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Week 5 Thoughts, Picks and Insights

Category: The Godfather's Picks
Created: Wednesday, 23 May 2018 16:12
Published: Wednesday, 23 May 2018 16:12
Written by Patrick McGovern
Hits: 10016

Enter Week #5

“Make friends first, makes sales second, make love third. In no particular order.”



Things seem to be moving right along and that’s a good thing. The winners are winning the losers and losing and the break eveners are breaking even. In a week or so it will be time kick things up a notch as playoffs are quickly approaching………..

Where do we go from here? What happens next? Let’s find out……………



NEW GODS +3 VS TIGHT ENDS IN MOTION: This one should be interesting. TEIM seem to be the new flavor of the month. They are actually really good. The biggest thing with them is they are smart. They will figure out your weaknesses and do a very solid job to exploit your weaknesses. I really thought after last session New Gods were poised to take the next step but I have yet to see it. This is a defining moment for both teams. Will New Gods take this one and continue their development or are they over rated? Are TEIM the “next big thing” in D1 or are we reading too much into the last few games? I think we should have a better idea of each team’s fate by day’s end. TIGHT ENDS IN MOTION BY 3

MARKETING MAYORS VS TIGHT ENDS IN MOTION +4: If you want to truly know what you are made of this is the week you find out. There will be no bigger test for TEIM than the reigning annnnnd defending D1 champs Marketing Mayors. Cory Turner is an evil genius and will be waiting. Yes I know Delecki is as good as it gets in this league and yes he is out but MM are still playing solid football. If MM was at full strength I’m taking them 10 out of 10 times but they are not so anything can happen in this one. The TEIM girls are better than many think this could be the week they go off. There is no doubt in my mind Tiger is reading this wondering to himself if he actually is as good as he thinks he is. He will be put to the test this week. He has yet to see an athletic freak of nature like Andy Smith. Smith is fast and can jump into the sky. Tiger V Smith will be one match up to watch closely this week. MARKETING MAYORS BY 6



N W O VS THE PURGE +8: I think it is almost time for someone to say The Purge is done stick a fork in them. N W O started with so much promise but injuries have struck and I am still not sure Brother Nero will ever recover from Brother Bowl a few weeks ago. If N W O doesn’t win this one they are in big trouble. TP probably has another roster issue and N W O probably survives this game late. Will Brother Nero ever emotionally recover?  N W O BY 7

HOOTIE AND THE BROFISH VS DMX +8: It’s looking more and more like HATBF are the class of D2 and DMX are basement bound. DMX will score some points so they can make this fun but I just don’t see anyone in this division stopping this team.  HATBF are just cruising along these days. They check all the boxes and are getting stellar play all over the field from all players. They are one tough team to beat. I don’t see them taking the L this week not by a long shot. HOOTIE AND THE BROFISH BY 10

THE REPLACEMENTS +7 VS GRYFFINDOR: This one should be good. I am hearing rumors a Gryff star player might be out for a few weeks and this could sway the outcome. Yes I know Joey Batts is easily the best player in this game if not this entire league but what is he to do? One of his stars is out, his brother has gone cray cray after Brother Bowl and he is a man on an island right now. TR ae getting better. Funny thing has happened they final realized what we all already know…if you throw Burr the darn ball you will win. TR lives and dies on the right arm of their QB. This game will be closer than many think TR could be ready for them this time.  GRYFFINDOR BY 1



CINTAS VS STICKY BANDITS +4: Cintas are off to a nice start and things are good. Next up is the Sticky Nation. SB are finally starting to click. This game should be a good one. SB are a very solid and very methodical team. They will play solid mistake free football. This is a tough team to beat. Cintas reak of awesomeness as they have the people’s champion on their side. Most teams cower in intimidation when they must look across the side line and see the new “face that runs the place.” I of course am speaking of Joey Batts. Batman will come to paly but can his supporting cast pick him up? Joey is easily the best player in this game and each and every game he plays in quite frankly but one man can only do so much. I expect a close one here.  CINTAS BY 1

1 TOPPER TOO MANY VS STICKY BANDITS +7: Team Topper is on fire as they are dismantling every team they face. Their defense is fierce and their O is getting the job done. It is a shame that Drew plays in the same division as Joey Batts as he could easily be your D3 MVP but no  mere mortal can beat Joey Batts for this title. This game should be a good one. You have the systematic cerebral assassins from Sticky Bandits playing Uncle Topper and his sand lot crew with Eastern European football techniques. I still am shocked no one has had any Team Topper players checked for PED’S. This game will be a good one as these 2 teams are fierce rivals. 1 TOPPER TOO MANY BY 6

CINTAS VS A&A +4: What’s wrong with A&A? First it’s play on the field, then they have some “philosophical differences”, then last week everyone bails. Matty Ice is a gamer and he will right the ship of this I am sure. The Ice man is waiting another week or so before he begins tuning up for the real season. Cintas comes to town looking good. If all things are equal I am taking A&A but I am still not sure if they all show and if they do are they all on the same page. If Joey Batts struggles with one thing in his game he struggles keeping up with girls that can flat out go. A&A might have one or two of those girls. CINTAS BY 3



UNCLE RICO’S TIME TRAVELERS VS FULL THROTTLE +10: URTT lost a week #1 heart breaker but ever since they have kicked their game up a nickel. It all begins and ends on offense. Who needs defense when you can put up 35-40 points a week on O? Full Throttle just looks a click or two off. They are not yet ready for the main stage but like newer teams it usually takes a session or two before everyone just “gets it.” I look for URTT to score another 35-40 points in route to another big win.  URTT BY 9

3RD AND SCHLONG VS SHREDDERS +13: On paper this one looks like a blow out but I am still not convinced. Yes 3AS has looked awesome to date as they continue to dismantle each and every team they have faced. But who have they faced? D4 is about haves and have nots. Half the division is good and half isn’t. Well 3AS has beat all the down teams sans URTT. Shredders have been awful on defense and that is killing them. I am not ready to call the upset but I am thinking an upset is coming or this game will be way closer than many would think. It pains me to say all of this I am a big fan of the Keller Nation. On an un-related topic I think Katie Keller and 40 yr plan guy should just quit fooling themselves and profess their love for each other this week on Field #2 at 1:00. If the royal wedding has taught us anything it’s that fairy tale endings can happen….they….can …happen…..    3RD AND SCHLONG BY 4

AXA VS BREW CREW +7: Ok well one of them has to win. Both teams have been brutal as they both sit at 0-4 but there are glimmers of hope. AXA is struggling on D but they are scoring points so that is a positive. Brew Crew is struggling to score and more importantly struggling to stop anyone. If we use simple math A+B –C carry the one equals AXA will score about 30 and  Brew Crew won’t, take AXA. XA BY 3




HUNG BUFFALO VS HOPE N RUIN +3: HNR just seems to be missing something right now and they are off to a 1-2 start. We know they are notoriously slow starts it has been that way since their inception. This is a big rivalry game this week as these two teams know each other very well. HB can be beat with superfast girls but HNR doesn’t exactly have top shelf speed. I think HB gets back on track this week and takes this one late.  HUNG BUFFALO BY 1

HOPE N RUIN +3 VS THE BAMBS: Ok so The Bambs are going through some “philosophical differences” right now and that’s OK. They are still a good team but they just aren’t themselves these days.  TB still has Nick and thy have Parrish so they should be able to beat up on the shorter cover guys of HNR. Also the Bambs have some girls that can go so they should give HNR some headaches this week. If the Bambs are at 100% they roll in this game but they aren’t so it could be closer than you would think. THE BAMBS BY 3

TOMMY HUGHES EXPERIENCE +7 VS COME FROM BEHIND: I am hearing THE is missing Tommy Hughes and this means bad news for THE. Incidentally when you miss people that doesn’t mean you can just grab anyone to play for you. That is called breaking the rules and it not allowed. CFB should take THE to task this week. They are old vets that are solid across the board. They will be wise to the THE tom foolery and should take this one rather easily.  COME FROM BEHIND BY 9

PASSLESS CHAPS +10 VS THE BAMBS: TB are getting lucky this week as the Chaps are struggling a tad. TB are the seasoned vets and they need this game very bad so I reckon they will be ready to go this week. PC still need more time for their development and quite honestly like a few other teams might be better served in D6. TB should score early and often and should take this one rather easily. PC can’t score and can’t stop people this is a recipe for disaster his league.  THE BAMBS BY 7

