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- Written by Patrick McGovern
- Category: The Godfather's Picks
- Published: 18 September 2020
- Created: 18 September 2020
- Hits: 3031
Ladies and Gentlemen of the TSL Universe!
Hello again! Somehow, we’re already at Week 6 of the #TSL2020 Season. I know this season has just been freakin’ bananas with how things have gone for all of you in New York, but it still feels like we just got this thing started.
Let’s face it, there’s NEVER going to be enough football.
This is normally where I’d give my halfway point predictions, but that feels like too hard of a task when you consider that some teams have still only played about 2 games. That means a few doubleheaders are going to be coming up for some teams, which can really affect the standings.
Then again, none of this really matters. The season, if you didn’t know, everyone makes the playoffs across all of the divisions. The regular season really only matters for teams to get themselves on the same level and prepare for the 6, 7, or 8 team tournament that will take place in October to decide just which of those among you are worthy of Co-Ed Football Immortality!
We do, at least, have some sense of where things are trending. That’s why I’ll be telling you what’s Surprising and Not Surprising in each division so far. The best part of getting more games played, of course, is that the TSLQBPRC is getting a little better with making the lines for this article. Don’t think your team should EVER give double digit points to someone? Go yell at them.
Let’s get into the chaos. . . .
Last Week’s Games:
Public Enemy 41, Marketing Mayors 15
Gryffindor 44, Why So Serious? 26
Eyes Downtown 38, Marketing Mayors 21
Public Enemy 30, Tight Ends In Motion 29
Not really anything unexpected this week. Marketing Mayors got the Doubleheader of Doom and proceeded to go 0-2, as most teams would when the play Public Enemy and Eyes Downtown. Gryffindor got a nice win over WSS?, which I was told was Joey’s first win against a D1 team in a regular season game since moving up a few seasons ago. That’s pretty awesome. Tight Ends couldn’t overcome the loss of Emily Curry, who is going to miss the rest of the season with a broken hand of some sort, that’s a tough loss for TEIM. But shout out to PE for dusting off JZ and beating TEIM with a shorthanded crew!
What’s Surprising: Not much in the TSL’s marquee division as we have PE and ED sitting at 1-2 as they always tend to be. Why So Serious? Is struggling a bit in their first go at the top dogs, but that’s to be expected as well. Tight Ends’ offense looks to be about as bland and punchless as it always is when Alex returns to QB. It’s hard to win games in D1 when you can’t make passes over 15 yards. I know at least half of the team stares longingly at Seth’s number in their phones every Friday night. It’s hard to call the Mayors’ 1-2 start surprising considering who they just played last weekend. All in all, D1 just feels par for the course so far.
Last Week’s Games:
Jabronies 36, Dilfs 20
Jabronies 52, Peachy Platoon 23
Dilfs 27, Bullet Club 15
Sticky Bandits 37, Morning Wood 31
How about the Jabronies? Taking out the defending champions who were too scared to go to D1 rather easily, and then simply FEASTING on the Dean-less Peachy Platoon. That’s a hell of a way to start your day, isn’t it? It’s looking more and more like the recent additions to the team are starting to gel with the nucleus of the team, and that can mean really good things are on the way in the form of a D2 title. The Dilfs beat Bullet Club in a rematch of last year’s final, pulling away in the second half. Bullet Club went with Ricky at QB last week, so it remains to be seen who plays under center for this team as the season goes on. Slytherin gets by Team Topper to move to 3-0, Topper considered calling the health department on us to shut the league down so the record books will never be able to show that he lost to Gary and Mo in the same season. (He didn’t call, don’t worry.) And finally, Sticky continues to show that they belong in the TSL’s most competitive division top to bottom, walking away with a hard fought victory, as Morning Wood loses their second straight game since Topper placed the “Bucket Bounty” on them.
