s Get Reccked has a LOT of talent but never quite puts it together for one reason or another. They could still use some girl depth, but Molly and Becca more than hold their own. The Kellers are always near the top of the standings, and this could be the breakout season for Damien. The Kellers are due for a championship, aren’t they? The Jabronies return, but they took a significant blow in the offseason, losing Carly to a broken everything in her leg. This is why NFL teams don’t let their players play on Arena League teams during the offseason. Between losing Carly and Lindsey still being hurt from last season, they dusted off Emma and brought her back to the league. She was on her way to being a star in the TSL before life took her elsewhere, let’s see how she does now that she’s back. Bullet Club returns largely the same team from last season, as their inability to close out games last season led to their early exit in the playoffs. Practice Squad is back again, adding new girls to the roster to take some of the pressure off Ashtin and Renee, and B too. Buffalo Vice is the same crew they’ve been for 100 years now, but hopefully a bit more healthy than last season! PWI, like I said, makes the jump up to D3 and added TSL veteran Dorene to the mix, who will be right at home on a team with “Intoxicated” in their name. TAST returns, although defensive stalwart Topper might miss a game or two to start the year, but the bigger news is that they’ve coaxed future TSL Hall of Famer Cheryl Julicher out of semi-retirement. That could pay big dividends. Lastly, we have Straw Hats who I don’t know too much about just yet. 


Preseason Prediction: The Wanderers continue their solid brand of football dominance to pull off the championship victory over Mix’n It Up. 


This Week’s Games:


Wanderers vs Jabronies (+3) - The Jabronies are going to be players for the D3 title mix for sure, but getting the D3 favorites off the bat when they’re working in new players is just bad luck. WANDERERS BY 3


Mix’n It Up vs Straw Hats (+8) - If there’s ever a good litmus test for how well a new team will do in D3, it’s seeing how good they look against the Kellers. I’m sure the Kellers will be mixing things up on the field, which will give us a good look at what the Hats will bring to the table this season. MIX’N IT UP BY 10


Bullet Club vs Buffalo Vice (+7) - Two teams in a must win game to start the season? Sign me up. Vice and The Club both are looking to be around the 7th seed in the league projections, so this tiebreaker is going to mean a lot in October. The reason that matters is while everyone makes the playoffs, the first round is 7v10 and 8v9. This should be a good one. BULLET CLUB BY 3


Jabronies vs Topper’s All-Stars & Todd (+6) - With potentially no Topper to shutdown Eric Kleckler on deep balls, Jabronies could have a field day here. I’m expecting a lower scoring game in this one that comes down to the wire. JABRONIES BY 4


Wanderers vs Bullet Club (+8) - A tradition unlike any other, I’m pretty sure the Wanderers have played Bullet Club in Week 1 multiple times since they’ve joined the TSL, and yet again they get another double header to start the year. Marquee games like this (and for example, Wet Uptowns vs Eyes Downtown) playing in Week 1 is kind of fun to do. However, Bullet Club feels a step behind the Wanderers currently, so I don’t think this game is going to be what we’re used to. WANDERERS BY 10


Passing While Intoxicated vs Practice Squad (EVEN) - It’s like looking in a mirror. It’s a bit symbolic that PWI plays Practice Squad in their first game in D3, because they’ve essentially taken the path that Practice Squad forged before them. Winning D5, moving up and winning D4, and now moving up to D3 (Okay, PS blew the D5 title in OT, I know, but we’ll give a pass here). PWI will have slight growing pains, which will give PS the edge they’re going to need. PRACTICE SQUAD BY 1. 



Odds To Win The Championship:


Cunning Stunts (2-1)

ILF (4-1)

Creekers (6-1)

GirthQuakes (10-1)

Select (15-1)

Vaspian (17-1)

Cobblestone (18-1)

The Herd (20-1)


Preseason Hype: There isn’t much to love about D4 this season, because there are a lot of questions after the top teams. The Cunning Stunts look to maybe actually win a championship this time around, and they stole Maddie Norton from the PowerPuff Girls to help them do it. ILF returns everyone, but they added Buddy Lee at QB to solidify the position, which might get them over the hump. The Creekers continue to get better, and Quentin Carbone showed up and showed out at the wine tournament, which can only mean good things for the team. After the Top 3, there’s just a bunch of question marks. The GQs have the familiar names of Bobby, Kieta, and Dylan (clearly using nice guy Dylan to counteract the general “Ugh. Bobby and Kieta?” feeling that refs around the TSL already feel. Select is very Tater Tots-esque, so hopefully they’ll make some noise right away. Vaspian always seems to go through roster issues, so we don’t get a good read on them until Week 7. Cobblestone, same idea. And The Herd might have the worst odds, but they might be the bet to make as one of the best QBs in the league’s history, Mark Dalfonso, dusts himself off to help the new guys get it together. 


Preseason Prediction: The Cunning Stunts finally, finally, finally win this thing, outlasting the Creekers in the finals. 