VANDALAY INDUSTRIES +1 VS MATTY’S ANGELS: I still am confused. This game was happening at 2:00 now it’s at 10. VI has looked good and has shocked a lot of folks. MA have been up and down but really haven’t been overly impressive. I keep hearing MA are suffering from attendance issues and I keep hearing Joe K is all sad he can’t play QB for VI. As for the game anything can happen. Last time MA played a super slow team like this they got crushed but THE is a different squad than VI. If I was VI I would iso the eastern block and just keep throwing jump balls as Eastern block are really tall and will have 4-6 inches on every girl that tries to cover them. VI will lack speed and could struggle keeping up with the MA wr’s. MATTY’S ANGELS BY 3

WITTERS VS UFO +8: 2 weeks ago Witter’s looked like they should be in D7 but now they are 2-2. They are starting to get it and get it rather quickly UFO got a big win last week vs a very depleted THE. Witter’s should have enough fire power to outscore UFO this week. Witter’s has gone from also ran to easily a very under rated D5 squad. I am curious to see how they do the rest of the way. UFO will come to fight I just don’t think they have the horses to keep up with Witter’s WITTERS BY 7

CUNNING STUNTS VS ALL WE DO IS QWINN no line: This one should be a good one as each team is very good. AWDIQ is awesome and their record shows that. They are fast and they can play with almost anyone. CS are a solid squad but everything begins and ends at QB for them. AWDIQ is small and fast so CS might struggle to get separation on them. If Drew is QB he will be forced to make tight window throws that I think he really isn’t able to make yet. If Joey Batts plays this game well everything changes as Joey Batts can throw a marble at your eye ball with his pinpoint accuracy. I think he is so accurate due to many many years on the bocce ball circuit. Regardless I see a very close very entertaining game played between two very decent squads this week. All we do is Qwinn BY 1



THE MCKENZIE AGENCY +7 VS TIGHT END ZONES: This one should be good. OK what do we know? We know due to tom foolery and blatant thuggery TSL tremendously liked Brian Ferger now has a hand injury. This is not good if you are a TMA fan. TEZ do not look like much but they show up each and every week play solid mistake free football and walk away most weeks with the W. TEZ are not thugs and play a classy game so this one will be good but the damage is already done. Our hero is injured and that is not kool. FOR SHAME DILLY DILLY.FORRRRRRRRRR SHHHHHHAAAAAAAAME.  TIGHT END ZONES BY 6

JABRONIES +1 VS CELNO SEWER RATS: I am beginning to think the Jabronies are the gate way to D6 awesomeness. I think there is a story to tell there and I reckon at some point we will delve further into this team and its members. CSR are an up and down roller coaster you honestly never know what to expect. Jabronies are newbs but they continue to show up and are getting better and better week after week. This one could go either way. Oh yeah I forgot to mention. FOOOOOOOOOOOOOOR SHAAAAAAAME DILLY DILLY FOOOOOOOOOOOR SHAAAAAAAAME.   CELINO SEWER RATS BY 4



5 Questions for Saturday

1. What the heck is wrong with Shredder’s? They are usually always in the hunt but this season they have looked awful especially on defense. Giving up 31 points a game will not translate in W’s.

2. Who the heck are Tight End Zones? They have literally come out of no where and are 3-1 with a huge 50-14 win over Practice Squad last week. A very grumpy bear known as the McKenzie Agency is up next. I heard Ferger is none too happy these days and will be looking to make a statement to D6 this weekend.

3. Can anyone stop 3rd and Schlong? They are now like 5-0 and have literally dismantled every squad the TSL has trotted in front of them. Next up is the walking disaster known as Shredder’s. If ever there was a chance at an upset…….

4. Will a league wide investigation begin regarding the tom foolery and basic thuggery caused by Dilly Dilly in last week’s game with TMA? Foooooooooooor shaaaaaaaaaaaame Dilly Dilly Foooooooor Shaaaaaaaaaaame.

5. Will Brother Nero ever come back to us? I’m telling you ever since Brother Bowl Anthony seems lost in the matrix. I hope this game didn’t ruin him forever. He better come back quickly as N W O could start circling the drain if he doesn’t.


10 Final Thoughts for Saturday

1. The game I have my eye on this week is in D5 where Matty’s Angels and Vandalay Industries have at it. Matty’s Angels are 3-2 but I think they are a tad over rated. Vandalay Industries are the most under rated 3-1 team in the game today. VI will have the size advantage but MA will have the speed edge. This one should be good. Last time MA went at it with slow slumbering squad they got smoked will this happen once again or will they be ready this time for war?

2. Well they smoked Racks and Sacks and they had a war with Public Enemy. This week Tight Ends in Motion will get both New Gods and the D1 champs Marketing Mayors. If TEIM wants to know where they stand in the race for the title this is the week they should find out.

3. Awesome battle looming in D5 between (2) 3-1 teams in Cunning Stunts and All we do is Qwinn. AWDIQ has settled in nicely in D5 as they are one tough out in this division. CS has looked decent but things begin and end at QB for them. CS usually uses their speed to their advantage but AWDIQ is wicked fast and will be able to go toe to with them across the board.

4.  One of this leagues favorite rivalries heats back up at 2:00 on Field #2 when The Sticky Nation has at it with 1 Topper too Many. Team Topper is like 3-0 and pretty much on a collision course with Bullett Club for the D3 title. Sticky started slowly but seems to be picking up steam as the season progresses. This game is always worth the price of admission.

5. Don’t look now but Witter’s has started to get our attention. They looked dreadful in week #1 but they now stand at 2-2 after a big win over Matty’s Angels. This week a hot UFO comes to town. The team that wins this game might catch some lighting in a bottle and shoot up the ranks while the loser probably misses the D5 dance. No pressure….no…..pressure.

6. If I had to pick the all “over rated teams to date”: D1 New Gods.  D2 The Purge. D3 Sticky Bandits. D4 3rd and Schlong. D5 Matty’s Angels D6: The McKenzie Agency.

7.  If I had to pick the all “under rated teams to date”: D1 Tight Ends in Motion. D2 Gryffindor D3 A&A. D4 Uncle Rico’s Time Travelers. D5 Witter’s. D6 Tight End Zones

8. When the season first stared I felt D5 was the best division in our game today and I still feel the same way today. (8) teams are either 3-1 or 2-2 as the race for the title is getting awesome. The teams in this division all continue to fight for the 8 golden tickets. . Week after week we are getting top notch games.

9. OK We got some clarification on do’s and don’ts moving forward. It is OK to have fun “allegedly”. Unfortunately please don’t have fun past 5:30. That structure you see outside with all the alcohol and stuff on the shelves is a piece of art and should be viewed, revered and marveled at for its magnificent nay extraordinary nay omnipotent nay breath taking beauty but in no way, shape or form should it be used “allegedly” I mean “apparently”.  Having sex is a good thing and should be enjoyed in a bed or on a counter or in an elevator or in an airplane bathroom but in no uncertain terms should sex happen in the Angry Buffalo Bathroom. OK this is where things get tricky….singing is a nice thing. Try to do it in your shower or in your car or on your way to the fields. If you really feel the urge during the day go to your car and just start singing away.(obviously put up your windows) (unless you bring your dog with you then we would like you to drive .73 miles crack the window open for your dog ,obviously, then sing away) Don’t sing inside the bar. Don’t sing inside the bar past 5 or 530. If you really don’t like this please call us and we will get you and like 30 other people together. Then we will put you all on a platform and we will record the TSL’s version of “we are the world.” OK  “good news” we have been told that you are allowed to breath as most humans need to do this to survive but please keep your breathing to a minimum after 5:30 if you still are at the bar. Everyone at 5:30 should hand in their cell phones as snap stories are now strictly prohibited. This wasn’t a formal request (by anyone but me) or complaint I just am sick of seeing dumb snap stories seriously people try and be more original if you could. Incidentally I am not a Dr., nor do I play one on TV, but when you throw up there is usually a reason for it. You either are super stupid and you didn’t eat, you are super stupid and didn’t stay hydrated or you are just flat out super stupid. If you are female and you threw up there is like a 1-3 percent chance you could be pregnant so get that checked out. Then go see a shrink because drinking while pregnant and throwing up is totally super stupid. So remember don’t over drink and throw up that’s super stupid. Remember if you are going to drink, eat lunch and/or dinner and drink plenty of water. If tom foolery continues we will assign each and very TSLer an official “safety buddy” and we will then make you all send us essays each week on your progress post football until your behavior gets better.  If you already have an official “safety buddy” you will be exempt from this process but still will be required to submit weekly essays.  So in closing singing, and being loud after 5:00 is no longer acceptable, however we have been told breathing is OK (for now) (“allegedly) (I mean “apparently”) and obviously you may buy a drink and they will gladly take your money at any time during the day or night. Thank you that is all.