What’s Surprising: It’s hard to be really surprised here, when this is a division where truly anyone can beat anyone. Slytherin has yet to get in their own way this season (it’s coming though) and Gary made it a point to email me to RAVE about how well Free Agent pickup Taylor Pagano has been playing for SITE. She alone has 6 TDs and 2-3 interceptions. The Jabronies sitting at 3-1 is surprising, I’ll admit it. I don’t think I expected this performance out of them, but they’re currently averaging the most Points For in the division. Sticky is also 3-1, as they’re trying not to be outdone by Jabronies at all. Mike Thomas is the best QB you never heard of right now, but the whispers of “system QB” get a little louder when people see him rise up the QB ranks. Dr. Christine is the truth, and don’t you forget it. Completely unsurprising for D2 is seeing Dilfs and Bullet Club smack in the middle of the pack, as apparent attendance issues and ever changing QBs have once again affected both team’s records. But hey, Dubey was here this week. Morning Wood got the feel good win over Team Topper, but haven’t won since. That win looks a little less fun when you realize that HOFBRAUHAUS is 0-4, although HB can score points. The problem they’re having is stopping anyone, a far cry from last season’s shut down defense. Lastly, Peachy Platoon, the early season favorites to win it all, are 1-2, and things don’t look to be any more promising with the news of Dean not being able to play. They’re still a tough out, as all D2 teams are though.
HOFBRAUHAUS BUFFALO vs Peachy Platoon (+11) – I don’t know if the loss of Dean should make PP a double digit underdog here, and I’d gladly bet them with the points here. This should be a back and forth game, but I’m not sure if HB can keep up with PP’s speed across the board. It’s going to depend on the new Peachy QB and if he can make some plays. Look for the veteran HB defense to make some plays here. HOFBRAUHAUS BUFFALO BY 4
Public Enemy vs Slytherin That End Zone (+15) – Heavy is the head that wears the crown. Slytherin gets a chance to shock the entire TSL with an upset over one of the best teams in the league. The problem is that they just don’t have the horses to compete with PE, nor do I think Newman will ever be able to solve the PE defense at full strength. Dawson might be able to keep pace with Boccio, that’s about it. PUBLIC ENEMY BY 23
Morning Wood vs Why So Serious? (+4) – You read that right. The D2 team is FAVORED in this contest, the only crossover game where this happens. Again, blame the committee. Morning Wood has been looking for respect for years it seems, and this is a nice step towards exactly that. I do believe both teams will score on each other, but I think the TSLQBPRC placed a chip on the shoulder of the team in purple, and they’re going to be more focused than ever. WHY SO SERIOUS? BY 3
Eyes Downtown vs Jabronies (+19) – Well, the Jabronies are in one hell of a pickle here, aren’t they? The Crossover Week’s biggest line is right here, as ED tries to stay perfect on the season. The Jabronies are an early feel good story for the TSL, but there’s not a planet in the multiverse where they win this game. They’ll cover the spread though. EYES DOWNTOWN BY 17
Gryffindor over Sticky Bandits (+13) – I don’t agree with this line whatsoever. I think the Sticky Bandits are smart enough, and talented enough, to pull the upset here. Gryffindor has a lot more to prove in D1 (last week’s win was a start) and there’s been many people who figured they’d take the Dilf’s spot in D2 if they moved up (Again, they didn’t). Jeff Krol is a mastermind, as is Dave Baker. Look for them to figure out a way to stifle Joey Batts, take Travis out of the game, and take this one. STICKY BANDITS BY 3
Marketing Mayors vs Dilfs (+11) - I guess we’ll see just how right the Dilf’s were to stay down in D2 in this one. You can bet your ass off that they’ll be going hard in this one. The Mayors definitely have the athletic advantages, but there’s a chance the Dilf’s are the smarter team. If Dubey shows up this week, we could have a good one on our hands. MARKETING MAYORS BY 8
Tight Ends In Motion vs Bullet Club (+8) – It’s hard to predict a game when you don’t know who’s throwing for one of the teams each week, but this a game that I think either team can win. Whichever BC QB plays, they’re going to have to deal with Maggie rushing, which means they’ll have way less time than they’re accustomed to. Bullet Club possesses an underrated defense, and they’re a good chance Zach Newberry can get an interception or two if TEIM tries to go deep. This one will go back and forth for sure. TIGHT ENDS IN MOTION BY 6
Last Week’s Games:
All We Do Is Quinn 40, Frodo Swaggins 38
The Untouchaballs 41, En Fuego 14
Grey Hair 30, Scared Hitless 22
Cunning Stunts 36, Vaspian 26 (D3/D4 Crossover Game)
Quinn and Frodo had quite the barnburner this weekend in what many consider a preview for the D3 title. Grey Hair – Don’t Care beat up on their former friends in Scared Hitless, taking the HKENDGAME Bowl. You know QB Dave loved that one. The Untouchaballs get their first win of the season, routing an overmatched En Fuego squad that couldn’t stop throwing interceptions. Finally, the Stunts win one for D4, beating Vaspian in this week’s D3/D4 crossover matchup.