This Week’s Games:


ILF vs Cobblestone (+10) - Despite their absolutely ridiculously long name, ILF is just now going to be ILF no matter what in these articles. It’s exciting to see how they fare with Buddy Lee at QB, and defense was never an issue for them. Cobblestone is still largely an unknown until they show up. ILF BY 18


GirthQuakes vs Select (+6) - The oddsmakers apparently are giving Select points simply because of the names we know on the other team. I can’t imagine Bobby is throwing, is he? In D4? If that’s the case perhaps his players are brand new to the league, and I hope he isn’t making them do two-a-days already. Good thing Kieta is there to bring the smiles, fun, and level headedness new teams need. One of these teams is going to have a brand new TSL star on it. But which one? GIRTHQUAKES BY 7


Creekers vs Vaspian (+7) - The fun about Vaspian is that you really don’t always know what you’re going to get from them each season. It didn’t used to always be like that, but that’s what happens when people get married and have kids or get a career and forget about how important Social Co-Ed Touch Football is. When they have a consistent team, they can play shutdown D and beat anyone. But right now, the Creekers have been a very good team for a calendar year and show signs of getting better every week. CREEKERS BY 10


GirthQuakes vs Cobblestone (+3) - Doubleheader for both squads. Always a fun test for a team in Week 1. GIRTHQUAKES BY 8


Select vs Vaspian (EVEN) - This could be quite an entertaining game, another matchup of two teams with doubleheaders. SELECT BY 3


Cunning Stunts vs The Herd (+14) - New QB or not, The Herd gets the Cunning Stunts buzzsaw that got even better this offseason. There’s only two ways this game ends: a bloodbath or the biggest upset to start a season ever. CUNNING STUNTS BY 20



Odds To Win The Championship:


GUCCI (3-1)

Come From Behind (4-1)

Not So Sticky (6-1)

Spinelli’s Plumbing (6-1)

Power Puff Girls (10-1)

Stir The Sauce (12-1)

Two Tuddies (18-1)

Pit Harade (20-1)


Preseason Hype: Stop me if you heard this before, but GUCCI and CFB are favorites to win the whole thing in D5. Again. GUCCI chose not to move onto D4 (which they easily could have, despite not winning D5 yet), so Kelly Kane and crew are ready to finally win their first TSL championship this Fall. CFB returns the same squad they’ve had for eternity. Not So Sticky loses Christine Krol (she didn’t ref, no exceptions from Jeff!) but they gain Ricky Recckio, so I think things will be okay for them. Spinelli’s returns and the offensive fireworks will hopefully come with it. The Power Puff Girls made strides last season, although the loss of Maddie is going to hurt a little. I’m sure they’ll be okay. Stir The Sauce returns last season’s team that made a little run as Wrestler Dan and the Buscaglias are primed to take another step this fall. The Two Tuddies made big moves in the offseason, moving on from QB Nick Stutzman to acquire Shirtless Chris’ brother, Shirted Wolcott to throw after the Reset Warriors needed a reset. Pit Harade jumps up to D5 after not winning the D6 title last season. They’ve added old Overcompensators QB Larry to the team after just about everyone played QB at some point last season. Not sure how they’re going to do in D5. 


Preseason Predictions: Not So Sticky works their way into the D5 title game where they allow 42 points to Spinelli’s, who wins the title. 


This Week’s Games:


Come From Behind vs Power Puff Girls (+7) - The PPG get a tough test to see how they’re going to do this season right out of the gate, as they get Come From Behind. CFB still has Paul’s rocket arm (seriously, we may need PED testing here in the TSL), Harlan’s speed, and Molly and Leslie, so they’re going to be fine here. COME FROM BEHIND BY 12


Spinelli’s Plumbing vs Power Puff Girls (+7) - Out of the frying pan and into the fire for the PPGs as their doubleheader brings them Spinelli’s buzzsaw of an offense. Granted, they might be rusty and not on the same page, but I’ve seen them score a lot of points over a lot of seasons and I think it’s like riding a bike for them. SPINELLI’S PLUMBING BY 14


Not So Sticky vs Two Tuddies (+7) - A classically fun lighthearted “rivalry” between NSS and the Tud Buds has been around about as long as the Tuddies have been. It’s a good test for the new look Tuddies. NOT SO STICKY BY 3



Odds To Win The Championship:


Blitzkrieg (3-1)

Sausage McMuffins (5-1)

Balls Deep (7-1)

TMA (8-1)

Purple Nurple (10-1)

Day By Day (10-1)

Sticky Laces (12-1)

Dogg Pound (15-1)


Preseason Hype: D6 looks different nowadays with Pit Harade and BTPU moving on. Fall Blitzkrieg is back, and while it felt that maybe they should’ve made a jump up to D5 as well, usually this season is when QB Alex doesn’t play, and they have to reset anyway. BK has the most talent in the division, and they’ve come so close time and time again. This has to be the year, right? The McMuffins return to pick up where they left off last season, and there’s a good chance they’ll be battling for a title. Balls Deep was a bit of a paper tiger last season, but making some improvements on both sides of the ball can make them a contender asap. TMA is back in D6, which is a good thing for them AND the division, as it makes things more competitive for all of D6, and TMA can get their groove back too. After some tough seasons, they should find some more wins here. Purple Nurple (see: Mighty Drunks) look to bring back the same team as before, but they still need to shore up the defensive woes from a season ago. Day By Day (Just Joshing) figured out how football worked during last season, and was easily one of the TSL’s most improved teams as the season ended. They look to build on that this year. Sticky Laces came on at the end of the year as well, and they’ve added some more girls to help get them over the hump. Dogg Pound had a rough first season, but they’re a team that started figuring it out as time went on. 