10. If I had to pick breakfast club games I would say…Chef Curry 31 Angry Tailors 23. Val’s Pal’s 28 Peanut Butter Kelly Time 27. Taminator’s 31 Poppin Molly’s 24



Week 4 thoughts, picks, insights, and stuff

Category: The Godfather's Picks
Created: Wednesday, 16 May 2018 18:26
Published: Wednesday, 16 May 2018 18:26
Written by Patrick McGovern
Hits: 7417

Enter Week #4.


If you tuned in last week things started to get a tad interesting. Joey Batts beat his brother in a glorious bet game. PE down by 12 beat TEIM on the last play and all was right with the universe. Team Topper after drinking some weird magical “spirit drink” blew out Cintas in the 2nd half and are on a collision course with Bullet Club for the D2 title. Yeah I know I just said D2 title.  Angry Buffalo and the Replacements finally won a football game. Best of all young Diana Bernal made her magical debut and staked her claim to fame.


Where do we go from here? What happens next? Let’s find out……………



NEW GODS VS RACKS AND SACKS +3: NG has been playing solid to date. If Good Ricky stays on point NG will be in the hunt the rest of the way. If Bad Ricky shows up anything is possible. NG goes about 4 deep so RAS will have to be careful this week. RAS have skill and should have the girl edge this week but will they be able to go guy for guy with NG? I am not convinced they can. RAS has beaten NG multiple times before so maybe they can pull this one off.  NEW GODS BY 7

TIGHT ENDS IN MOTION VS RACKS AND SACKS +1: TEIM impressed folks last week as they stayed with PE most of the day. They had blazing speed, played solid offense and their girls came to play. TEIM should have the edge at both the girl and guy positions but can Alex out duel Radon?  This one could be a back and forth roller coaster most of the day.  I expect a close one in this game. TIGHT ENDS IN MOTION BY 3

PUBLIC ENEMY +7 VS EYES DOWNTOWN: This is usually one of the better rivalries in the game today. It won’t be this week as PE is missing some key people. ED has been ho humming along and with a wounded PE coming to town should be able to carry rather easily in this one. I heard the PE back up QB isn’t half bad let’s see how he does. EYES DOWNTOWN BY 10

#XTC VS ANGRY BUFFALO+7: AB finally got a win that’s the good news. #XTC will be an enigma most of the season. We truly will never know who is coming to town each week and who will or won’t be in the lineup. If Dubey and Patterson show look out but both are getting older and both aren’t very reliable these days. If Hughes has to play QB they will be in trouble but if their stars show up anything is possible. The question is was and will be all season who shows up this week?  IF HUGHES PLAYS QB ANGRY BUFFALO BY 6 IF DUBEY DOES #XTC BY 6

#XTC +10 VS EYES DOWNTOWN: ED looks like the class of D1. They have speed and speed kills in this game. They also are battle tested and they check all the boxes. #XTC will give them a fight but I just don’t think #XTC has the horses to run with a team of this caliber. I expect ED to score a ton on the #XTC defense this week.  EYES DOWNTOWN BY 8




NWO +7 VS HOOTIE AND THE BRO FISH: HATBF have it on cruise control. They beat Burr, they beat Joey Batts, they beat the Queen Bee next up is Brother Nero. Brother Nero is on tilt after his heart breaking loss to his brother I for one wonder if he will ever recover. HATBF are loaded and should run away with the division at this point. NWO got a girl injury last week and that could affect them this week. Brother Nero is on tilt and HATBF are on fire I just don’t see them being stopped this week or at all this session. HATBF BY 7




MIXXX VS COBBLESTONE +10: JZ told us all to “trust the process” and he was right. Mixxx is right in the thick of things in D3 while SITE is about to get a one way ticket to D4. Mixxx is just flat out playing well these days.  I hate to say it but the once mighty franchise known as Cobblestone might be better served in D4 as well. Obviously Darryl could probably play in D2 these days or on a low end D1 team but I am just not sold on his supporting cast. I look for Mixxx to win again this week against a team at a cross roads right now in D3. MIXXX BY 8

55-1 MORNING WOOD +8 VS PUCKETT ALL STARS: MW better pick their game up fast or they could be in trouble. Their season is on the line right here and right now. This is the game of the season for them.  If they win they hold out hope that they can somehow some way get back in the race. If they lose they go to 100-1 to one and you mine as well stick a fork in them as they will be done. RPAS are no slouch so MW better come ready to play.  PUCKETT ALL STARS BY 9

MORNING WOOD VS SLYTHEIN IN THE ENDZONE +11: What was SITE thinking? Why did they get rid of JZ? Did they have any clue that they were about to become the worst team in D3 history shortly after? Woe is SITE. They can’t score and they can’t stop anyone. Yet JZ is just ho humming along with Mixxx. MW probably comes to town and probably does what everyone else does they will score and score often. Maybe if SITE was nice they could ask JZ to come back as a consult and help them. Ever the classy guy I am sure JZ would oblige. SITE is trouble people it’s time to throw out the life rafts and shoot the flair guns. If they call will someone answer?  MORNING WOOD BY 10

A&A VS SLYTHERIN IN THE END ZONE +14: Oh my it will go from bad to worse. MW will beat SITE but A&A needs to make a statement to both D3 and themselves that they are back. A&A needs this game and they need it bad. Look for A&A to make it rain as they need a slump buster. A&A must get back on track and this is the game they do it. A&A will win a lot to a little. This is easily my lock of the week. A&A BY 17

COBBLESTONE +7 VS PUCKETT ALL STARS: The Icon is #upagainstit. But what is he to do? He easily is the best player in our league perhaps the best player of our generation but he can’t throw the ball to himself? I mean how does Darryl do it? If he gives 1000% but his supporting cast gives like -8.7% that means they can’t win. He is but one of 6. It just isn’t fair. CS might need a trip down to D4. Obviously Darryl should be in D1 but he can’t keep carrying all this baggage. It has to be hurting his back. The least his team could do is pick him up and win a  game for him this week. Easier said than done. PUCKETT ALL STARS BY 1



UNCLE RICO’S TIME TRAVELERS VS BUFFALO SOLAR SOLUTIONS +8: URTT has been up and down this year. They are very solid and very balanced and they have won before. BSS are the prototypical .500 football team. One week they are good and one week they are bad. URTT should be your prototypical.750 team. Last time I checked .750 is better than .500 so I am taking Uncle Rico and the Godfather. URTT BY 7

HK4 VS SHREDDERS +8: What the heck is wrong with Shredder’s. They used to be at the top of the division but right ow they couldn’t stop a beach ball. Their D flat out is terrible and an offensive juggernaut is coming to town. I have a feeling it will be bombs away and the Shredders secondary will indeed get shredded again. HK4 should be in prime position to be in the top 2-3 teams t is division. HK4 BY 10

HK4 +1 VS NO PUNT INTENDED: This one is for all the marbles. These could be your two best teams in D4 right now. Both are awesome on O and D. Both can score and both have won big games before. This game should be an instant classic. HK4 knows they can win it all but does NPI think the same? If they want to know if they have what it takes to win the title this is the week they find out. NO PUNT INTENDED BY 3

NO PUNT INTENDED VS INDECENT EXPOSURE +7: OMG IE teased us so bad 2 weeks ago. They came to town and waxed 2 opponents then last week they got beat. I don’t know what to       think anymore. NPI is at the top of the mountain and should carry this game. NPI is good but so is IE. IE is a very balanced squad top to bottom so they should give NPI a game this week. NO PUINT INTENDED BY 6

3RD AND SCHLONG VS BREW CREW +11: The 3AS is just killing it right now. All is well on the western front. The team is cruising and no in fighting is occurring. Katie Keller really hasn’t fallen in love a lot lately and all is well. I still can’t wait for the glorious nuptials between Katie Keller and 40 yr plan guy it will be magical when she comes to her senses. BTW this is the stuff you talk about when the opponent is about to get smoked. 3RD AND SCHLONG BY 10

3RD AND SCHLONG VS AXA+10:    The 3AS is just killing it right now. All is well on the western front. The team is cruising and no in fighting is occurring. Katie Keller really hasn’t fallen in love a lot lately and all is well. I still can’t wait for the glorious nuptials between Katie Keller and 40 yr plan guy it will be magical when she comes to her senses BTW this is the stuff you talk about when the opponent is about to get smoked.     AXA….JUST KIDDING…3RD AND SCHLONG BY 10

FULL THROTTLE VS BREW CREW +1: Both squads are flat our struggling this has clunker bowl written all over it. FT can’t score and Brew Crew is just meh. The winner of this game has the faintest glimmer of hope for good things that lie ahead while the other is flat out shot. I wonder who will be who this week? FULL THROTTLE BY 3