What’s Surprising: Grey Hair – Don’t Care is the answer here, as they’re 3-0 on the season and looking good. They’re having the season most people thought Scared Hitless would be having at this point, and it has to feel good to those that stayed during the End Game divorce. Quinn and Frodo being at the top of the standings is very unsurprising of course. Both teams are very good, and they matchup so well with each other. En Fuego is stuggling on offense, which is expected when you make the jump up two divisions. Scared Hitless is still finding their way, and perhaps still finding a QB. If the Untouchaballs can continue to figure out things on the defensive side of the ball, they’re a threat to even the top teams in the division. Vaspian hasn’t won a game yet, which is a shame. They might be earmarked for D4 in the spring. There’s nothing wrong with that, look how well it’s gone for Mountain Dew Me.
This Week’s Games:
All We Do Is Quinn vs Grey Hair – Don’t Care (+7) – Here’s an awesome matchup. Two 3-0 teams go to battle to be the division’s lone undefeated team. Grey Hair is a little surprising, while it’s no surprise to see Quinn atop the standings, their usual spot before they blow it in the playoffs, as is tradition. Both teams were winners of huge games last weekend, and they’ll be looking to carry that momentum into this game. This should be a fun one. ALL WE DO IS QUINN BY 1
All We Do Is Quinn vs The Untouchaballs (+14) - As much as I’m loving the story of The Untouchaballs so far, this is not the team they’ll figure out how to play defense on. Quinn is just going to roll here, but I bet both teams score over 30. ALL WE DO IS QUINN BY 17
En Fuego vs Vaspian (+6) – This is a must win game for Blasé’s squad. They put their money where their mouth is, but it’s gone very poorly so far. A loss to a winless Vaspian team who has nothing to lose would be catastrophic for Fuego. Both teams need this win to save their seasons, but I feel like En Fuego is going to want it more. EN FUEGO BY 3
Frodo Swaggins vs Grey Hair (+5) – The schedule is not kind to Grey Hair as they get as hard of a doubleheader as they could get here. Frodo is still reeling over losing to Quinn last week, and there’s no way that a team with Garrett and Scotty on it will lose two straight games. It feels impossible. Right? FRODO SWAGGINS BY 2
Scared Hitless vs Freeballers (+16) – No, I’m sorry Committee That Makes the Lines, the Freeballers are simply better than you think they are. Both of these teams are works in progress, as they’re new teams, with new QB’s who are figuring out the game. Both teams have stand out girls (Steph and Trish for Freeballers, Jaimie and Carly for Hitless). It’s really going to come down to who makes a mistake first. Look for the upset here, because it’s more fun. FREEBALLERS BY 1
Uncle Rico’s 52, Family Feud And Some Dudes 39
The Angels 53, Over Compensators 32
Buffalo Solar Solutions 36, Freeballers 22
Family Feud and Some Dudes 53, Cunning Stunts 44
The Angels 51, Family Feud And Some Dudes 30
Ah yes, the rare “Triple Header” week was played by Family Feud And Some Dudes, and what a week it was. They played arguably the three toughest teams in the division, and they went 1-2 with a nice win over the Stunts while falling to The Angels and Uncle Rico’s. THERE’S THE ANGELS WE KNOW. Two wins, and they scored 50+ points in both games. Bobby is seemingly finding his groove with the girls, and now they’re starting to roll. D4 needs to look out, as usual. Uncle Rico’s continues being good at football as they’re a top D4 title contender. Chris Nelson is out there destroying people, reminiscent of his father, who made an appearance as well I hear! Finally, Buffalo Solar continued their nice start to the season with an easy win against the Freeballers, who are still, as we keep saying, finding their way together.