Preseason Prediction: Fall Blitzkrieg continues doing what they do best and blowing it in the playoffs, losing to the McMuffins in the title game. (Maybe I’m trying a reverse jinx, maybe not)

This Week’s Games:


Day By Day vs TMA (EVEN) - A good return team for TMA to come back to, Just Josh…Day By Day is a solid opponent for even the oldest of franchises. It’ll be good to see TMA back on the field doing their thing. TMA BY 3


Sticky Laces vs Dogg Pound (+3) - These two teams met in the playoffs last season and had quite a good game in the 8v9 battle if I remember correctly. QB Kyle made strides in his first season throwing for the Laces, so look for that to continue. Hopefully the DP found a QB in the offseason, as that was part of their issues last year. STICKY LACES BY 8


Balls Deep vs Sticky Laces (+10) - Balls Deep doesn’t always score a ton, but they usually play excellent defense, which should spell trouble for the Laces who are working in new players AND they’ll be on their second game of the day. BALLS DEEP BY 6


Sausage McMuffins vs Purple Nurple (+7) - Not sure which version of either team we’ll get here, but if I take the averages of last season, the McMuffins shouldn’t have any issue scoring on the Nurps. SAUSAGE MCMUFFINS BY 19




  • Can you pick alternate winners for each division? Sure. Sticky Bandits, The Untouchaballs, Jabronies, ILF, Come From Behind, and Day By Day? 




  • Who are the three best long shots to bet on odds wise? I’m only picking teams 10-1 or more here. Stir The Sauce, Select, and Passing While Intoxicated. 




  • What’s the best storyline to follow for the Fall 2024 season? I think there’s a lot of good storylines to follow, but the one the entire league should be most interested in is the addition of even more D1/D2 crossover games. D2 teams went 4-4 last season against D1, and now there will be even more games between the two divisions. Some big D2 wins this season would be really interesting for sure. 




  • How are the fields after the Spring session? Really good actually! Jeff said the grass grew in nicely, and the 5th field is actually a brand new one that we’ll get to “break in” a bit this season. Expect that new field to be a little rough, but the schedule has been rigged so that every team plays exactly one or two games on that field.  Everyone can share the burden of Field 5 together!




  • What division is looking to be the most competitive? It’s probably D2, but I’m going to go with D3 since they have more teams that feel pretty close together. 





  • You’re looking at a beautiful, 80 degree day tomorrow. Absolutely perfect weather to start the season! 




  • Yes, Breakfast Club is back! We have three new captains in Rylee, Carly, and Sydney, and it starts next week! Excited to see what bets they bring to the table. 




  • Remember that parking may still be a bit tight, so try not to leave big gaps between your vehicles so we can fit as many cars in the lot as we can. 




  • Games of the Day: 
  • 10:00 - Scared Hitless vs The Malones
  • 11:00 - Jabronies vs Wanderers
  • 12:00 - Frodo Swaggins vs Can’t Touch This
  • 1:00 - Girthquakes vs Select
  • 2:00 - Wet Bandits vs Eyes Downtown
  • 3:00 - Cunning Stunts vs The Herd




  • If you’re willing to help referee, again, please reach out to Jeff Krol, Garrett, Topper, Joe K, Cookie Monster, B’s Brother, Elmo, or whoever you can and they’ll get you in the right direction. 




  • If you’re new here, you should know that every week we’ll have 2-3 articles about the league here on the site and I think the podcast is happening again too! There’s tons of league content!




  • If you want to lend a hand in helping the league with anything, social media, taking pictures, writing a weekly article, coming on the podcast to talk about your team, etc, please reach out to the same people I listed above (except for Elmo, he doesn’t like helping with this stuff).




  • Please remember not to berate the refs even if they make a questionable call or a mistake. Yelling at the refs won’t be tolerated, you’ll get kicked out, and you’ll just look like a douchebag jerk. 




  • I was told that Dog Day is returning on September 14th, where the Buffalo Animal Shelter is going to show up to the fields with adoptable pets to play with. Make sure you’re there to adopt your new best friend!




  • Remember, if you want to get your team more pub in the article, let me know who you are and email me at thegodfather@tsl716.com so that I can get some inside info on your team! 


Welcome back TSLers! The Race for Social Co-Ed Immortality is on! Who’s going to win it? 



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