VANDALAY INDUSTRIES VS PASSLESS CHAPS +8: The Chaps are 0-3 and the surprise of D5 is heading their way. No one expected VI to be 2-1 right now. No one expected the Scinta/Walter safety buddy connection to will this team to great victories. PC is in trouble this week they know it, I know it and everyone on VI knows it. Look for VI to score early and often as they get a very big win this week. VANDALAY INDUSTIRES BY 7

ALL WE DO IS QWINN VS HUNG BUFFAO +7: Hung Buffalo hasn’t exactly looked normal this session. VI took them to task as they went bombs away on them. This week the quick mini mites of AWDIQ are up next. AWDIQ beat CFB and they can win games in this division. HB is a slower more methodical club and I just don’t see them running and gunning with a younger much quicker team in AWDIQ.  ALL WE DO IS QWINN BY 8

MATTYS ANGELS VS UFO +11: UFO is struggling and things will go from bad to worse when one of the better offenses in D5 is heading their way. UFO will score early but I just don’t see them going player of player with the quick rabbits of the Angels. MA continue to improve and they continue to score points. I don’t see UFO beating any one in a track meet. MA should take this one rather easily.  MATTYS ANGELS BY 10

WITTERS +8 VS MATTYS ANGELS[L1] [L2] : You can’t win if you can’t score and right now Witter’s is struggling. 18 a game isn’t going to cut it but this team is new and still learning. Most teams take 2-3 seasons to really “get it.” The Angles are flying high and if they face a team that struggles to score they usually beat them by 10-14. I see that happening again this week. Witter’s will improve but this week might not be the best match up for them.  MATTYS ANGELS BY 11

THE TOMMY HUGHES EXPERIENCE VS UFO +13: UFO is a hot mess these days.  UFO lost the D6 title to THE last session so they will be looking for payback. THE could be in trouble as their fearless leader Tommy Hughes is on sabbatical. Who will be playing QB? Could this affect the outcome of the game?  THE should run away with this one still.  THE BY 11



NICE TDS +7 VS THE MCKENZIE AGENCY: TMA is on fire as they continue to impress especially on offense. NTDS are doing just fine these days and should provide great competition this week. After a while things just click for a team and I think things are just starting to click for TMA. Ferger gets it, the offense is doing well, the defense is good and they obviously have the best Bernal. NTDS is about to face an offensive juggernaut this week. THE MCKENZIE AGENCY BY 8

NICE TDS +10 VS THE PRACTICE SQUAD: TPS looks like the D6 favorite these days as they are clicking on all cylinders right now. They are just crushing it on both O and D.  TPS easily has the best girl in D6 and their team is just starting to get it. NTDS are a solid squad but I just don’t see them running and gunning with D6’s best right now. THE PRACTICE SQUAD BY 13

DILYL DILLY +4 VS THE MCKENZIE AGENCY: What must it be like to be in the shadows while your “sister” gets all the pub, all the notoriety and all the love? Yes it must not be a very happy place but that’s OK . I swear Brother Nero, Bro and now Diana Bernal need to form some form of sibling support group.  Young Diana Bernal came to the fields last week and put on a performance for the ages. Armed with M and M’s and Elmo and a universe squarely behind her Diana crashed the party and let it be known that she could in fact be sister #1 and Best Bernal come week #11. Obviously the McKenzie Agency followed her lead as they went on to crush Dark Knights. It’s funny Diana is 2-0 while TMA is like .500 if they are lucky without her…co-incidence?  THE MCKENZIE AGENCY BY 3

COLLEGIATE BUILDERS +13 VS DARK KNIGHTS: CB is about where you would think. DK has been up and down. They continue to learn this game each and every Saturday. Do they have skill YES, can they compete in this division YES will they tho…I still am not sure yet. They need all their horses at the fields and they need to slow the game down and take each play one at a time. Simple gains boys and girls. This is the week they will be able to practice a few things as there is no way in the heavens above that CB will hang with them this week. DARK KNIGHTS BY 14

HOMETECH +1 VS JABRONIES: Jabronies got a big win and that is good. Hometech is an up and down bunch. You truly never know what you are going to get. One thing is certain it just seems like Hometech is missing B’s Brother. Hometech just doesn’t have the same confidence or skill they used to have. This can only be attributed to the loss of Mr Brother. Jabronies are settling in just fine and should be able to find some holes in the HT defense. HT does not have an overly quick team so if Jabronies have anyone that can run they might be able to make some solid gains this week. JABRONIES BY 3

DILYL DILLY  VS CELINO SEWER RATS +4: Dilly Dilly is the best 2-0 you have never heard of. I still am not sure if they even play in our league. CSR have been a roller coaster. One week they look solid then the next week they look like junk. CSR is battle tested they have won in this league before but can they beat the ghosts knows as Dilly Dilly?  I honestly have no clue. I mean which CSR shows up the good one or the bad one?    DILLY DILLY BY 3


5 Questions for Saturday

1. Why isn’t anyone talking about Dilly Dilly? They are 2-0. They have played awesome defense to date. Dilly Dilly will get their first big true test this week with the Mckenzie Agency. If Dilly Dilly pulls the upset will people finally start talking about them?

2. Have we lost Brother Nero or will he find a way to save NWO’s season? Brother Nero took last week’s heartbreaking loss to his brother very tough. Can he find a way to snap out of his slump or is NWO in trouble? HATBF comes to town this week and will look to make a statement against a wounded NWO.

3. So I have to know… after calling his shot and bringing back Public Enemy from down 6 with 22 seconds left to winning by 1 at the buzzer will Amy of TEIM ever forget Chris Cole’s name?  I didn’t think so either….

4. Can UFO pull the upset against a Tommy Hughes less THE? The league office will be monitoring THE very closely this week to watch who is playing QB. It better not be Jeff Easton……

5. Does anyone need a bye week this week more than the Purge? Seriously there are those that thought they could run the table in D2 yet they sit at 0-3. I for one hope they figure things out quickly as things are starting to look very dire.


10 Final Thoughts for Saturday

1. The game I have my eye on this week is in D4 where we have battle of the un-beatens. No Punt Intended has at it with HK4. I know 3rd and Schlong might have something to say about this but this could be a preview of the D4 title game. Both teams are solid on both sides of the ball. I expect a classic between 2 very evenly matched squads.

2. I have to say I was quite impressed last week with both the play of TEIM and their QB Alex. Alex gets grief sometimes from this writer and others for his arm strength but TEIM gave Public Enemy a war last week. People can say what they want about mechanics and arm strength all    they want but Alex still is a very intelligent QB that scored 37 points on one of D1’s best teams last week. TEIM will fit in just fine in D1 if you ask me.

3. Racks and Sacks will be up against it this week. The will know without a shadow of any doubt whether they are contenders or pretenders by day’s end. They have 2 tough tests with both TEIM and New Gods. They have to at least split. If they don’t they could free fall into the bottom 1/3 of the division.

4. If the McKenzie Agency wants to know what they are made of they too will know by day’s end. 2 tough tests await in both Dilly Dilly and NICE TDS. TMA has been scoring at will and will face tough defenses this week.

5. If I was Morning Wood this is the week I would have circled on my calendar. If they are to get back into the D3 title chase they must go 2-0 this week. They should beat SITE as let’s be honest everyone beats SITE but RPAS will be a tough test for them. RPAS vs MW will be a good game. The winner will vault up the ranks while the other probably struggles the rest of the way.

6. Matty’s Angels, to some, were shocked last week when they got beat pretty good by THE. This week they have to very winnable games vs 1-2 Witter’s and 0-3 UFO. Matty’s Angels could be back on top if they hold serve in both games. MA will need to spread the field and get back to basics against 2 very beatable opponents.

7. 3rd and Schlong is 3-0 and could be 5-0 by days end if they hold serve in two very winnable games against both AXA and Brew Crew. 3AS has looked very solid on offense and has played very stingy defense letting up roughly 18ish a game. After this week the soft schedule will toughen up a tad as both HK4 and NPI are looming.

8. Kudos to Joe K to date on his podcast the past few weeks. Thrust into the driver’s seat for a few weeks Joe K has delivered as the TSL Podcast has been both entertaining and fun. It isn’t as easy as it looks people. You just can’t grab a microphone and produce a show out of no where. Go ask the other league that is trying to do it. It’s tougher than it looks and I for one commend Joe K and Co on their efforts. It isn’t easy entertaining the masses yet this league does it with such ease. Trust me it isn’t as easy as it looks. Incidentally if you want to be a guest just find Joe K or email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and we will find a way to get you on a future show.

9. Who would win if Boccio played B’s Brother in a game of ping pong on the dark side of the moon?

10. If I had to pick breakfast club games I would say…Val’s Pals 29 Angry Tailors 27.  Chef Curry with the silly name 34 Poppin’ Molly’s 16. Peanut Butter Kelly Time 28 Taminator’s 23.