What’s Surprising: The Cunning Stunts look mortal now. The former champs currently sit at 1-2, with a negative point differential. I’m not sure what’s wrong here, anyone want to tell me? Thanks. The rest of the division is going how you figured it would. The Angels haven’t lost yet, and they’re finding their stride. Uncle Rico’s has a legit shot at the title as long as QB Timmy doesn’t regress. I don’t think he does. Buffalo Solar is waiting in the wings at 2-1, but after a really nice email from Dan, (You’re great!) he let it be known that some of the roster he thought they’d have this season ended up bailing, albeit for good reasons. The OC is going through a few growing pains, but honestly I figured they’d be scoring a little more than they are. Family Feud looks like they’re insane to watch. Seriously. They’ve scored a ridiculous 163 points in 4 games. The problem? They’ve allowed 215. That’s a LARGE number. They need to figure out defense and FAST. Lastly, the Freeballers find themselves bringing up the rear, but with 83 points for and 110 against, they’re not too far off from competing with most of the division.
This Week’s Games:
Cunning Stunts vs Freeballers (+7) – If there was ever a good time for the Freeballers to catch the Stunts, now might be it. The Stunts don’t seem like themselves this time around, and in past seasons this line would’ve been doubled. The Freeballers need to focus on using all of their girls to make sure they get the gender points. It’s the only way to win. CUNNING STUNTS BY 2
Cunning Stunts vs Over Compensators (+6) – Conversely, this is the week the Stunts will get their groove back, playing two teams that are still learning how to play in D4. Something isn’t quite clicking for the OC just yet, but I have faith that a team that ROLLED D5 last season can figure it out in the next few weeks. Just, not this week. CUNNING STUNTS BY 4
Uncle Rico’s vs Family Feud (+18) – I don’t understand this line, considering that FF just lost to Rico’s last week by only 13 points. I don’t think they’re getting any worse in that time. Uncle Rico’s is still the better team here, no reason to try to get cute with this bet. UNCLE RICO’S BY 13
The Angels vs Buffalo Solar Solutions (+7) - The best part of Dan’s email this week was the part I can’t write about. BUT, the second best part was that he knows exactly what he needs to do for his team to win this one: slow the tempo, get girl TDs. The problem? He also knows that QB Andy is going to toss the long ball all over the field as best as he can. It’s not the best recipe for an Angels team coming into their own with Bobby at QB. Dan also gave me some other info on his team, but I don’t want to give his opponents any intel. It’ll be a fun one, but. . . THE ANGELS BY 10
Last Week’s Scores:
Practice Squad 40, Interdimensional Lightning Falcons 12
PTERATACOS 20, Cobblestone 20
Mountain Dew Me 36, TOX 6
Two of the game’s all time greats in Darryl Carr QB Superstar and Joe B battled it out last week in a fantastic game. It was only fitting that these two battled to a hard fought tie, as even fate couldn’t decide who was better. Practice Squad got the job done against an overmatched ILF who has D6 written all over them for the Spring session. Mountain Dew Me continued their reign of terror on the division, as the various McGregors ran all over Topper and Friends and cruised to an easy victory.
What’s Surprising: Mountain Dew Me went from pretty decent new team in D4, to absolute juggernaut in D5. MDM has only allowed 18 points in 3 games this season while scoring 126 for themselves. Sure, they moved down a division, but it was impossible to imagine that they’d get off to THIS good of a start. I think they’re even shocking themselves a bit. Practice Squad is exactly where they should be: undefeated and a top contender for the D5 title. Zack Attack has fit in just nicely in D5, as the D6 champions are 2-1 and have been good, but not great, on both sides of the ball this season. Look for that to improve as time goes on. It’s a little surprising that TOX hasn’t won a game yet, as Topper is 0-7 on the season. He gets a pass for the fighting New York State thing, of course, but a team with as much veteran savvy as TOX should have found a way to win by now. Cobblestone and PTERATACOS are having very similar seasons, as their 1-1-1 record and point differentials show. At the same time, Intentional and Interdimensional both give up a lot of points, but have really struggled to score so far. Fun Fact: If you take the combined ages of Topper, Joe from Pteratacos, Darryl, and Mr. Keller that’s 7,521 years of experience between them.