Week 2(really week 4 on the schedule) Thoughts, Picks and other Conspiracy Theories

Category: The Godfather's Picks
Created: Thursday, 03 May 2018 13:44
Published: Thursday, 03 May 2018 13:44
Written by Patrick McGovern
Hits: 6273


Week #1 has come and gone. Enter Week #2. What shall we do for an encore ? If you are Team Topper or HATBF or Joey Batts you are very happy. If you are Dark Knights or SITE or The Replacements you are very sad. Mother nature has finally arrived just in the nick of time. Good luck to all our players this week. 


And don't forget for the love of all that is decent and holy. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before Friday at 10am


Let's pick some games shall we......



ANGRY BUFFALO +7 VS PUBLIC ENEMY:  PE looked awful in week #1 but they were missing essentially their entire secondary. We found out Ryan Radke is really good. This is important as Delano is very good as well. AB gave New Gods a game but fell flat vs the Mayors. This game could be interesting. If I was PE I would rush a guy and dare AB to beat you with their girls. I also would man them up all day and force them to beat you to the ball. Nick Sooch is awesome and will keep his team in every game they play. I am hearing quiet grumbles one of the best female players in league history might be making her return this week.  PUBLIC ENEMY BY 6

 #XTC +8 VS MARKETING MAYORS: MM did not look overly comfortable last week as they were missing one of their franchise players. This will cause havoc for them as you now can pick a side and attack it on defense. #XTC is a solid bunch with good players, good people and they have talent. What they don't have is a D1 QB. #XTC must find a QB. They tried Bartholomew Novak Cassius Igor Sheamus Michael Murray in the winter but that didn't work. If #XTC finds a QB they can win some games. The new mantra VS MM will simply be find Andy Smith then go the complete opposite way of Smith. Andy Smith should win D1 defensive MVP just because anyone smart just wont throw his way when there are better places to attack.   MARKETING MAYORS BY 7

EYES DOWNTOWN VS NEW GODS +3: New Gods burst onto the scene and shocked ED last season. They did it by being smart and manning ED which caused them fits. I'm still shocked more people don't do this. Bobby panics when he sees a man as he is a surgeon against a zone. There is no doubt in my mind and with an even more improved secondary that New Gods will man ED up. If they fluster them again then every team that doesn't man this team will be a dolt if you ask me. Bobby must understand that he is heading into a firestorm and be ready for it. You beat a man by spreading out the field laterally and using the width of the field to your advantage. This game should be a war but I cant help but think in a game like this that the team with the better QB wins late. I expect a close one here.  EYES DOWNTOWN BY 1




NWO VS THE REPLACEMENTS +8: It just seems simple to me. If you have franchise player that is basically un-coverable just throw him the ball...right? Well tell the Replacements that. TR Jeremy Burr is really good throw him the damn ball. If you don't you will lose this week then the week after and the week after that. NWO is very good. They have some players and they have some very solid girls. NWO could be the D2 dark horse this session. Brother Nero has a chip on his shoulder. I expect a great game that is if TR quits being so damn stubborn and feeds Burr the damn ball. BTW I'm guessing in the next few weeks we will be talking more and more about the talented lady players on NWO.   NWO BY 10


HOOTIE AND THE BRO FISH VS GRYFFINDOR +3: HATBF took D2 by storm last week as they looked really good. This week the TSL MVP of everything shows up. This is a great test for HATBF. Gryffindor is solid everywhere and will pose a tough test. I am hearing HATBF have a very under rated girl that many will know about by seasons end. No I am not talking about Mary Poppins. If Bro wants to take his place amongst the immortals of this game and its rich history he must climb the mountain high and he must slay the Dragon Battagalia. It will not be easy but to be the best you must beat the best. When I see this match up I can't help but think of the brother battles on each side of the field. What must it be like to be held back by your brother? Poor Bro....Poor Brother Nero. This has to be the week both shine. It just has to....  HOOTIE AND THE BRO FISH BY 4



50-1 MORNING WOOD +4 VS BULLET CLUB: OK great you beat a team with 5 players Morning Wood well done. Test #2 shall be a bit more difficult. Bullett Club is a totally different beast. Their girls are flat out solid, their QB can sling and their supporting cast is very good. MW will need to bring it this week. Are they 50-1.? No ..no they are not but are they a threat to the D3 title? We will find out this week. Beating 5 players is one thing but if MW can walk out of town this week with a W they will start to get our attention. BULLET CLUB BY 6 

SLYTHERIN IN THE END ZONE +10 VS CINTAS: It has become painfully obvious to this writer that JZ was in fact the brains of this operation. When he left SITE was scuhhhhhhrewed. It was bad last week but what happens this week when the TSL's bad boy and MVP comes to town? SITE without JZ's leader ship and mental prowess will be out matched, out classed, out gunned and obviously out JZ'd. Joey Batts will smell blood in the water and should make quick work of this rudderless ship.  CINTAS BY 13 

COBBLESTONE FEATURING DARRYL CARR QB SUPERSTAR VS 1 TOPPER TOO MANY +38: Here we go again it's Battle of the Immortals Round #17. These two teams know each other and know each other well. Team Topper got a big win last week but many people think their team is loaded and quiet grumbles are being made that all 1TTM players are now taking performing enhancing drugs and Topper is on 4 different types of steroids. Drew (boooo) is really good. Darryl Carr QB Superstar knows his foe well. His team always comes to play in Topper week but who is in charge of their roster? You cant show up with 1 girl. C'mon man!!!! CS must circle the wagons and make sure all 6 people show up this week. I just fear that all the performance enhancing drugs Team Topper is on will propel them to great things this session.  TT has a big girl edge this week lets see if they attack Cobblestone with it.   1 TOPPER TOO MANY BY 7

A&A VS MIXXX +3: A&A took an early season L last week. They didn't score a ton and looked sorta flat. Mixxx was in the same boat as they struggled to score. In match ups like this you always look at the QB's first. One has Matty Ice and one does not so who should we go with? I keep hearing the same thing over and over. Tammy could be the early season favorite for most improved. I keep hearing girl catches everything thrown at her. Mixxx needs to simplify this week. When you struggle to score dumb down the play book and everything will slow down with it. A&A is a fast squad and the weather is nice so Mixxx better be ready to run this week. A&A BY 6 

STICKY BANDITS VS PUCKETT ALL STARS +8: RPAS did not get off to a great start last week but who can fault them they had to take on Batman. SB got the W last week but 17 points isn't going to cut it if you want a D3 title. SB played stout defense but they need to get into the low mid 20s each week if they want to get to the top of the D3 mountain. RPAS will take some time to gel as the game in D3 is way faster than it was in D4. RPAS have talent, a strong armed QB and decent girls. They just need time to develop. This will be a solid test for them this week as SB is as systematic and methodical as they come. SB does not make a ton of mistakes. If you want to beat SB you need to bring it. Can RPAS bring it? I think they can but I don't think they will until week 4 or 5. They need more time... STICKY BANDITS BY 7



BREW CREW +10 VS UNCLE RICO'S TIME TRAVELERS: URTT had a terrible week #1. They got pummeled by Team Keller then rumors continue to swirl that Jonn Senn is the God Father. I can't believe I just talked about myself in the 3rd person like that. BC better be ready to go as I am fearing URTT will come to town hopping mad this week and would like nothing better than to show all of D4 that last week a fluke and that they are D4 title material.BC appears to be in the wrong place at the wrong time.  URTT BY 9

SHREDDERS VS INDECENT EXPOSURE +7: Shredders looked good last week as they beat Full Throttle. IE is a very balanced very methodical team that probably wont beat you long. Shredders can get torched long and deep over the middle so this team is a great match for them as IE will not go long or deep over the middle. They will try to stay conservative with simple 6-10 yd routes and get gains that way. I see Shredders opening things up a but and just having a little more than IE has and taking this late.  SHREDDERS BY 6

BUFFALO SOLAR SOLUTIONS +1 VS INDECENT EXPOSURE: BSS is the old AARP they should match up well this week with a team that plays very similar to themselves. Each team is solid on both sides of the ball. Each team has decent QBs and decent role players. each team has solid girls. I expect a good old fashioned slobberknocker in this one. I am only taking IE because I never take AARP slash BSS. IE should win this one as they will make less mistakes than their opponents.  INDECENT EXPOSURE BY 3

BUFFALO SOLAR SOLUTIONS +6 VS 3RD AND SCHLONG : OMG 3rd and Schlong laid the smacketh downeth on URTT last week. They were firing on all cylinders. Sr was dealing, Jr was solid, 40 yr plan guy looked a step quicker hell even Kevin Freakin Keller was making plays. It appears the fair maiden Katie Keller only fell in love like 7x last week so even she kept things professional. 3AS looked awesome and they should win again this week. BSS is up and down but they don't have the horses to go with Team Keller. The Keller Nation will once again rise above and dismantle any/all challengers they face. That is unless Katie Keller falls in love with someone on BSS and is all like "OMG don't beat them because I love so and so on BSS." If you love him run to him Katie Keller.  3RD AND SCHLONG BY 7

FULL THROTTLE +7 VS HK4:  HK4 is always in the mix in D4. FT looked pretty solid last week but they must shore up the D. You can't give up 31 and expect to win more than you lose. FT is a very good team so HK4 better be ready to go. I always  say the team with the bye never comes to town in their first game and looks good so HK4 better beware of the upset. FT will score some points but HK4 has a ton of horses on offense and should carry late. HK4 BY 3



CUNNING STUNTS VS MATTY'S ANGELS PICK EM: You would think this will be a fun game between two solid squads. I am not so sure. I think one player is sitting in a dark room plotting and planning. This man has been held back for years. He could be the best player in D3 hell he could even be a solid guy in D1. Yet he stays in D3 and stays quiet. He always deep down has wanted to lead a team.  Now is his chance. Don't let him fool you. He will tell you he is here for fun but he's here for a different reason. He wants the fame, glory and notoriety that comes with being a successful QB in this league. It's eating him up inside he knows it and I know it. I haven't seen such a burning desire to be loved in this league since a young Mike Boccio graced us with his presence many moons ago. And if that means he has to grab a gender team and throw them on his back in D5 that is exactly what he will do. Will Drew (booooooo) fulfill his destiny and satisfy his hunger to be the best or will the Angels have something to say about that ?  MATTY'S ANGELS BY 3

HOPE N RUIN VS WITTERS +7: Witter's did not look good in week #1 but newbs usually don't.  It takes 3-5 weeks to gel. You need to learn the rules and the players and the refs. Most show up and think they can just chuck and duck and its all good. Well it doesn't work that way. It takes time, it takes practice. In due time Witters will improve. HNR is a very solid football team that will show up each and every week. Witter's will improve week after week. I am not so sure they are ready for this test.....yet.  HOPE N RUIN BY 6

COME FROM BEHIND VS THE BAMBS +1: I was all over the Bambs this season and all in but then I heard something startling. They aren't your same old Bambs. C'mon guys if this league can forgive B's Brother than you guys can forgive and forget. CFB is a finely tuned machine. They are the excellence of execution. They should take TB to school this week. Both teams are quite balanced but this game is won and lost at QB....Let he without sin cast the first stone Bambs. An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind Bambs. If you choose not to decide you still have made  a choice Bambs.   Come from Behind BY 3

PASSLESS CHAPS +11 VS THE TOMMY HUGHES EXPERIENCE: THE is off to another solid session. PC however is not. PC needs to score more. Yes THE is famously slow and they can be exploited by speed teams but does PC have the speed or the know how to get behind a very forgiving secondary? I didn't think so either. THE will probably do what they normally do. They will complete like 50 passes for like an average of like 6 yards per and they will win by 10-14 points. THE BY 10

UFO +10 VS ALL WE DO IS QWINN: So it looks like AWDIQ are trying to be the 'bad boys of D5." I am sure Hung Buffalo will have something to say about that. UFO should not be in D5. I don't think they are ready. Yes UFO are a great bunch and yes it will pain this writer to have to sit through this season with them but I fear UFO will have a very long session. AWDIQ is very quick and very chippy. This game could get interesting. If AWDIQ tried to run a girl team last week I can't even imagine what they have planned this week. ALL WE DO IS QWINN BY 8

HUNG BUFFALO VS VANDALAY INDUSTRIES +13: Umm yeah well VI played last week. I liked the Walter/Scinta Safety Buddy Connection last week. VI will not win many games but oh will they have fun. HB will try to thug it up but VI is so much fun they will have no choice but to succumb to their charisma and love for this game. This game will be a route but it will be a fun route. I hope HB plays attention and sees how much fun VI has as HB need a reboot. They need to get back to having fun not trying to bring hell fire and brimstone with them each and every week. Maybe Pauly Scinta can bring them some cheese and show them the way.  HUNG BUFFALO BY 14



DARK KNIGHTS +4 VS NICE TDS: DK struggled in week #1. I do see talent. What I do not see is a team that understand this game yet. You must not get caught in 4th and 2 DK did this like 7x in 2 games last week. You need to get your girls the ball DK last week did not do this. Most importantly DK needs to throw out their playbook and their arm bands and simplify. Go run 6-9 yard routes and just go play pitch and catch. This team has no clue what they are looking at or what they are playing against until they do those plays on their wrists mean nothing. Go find a mismatch and exploit it. Stop the long ball crap and go get 6-9 yards. Until they do that they will lose more games than they win. NICE TDS BY 7

COLLEGIATE BUILDERS +8 VS DILLY DILLY: I have no clue who Dilly Dilly is. Even though I have no clue who Dilly Dilly is I am still going with them over Collegiate Builders. CB is struggling and a win would be so nice for their franchise but until I see steps forward I just can't go with them. That's why I am going with a team I have never ever seen before. DILLY DILLY BY 7

HOMETECH +6 VS THE PRACTICE SQUAD: Hometech won and that was good. This is season 3 of TPS. They did bad in season 1 took a huge step season 2 and I think they have arrived season 3. They have now learned the game and continue to get better and better week after week. TPSD will have a huge girl advantage this week and will be able to exploit it. HT is a decent team but lacks top shelpf speed. TPS has some burners so they should be able to take this one. I don't expect a blow out but I do see TPS taking this one. THE PRACTICE SQUAD 7

CELINO SEWER RATS VS TIGHT END ZONES +7: TEZ got a big week #1 win but they did not look fast or sharp at all. CSR looked to be in mid season form. They were all over Hometech last week and should be all over TEZ this week. CSR has some speed and should be able to exploit a very slow secondary. TEZ will not be able to run with CSR and this will be a big issue. I expect CSR to put at least 30 up this week. I am starting to think CSR is the D6 favorite right now. CELINO SEWER RATS BY 10

THE MCKEZNIE AGENCY VS JABRONIES +8: TMA is back and that's a good thing for the TSL. Brent's smile should return, Ferger's moon shine should return as TMA is easily one of our favorite teams in this league.  Jabronies didn't look to bad last week as they lost 36-28. They got the offensive side of it down they just need to get the defensive side under wraps. Ferger is a gun slinger so this one should be interesting. I always think the team with the week off is at a disadvantage but TMA are now seasoned vets as they know this game and know it well. They should carry. THE MCKENZIE AGNECY BY 8




1. Seriously what kind of coaching techniques is Coach Jay using with all these brunette girls? I keep hearing Coach Jay is using these top secret Eastern European coaching methods and any/all girls with brown hair are improving their football technique by leaps and bounds. Well proof is in the pudding as we will finally get to answer the simplest of questions Saturday who is better the blonde or the brunette? I mean yeah you could have a charity football game and stuff orrrrrrrrrr you could just have Emily fight Shari in a steel cage and answer the same darn question. I obviously am not one to talk so you didn't hear that from me :)

2.  So who will win this week Bobby or the man defense? Bobby is up against it as he will be put to the test early and often by New Gods as they will force him to beat them.  Eyes Down Town for the first time in a while will be feeling some pressure this week. 

3. Does Slytherin in the End Zone fatally regret getting rid of the brains of the operation when they fired JZ? It sure looks like they could use him right now. 

4. Could a passing of the torch be happening this week at 2:00 on field #1 when HATBF face Gryffidnor? Is Joey Batts going to hand his title to Bro? Not without a fight if you ask me. You must thinking the same thing I am.....brother tag team Texas tornado match. Bro and Brother Nero vs Joey Batts and the Klecky Guy. This game could be alot of fun to watch this week. 

5. Will The Replacements quit fooling around and just throw Burr the damn ball? I mean seriously if you have a Ferrari in the garage you don't throw a cover over it you take that shit out and you drive it. C'mon TR get with the program and get Burr the damn ball. 



10 final thoughts before game day

1. The game I have my eye on is in D5 at 10 AM when we have our female battle for all the marbles. In one corner we have Matty's Angel's former D6 champs that have been together for a while now. In the other corner we have Cunning Stunts who are anchored by...Drew (boooo). Wait who? Yes Drew (booo) from Team Topper. I have heard he is meh at QB but killing it on defense. This game should be awesome as each team is evenly matched. MA has a better QB but CS has a better defense. This game could go either way.  