This Week’s Games:
Mountain Dew Me vs Practice Squad (+13) – IT’S ON. The biggest game D5 can offer is here, and the line is DISGUSTING. I can’t remember the last time Practice Squad wasn’t a favorite, much less a double digit underdog, but here we are. Practice Squad has waited a few seasons now for this D5 championship, and every season there was always a team that was just a little better. MDM is the #TSL2020 version of that. The team of various blue eyed, blonde clones buzzing around the field is here to stay and this game represents their biggest challenge for sure too. This is going to be a very good game. Take the points. PRACTICE SQUAD BY 5
Zack Attack vs TOX (+11) – Zack Attack looks to keep pace in the division as they’re just on the outside looking in at the top contenders for the D5 title. A game against TOX can really be a good “statement” game here for the Attack to remind everyone just who they are. TOX is hungry for a win. Let’s remember that they’re a newer team that is still working on gelling together as well, even with legends like Axel making appearances. ZACK ATTACK BY 10
Cobblestone vs Interdimensional Lightning Falcons (+17) – I can’t remember the last time Cobblestone was this much of a heavy favorite. The Carr clan looks like they’re still miffed about getting last year’s playoff victory against En Fuego stolen from them, and they’re playing some of the best football they have in a few seasons. ILF is a bit of a mess still, and while I’ve been told that they’re chock full of lovely people, they’re just a bit overmatched. Look for them to keep this close. COBBLESTONE BY 6
PTERATACOS vs Intentional Pounding (+9) – The Keller family’s newest iteration isn’t getting off to the start they wanted. Though Mr. Keller is still timeless, so is the QB on the other side of the field on this one. The veteran QB playing with their son combo is all over the place in this game. The Keller’s play a 1-1-1 team here that is having a nice start to their season, and they just have it a bit more together than Intentional Pounding does. PTERATACOS BY 6
Cobblestone vs Intentional Pounding (+9) – The Keller family’s newest iteration isn’t getting off to the start they wanted. Though Mr. Keller is still timeless, so is the QB on the other side of the field on this one. The veteran QB playing with their son combo is all over the place in this game. The Keller’s play a 1-1-1 team here that is having a nice start to their season, and they just have it a bit more together than Intentional Pounding does. COBBLESTONE BY 6
TOX vs ILF (+8) – I expect that by this game, both teams will still be looking for that elusive first win. TOX will break Topper’s losing streak to start the season right here. TOX by 10
Last Week’s Games:
Lenny’s Ladies 27, TMA 14
Lenny’s Ladies 44, Blitzkrieg 40
TMA 42, PC Plumbing 6
Graves Bros 36, The BiPolar Express 32
Tater Tots 29, The Bambs 26
What a Saturday for Lenny’s Ladies! Our newest gender team picked up their first two wins their history, taking care of TMA before having an exciting game with Blitzkrieg that came down to the final play of the game. TMA would finally figure things out this season later on, picking up their first win of the season completely dominating PC Plumbing, who really laid an egg out there. Graves Bros move to 3-0 with a win over The BiPolar Express who were QB’d this week by Travis Cleavenger. And then the Tater Tots became the first team this season to slow down The Bambs, picking up their first win of the season.
What’s Surprising: The most surprising thing of this session is TMA sitting at the bottom of the standings at 1-3. It’s been a rough go for Ferger and Crew, and the once feared TMA defense hasn’t been it’susual self. But if the 42-6 win is any indication, they’re starting to be the team we expected. Lenny’s Ladies sitting at 2-2 is a nice surprise, they’ve been QB’d by Jeff Easton each week but they’re being led by D6 Female MVP Candidate Robin Makula, who had 5 interceptions in the two victories. Graves Bros are currently 3-0 and looking like the D6 early favorites to win it all. After a couple of seasons of putting it together, they’re on cruise control. Blitzkrieg deserves some love, sitting at 1-1-1 when they too could be undefeated if a few bounces went their way. PC Plumbing has been up and down this season, and I don’t quite yet know what they are. The BiPolar Express is at 1-2, but they’ve had a different QB each game. Once Gordon comes back full time, look for the wins to start coming here. Finally, the Tater Tots are showing lots of improvement over last season’s squad. They get better ever single week it seems, and they’re going to be a very tough out come playoff time.