2.  We could be looking at a preview of the D5 title game this week when Come From Behind and The Bambs have at it. TB were awesome last week but they did dismantle a very bad team In Vandalay Industries. CFB beat a very bad UFO team. Its definitely test time as the winner of this one easily could get the #1 seed in this division. Each squad is as balanced as they come.  

3. Morning Wood was hopping mad at this writer last week as we had them at 50-1 to take D3. Last week was an easy test but this week the real test comes. MW must face Bullett Club. If MW wants to know what they are made of this is the week they will find out.  

4. Now that teams keep heading to D5 could this finally be the time once again for Celino Sewer Rats in D6? They looked very solid in a big week #1 win VS Hometech. This week they have a very winnable game vs Tight End Zones. D6 looks to be up for grabs as like 3 different teams could lay claim to the title. 

5.  I am dying to know who is playing QB for #XTC. If ever there was a team in dire need of a gunslinger it's these guys. The Rolando Ceasar Enrique Michael Murray experiment failed now its time for Plan B.  

6. I will have a keen eye on 3rd and Schlong this week to make sure week #1 was not a fluke.They looked very solid last week against a tough URTT. This week they get a battle tested BSS. If 3rd and Schlong is to take the next step they must win this game this week. You have to beat the teams you are supposed to. 

7. I love rivalry week and is there no bigger rivalry than Team Topper against the Icon Darryl Carr QB Super Star. This game should be awesome. Both squads are loaded on each side of the ball. One has a fantastic QB the other has Topper. I am very curious to see how Drew (booo) does this week as I am beginning to think he might be your D3 MVP.  Kudos to Team Topper for seeing we have no "official" performance enhancing drug policy in this league so they decided to take full advantage of this "loop hole. " 

8.  If Indecent Exposure wants to know if they are contender or pretender this session in D4 they will know by days end as they have two stiff tests in both Shredder's and Buffalo Solar Solutions. Both squads have seasoned vets and each will be a tough test. IE will not have an easy week this Saturday but they will know what they are made of by days end. 

9.  For those of you counting at home, this will be week #2 of B's Brother return and to date he still has no job. He assured us he would be in the program and have a job in 2-3 weeks of his podcast. If B's Brother does not have a job in hand by May 18th we will once again suspend him with no chance at appeal. C'mon B's Brother lets go clock is ticking. 

10.  If I had to pick winners in Breakfast Club. I would say Val's Pals 31 Taminators 23. Chef Curry and the shots 34 Peanut Butter Kelley Time 27. Angry Tailors 21 Poppin Molly's 13.


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If you have something to say email me anytime at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

As you know I do not give out my phone as I live in a log cabin in Des Moines Iowa and do not get cell service.



CYA Saturday......



Week 3 Thoughts, Picks, Insights and stuff

Category: The Godfather's Picks
Created: Wednesday, 09 May 2018 14:36
Published: Wednesday, 09 May 2018 14:36
Written by Patrick McGovern
Hits: 6970


Walter Elliot once said," Perseverance is not a long race; it is many short races one after the other."  Enter Race #3. Right about now you are starting to know if you are part of something special or if you are in store for a long season. If you play on 3rd and Schlong you are killing it as you sit at 2-0 and are beginning to wonder if you in fact will be hoisting the D4 trophy come week #11. If you are a QB on Eyes Downtown you are starting realize that you can in fact best a man defense and your team might be heading back to victory circle at seasons end. If you play for the Replacements you must be shaking your head. You have talent and you have a star that shines brighter than many but for some reason the planets are just not aligning in your favor. If you play for Mixxx you still aren't sure if you are a contender or pretender yet. However you must be happy that you are not on SITE as they are really bad right now.  If you are the reigning and defending TSL MVP of everything you must be wondering if you just handed your title over to a brother. Not your brother mind you but a brother none the less. And if you are the "CEO, CFO and innovator of the product that is" you must look into that gorgeous blue sky every Saturday morning and ask yourself this one simple question," After all these years is my time finally now?"


Life is full of questions but we don't always get our answers. Sometimes we get our answer and it is exactly what we thought it was. Other times we are shocked and surprised. In (8) more weeks (56) teams will have the answer to the only question that matters...."Am I good enough to add my name to the list of the immortals of this game now and forever?


And don't forget for the love of all that is decent and holy. This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before Friday at 10am


Let's pick some games shall we......




PUBLIC ENEMY VS TIGHT ENDS IN MOTION +3: This one should be good. This has the makings of a very decent rivalry. There are questions all over the place. Can TEIM cover Tommy Emerson Hughes? Can the TEIM QB stand tall against D1 cover guys? What exactly is the name again of that QB on Public Enemy? This one should be fun as let’s be honest these teams really don’t like each other much. I still am not sure if TEIM will be able to roll through D1 like they did D2. I see a lot of similarities here. TEIM has a Tommy Hughes in Dave Baker. TEIM has a Pauly J in Tiger. TEIM has a Boccio in stoner Dave. Here’s the problem. There is, was and will ever only be one Chris Cole. I don’t see where TEIM has a Chris Cole and that’s why I’m taking Public Enemy.  PUBLIC ENEMY BY 4


XTC +6 VS NEW GODS:  #XTC is going to surprise people this season. I heard Dubey and Patterson made their triumphant returns last week. New Gods did not look good as Bad Ricky made his return. We all need to make sure Bad Ricky never comes back. If you are #XTC you want Bad Ricky to come back but I digress. NG have athletes all over the field but they will be facing a team that will be one step ahead of them most of the day (assuming Dubey and Patterson show up). Who wins this one the team with more talent or some of the best system players in this leagues history? NEW GODS BY 3


RACKS AND SACKS +3 VS MARKETING MAYORS: MM has been squeaking by but you can see this team is in trouble without Delecki. Yes they will beat the small fish but when the bright lights are shining on them prime time MM just won’t have the horses. Is RAS Prime Time or just part of the under card? We will find out this Saturday. RAS have talent all over the field but they need to know if they are ready to take the next step or not. This is the week they find out. The plan is simple stay away from Andy Smith and attack the other side. If RAS does this they could win if not they will be shaking their heads by days end.  MARKETING MAYORS BY 4


ANGRY BUFFALO +10 VS EYES DOWNTOWN: I have a feeling AB will be coming to play this week. I am hearing rumors ED might be a tad short handed this week. If AB is going to shock the world this could be the week. AB has looked good on offense and Nick Sooch has been as good as advertised. AB needs to circle the wagons and install Coach Jay Eastern European training methods. It worked for the brunettes it could for AB. ED have been rolling along and down some stars will be put to the test this week. This game will be closer than you think.  EYES DOWNTOWN BY 4


ANGRY BUFFALO +6 VS RACKS AND SACKS: I will have a watchful eye on RAS this week. If they are to take the next step and become a D1 power house they must go 2-0 this week. If they don’t then questions will start to emerge. RAS is balanced and they have talent and they should carry against an opponent they should out score. I still am not sold on Radon on the intermediate routes yet. He needs to work on his touch on these passes. AB will score some points and I think they will be ready to play so RAS better not take them lightly this week. RACKS AND SACKS BY 3




NWO vs GRYFFINDOR +3: This game will be epic. It's going to be a war. In one corner is Brother Nero who is chomping at the bit as he wants his pub and he wants his brother's love. In the other corner is the TSL MVP of everything. He is the franchise player and won’t give his brother his love unless he earns it. These 2 teams will fight tooth and nail for all the marbles. NWO is loaded all over the field and boasts super solid girls who everyone keeps talking about. The Gryff is battle tested but could be on tilt after a last second loss last week that Joey Batts is still irked over. Life isn't easy for Joey Batts right now. No one really understands how much pressure he has to be carrying this whole friggin league on his back. Joey got hosed last week and now his own brother is coming for his title......his own brother. I mean how does Joey Batts do it? Gryffindor by 21


THE REPLACEMENTS +6 VS DMX TR are in trouble right now. Most of their issues are self-inflicted. OK grab a pencil TR its time to go to school. You have Doug and you have Burr. There are 2 sides of the field. Put Doug on one side and put Burr on the other. Put everyone else in the middle. When you get in trouble and you must get yards look left and look right. I am telling you with 100% certainty every single friggin play one of those 2 guys will be open. Mix in a few over the middle every now and again and you will be shocked by days end when you have scored like 30-34 points. Spread Burr and Doug out and give them grass to run and you will get yards and you will get gains. You will need those 30-34 points because whether you know this or not you are heading into a track meet this week with an offense that can score in bunches.  DMX BY 3