This Week’s Games:
Lenny’s Ladies vs Tater Tots (+3) – This is a pretty big game for two teams that are looking to keep riding the momentum. Dave has started to get the Tots cooking, as the plucky team in orange looks to ascend to the top of the standings. The Ladies had a very good week last week, beating TMA and getting a game ending interception against Blitzkrieg on the last play. Misty and Marla have been fantastic for Lenny’s, and the latter had a crazy acrobatic touchdown catch against TMA that helped put that game away. This one is going to be a good back and forth for sure. LENNY’S LADIES BY 3
Blitzkrieg vs TMA (+4) – Blitzkrieg was a penalty away from beating the Ladies last week, as apparently the referees (Hi Billy!) called offense pass interference on them when they thought they scored the winning TD with 9 seconds left. The TSL always protects its females, because without them we don’t have a league. It was a tough call, but apparently it was the right one. TMA just hasn’t been TMA, and apparently some of that is attributed to the play of QB Ryan, who hasn’t been seeing the field as well as he has in the past. Both teams have something to prove, and both teams need a win. If you ask me, TMA needs the win more, and I think they’ll be hungier. TMA BY 5
The BiPolar Express vs PC Plumbing (+8) – PC Plumbing is coming off of their worst outing of the season, getting beat up by TMA. They currently sit at 1-1-1 but they’ve only scored 53 points which about 30 points less than anyone else in the division. PC Plumbing really needs to figure out how to score if they have any chance here. The BiPolar Express is chugging along, and chances are they’re more than likely about to string some wins together. They’re too good not to. THE BIPOLAR EXPRESS BY 12
The Bambs vs Graves Bros (+1) – Graves Bros comes into this game with the better record (3-0 to 2-1) but somehow find themselves the Vegas underdogs here. It almost feels like they’re not getting the proper respect and they have to prove themselves each week. One person told me “they have that really good girl who I think her name is Cassie but I’m not sure”, so that’s something. The Bambs dropped a game to the Tater Tots, and it appears they may not have had all of their players. This is a really good matchup that could very well be a D6 final preview. THE BAMBS BY 1
1. How many D2 teams are going to win their Crossover games? There’s a realistic shot that at least 2 of them take down their “upper division” opponents this week.
2. Are we going to have a Rameer night? That was a popular question among TSLers. Now that we’ve found some normalcy in our season, I’m sure that we’ll soon be finding a way to have a league-wide toast to one of our biggest TSL Legends.
3. How many undefeated teams stay undefeated after this week? As of now, we have 9 teams that haven’t lost a game yet: Public Enemy, Eyes Downtown, SITE, AWDIQ, Grey Hair, The Angels, Mountain Dew Me, Practice Squad, and Graves Bros. Considering that we have two awesome matchups of AWDIQ-Grey Hair and MDM-Practice Squad which should produce two losers, I’ll go out on a limb and say two others fall as well. But WHO?
4. Why are the games running behind more than usual this season? Well, there are a few reasons. The COVID measures are the biggest factor of course. Tie in the extra timeouts and having to sub in and out from the endzones, and it all plays into it. I know Coach Jay isn’t thrilled with this, and is already taking measures to speed things back up to how we’re accustomed.
5. How do you get more publicity for your team? Oh that’s right, you can email me at thegodfather@toppersports.com and inform me on who’s awesome on your team.
1. JEFF FREAKIN’ MAY made his return to the TSL universe last weekend and is apparently going to be hanging out for a bit. That alone makes me want to fly into Buffalo to see you guys.
2. Heating up: Lenny’s Ladies, The Angels, Jabronies, Grey Hair
3. Cooling down: En Fuego, Scared Hitless, Marketing Mayors, Morning Wood (Topper’s note: ‘Duh’)
4. If it’s impossible for you to not bring your own alcohol to the fields (Cookie and Elmo frown upon this by the way), please don’t bring it directly to the bar.
5. Yes, you’ll have to sign in to get into the fields AGAIN this week. Just accept it as your “new normal”.
6. Hey Emily Curry and Joe K, where’s the podcast? Of course, there’s only two good arms between the both of them, perhaps that’s the issue?
7. Slytherin That End Zone is winning D2 this season. I can just feel it in my bones.
8. No, I don’t know if we’re going to have the DJ’s at all this season. But we should if it’s possible. And once we can get a big enough mask for Cookie and Elmo, they’ll be there too.
9. Winter wine tournament? Wouldn’t that be more of an Ice Wine tourney then? Hmm.
10. There are more new faces and names out there than ever before it seems. It’s a testament to our awesome league that we can keep growing and bringing in new people. Are YOU one of them? Who are you? Email me at thegodfather@toppersports.com and let’s get talking.
It’s going to be a really fun weekend, and it looks like the weather is going to be spectacular. Go enjoy yourselves and stay safe.
Dave Walter for President.