HOOTIE AND THE BRO FISH VS THE PURGE +7:Here we go again. Bro has looked awesome to date. HATBF continue to impress. I keep hearing about a certain young lady who continues to shock and awe this division. TP usually has a huge girl edge but I am not so sure anymore. TP first off will need their team to show assuming that happens they will need to make some plays. HATBF have been scoring at will and playing tough defense. Seketurski is so hot and cold you just never know which QB will be showing up. HATBF have been very consistent and that is the reason I think they take this one. TP needs to show more before we get back on their side. Right now they are a rudderless ship just floating away at sea.  HATBF BY 6





50-1 MORNING WOOD +7 VS MIXXX:  The chance was there. If MW won last week we would have kicked them to like 38-1 but noooooo Bullett Club sacked them like a lunch. Mixxx comes to town next. Mixxx is an interesting squad. JZ is an evil genius that nobody ever gives any credit to. I mean he has MIxxx at 1-1 while SITE is 0-2. Which team would you rather be on right now? MW needs to stop reading GF articles and get on that field and make some plays. There is an old saying in this world “actions speak louder than words.” God Speed Morning Wood.    MIXXX BY 6


BULLETT CLUB VS COBBLESTONE +3: This is one of the best rivalries in the game today. I love when CS beats BC and Joe K goes all bonkers cus he hates the super star Darryl Trots to the field on purpose that only seems to play against BC. The Club is revamped and should be in D2 with team PEDS I mean Team Topper. BC should carry in this one as Cobblestone is struggling right now. Obviously 100% of the blame for the Cobblestone woes lay squarely on every single solitary player not named Darryl Carr QB Super Star. Come on CS lets go you are hurting me and more importantly Darryl right now. LFG!!!    BULLET CLUB BY 4


CINTAS +4 VS 1 TOPPER TOO MANY: I read an article recently that Mark Ingram just got banned for 4 games for PEDS. I wonder if any Team Topper people read that article as well. Cintas and Team Topper are both 2-0 but they have yet to be truly tested. They both will be tested this week at 11:00 on Field #2. Topper is rolling and throwing farther and faster and crisper than he ever has. It’s true what they say steroids do work. Cintas continue to impress on both sides of the ball. I hear they have some girls that could hurt them. The Topper triangle of female starlets should come up big this week as they have a huge girl edge. I also wonder if anyone on Cintas can run with Drew (booo)? I also wonder if Drew (booo) is still super depressed from getting crushed last week in his girl game. As you know Drew (booo) can get very very moody. If regular Drew shows up Team Toper carries but if Moody Drew (booo) shows up an upset is possible. 1 TOPPER TOO MANY BY 4


SLYTHERIN IN THE END ZONE +78 VS STICKY BANDITS: A slump buster is coming to town just in the nick of time for the Sticky Nation. Sticky is better than this what the heck is going on? When the season started I had Sticky in the top 4 of D3 now I am not so sure. They aren’t scoring a ton they are playing bad defense and they just seem to be off a click. SITE is a hot mess. If you listen you can hear it…..can you hear? SITE …..SIIIIITTTTTEEEEEE.  It’s you good friend D4 please join us where you belong. Sticky better win this one or I am just throwing my hands up and losing all hope.  STICKY BANDITS BY 8


A&A +3 VS PUCKETT ALL STARS: Ok I don’t get it what’s wrong with A&A? Know what I think it’s time to unleash the beast. I request nay demand on the 1st play  that Matty Ice put everybody on one side and Casey Oliphant on the other side. I then request nay demand that girl just runs a fly and Matty Ice just heaves that shit at her as far as he can throw. It’s time for A&A to get up off the mat. Deontre you are a great athlete and all but there is only one Matty Ice. Leaders lead and followers follow. If you follow Matty Ice he will take you to the promise land…if you let him. Now that I think about it, I so miss Coach Van and his pictures I wonder how that silly bastard is doing right now. A&A B



Uncle Rico's Time Travelers +4 vs Indecent Exposure: IE looked rock solid in two big wins last week. Their offense was solid and their defense was stout. Could IE be the “next big thing in D4?” URTT lost to the Keller Nation but showed well last week when they crushed Brew Crew. They are known for their offense so this will be a big test for IE. I have always said that IE is a very balanced squad. I wonder if they finally will take the next step this season. We will know by days end what this team is made of. Indecent Exposure by 4


BREW CREW +8 VS BUFFALO SOLAR SOLUTIONS: BSS changed their name but they didn’t help them much last week. Their offense forgot to show up last week and that is not good. The only good news this week is Brew Crew comes to town and they aren’t so good. BS does not have a very good defense. For a team that is struggling on offense this is music to their ears. BSS gets up off the mat this week and gets back in the race.  BUFFALO SOLAR SOLUTIONS BY 6


3RD AND SCHLONG VS FULL THROTTLE +8:  FT struggled last week as they got goose egged. The news goes from bad to worse as the Keller Nation quickly approaches. 3AS is on fire right now. They are scoring at will and they are just playing solid football. 3AS is a solid team top to bottom. Their QB makes throws, their defense is tough and their girls can flat out make plays. FT could be in store for another long week on both sides of the ball. 3RD AND SCHLONG BY 7


HK4 VS AXA +8: HK4 showed up last week and looked very impressive on both O and D. AXA has not looked good so far. Apparently from what we are told Cody is making plays but his wr’s can’t catch a cold. HK4 is one of the better teams in this division so it could be a long day for AXA.  HK4 BY 13 





VANDALAY INDUSTRIES +1 VS HOPE N RUIN: VI shocked the world last week. They looked awesome as they scored at will. Scinta and or the prophet the most honorable Dave Walter could easily be your D5 MVP right now. They went bombs away on a slow Hung Buffalo secondary. Can they do it again? HNR is usually pretty tough on defense. VI better be careful. VI is lucky as HNR isn’t overly fast but they are very solid. I think the magical ride for VI comes crashing back to earth this week. Topper has notoriously struggled with HNR in the past. HOPE N RUIN BY 3


ALL WE DO IS QWINN +7 VS COME FROM BEHIND: CFB is in a different league right now that most of D5. CFB has looked solid on both sides of the ball and should continue to win big. This will be an interesting test. The reason it will be is AWDIQ is young and fast. CFB will struggle with young and fast teams as well they are older. AWDIQ are quick and will pose some problems. CFB will have a huge vet advantage, a girl advantage and a height advantage so they can use this to their advantage. I think this one could be closer than you would think.  I just noticed I said advantage 5x that’s a new record. COME FROM BEHIND BY 3


CUNNING STUNTS +10 VS THE BAMBS: The Drew era has not exactly gotten off to such a hot start. TB are a different team than in years past. Parrish could have big day as he is like ten feet tall and most CS defenders are like a lot shorter. Drew has to be sitting in his home right now stewing as he wanted more, he needed more, he expected more. If I was the Bambs I would split Nick and Parrish on opposite sides of the field. Drew can only cover one which leave the other wide open. Drew in theory has to go to Nick cus he’s the blazer which leaves ten foot Parrish on a shorter DB. Game, set, match Bambs. Drew must make throws this week or it will be a long day for CS. THE BAMBS BY 8


UFO +8 VS CUNNING STUNTS: UFO is struggling so CS has a shot in this one. I don’t see them matching up well vs the Bambs but they should match up well with UFO. It pains me to say this constantly but UFO IMO should have stayed in D6. UFO will have a chance this week as CS has talent but I am not sold on their QB yet. UFO can make some throws and make some gains. UFO should have simple plan extend their plays out laterally spreading out the CS zone. Once they find out where Drew is avoid him at all costs and go anywhere else but where he is. If they are smart and use this trick they will score points. CS have a ton of quick rabbits so they should throw easy 4-5 yard slants and let their girls run them out another r4-6 yards. Don’t go long Drew it won’t work. CUNNING STUNTS BY 4


HUNG BUFFALO +8 VS THE BAMBS: Hung Buffalo was crushed last week and I for one wonder if they come town on tilt hopping mad. TB are a very solid very balanced team. HB is good but they do not have speed. Nick of the Bambs can fly and he should have a field day with a slower secondary. VI went long ball last week against the Buff and got huge gains let’s see if TB plays copy cat and does the same. HB better fight the ship last week. If they take 2 big losses back to back things could go from bad to worse. THE BAMBS BY 6





COLLEGIATE BUILDERS +4 VS JABRONIES: Jabronies gave up 34 to a team that doesn't exactly light things up last week. The good news is Collegiate Builders well are up next. I am sure there will come a time when CS will turn things around and maybe someday they will become a D6 power house but that day is not today nor will it be tomorrow. I know Jabronies are new and will take time to catch up but this should be the week they do well and get a win. CS is a hot mess on both sides of the ball. Yes they are rock stars off the field but they need to work on the on the field stuff as well. JABRONIES BY 4


NICE TDS +8 VS TIGHT END ZONES: TEZ honestly doesn't look like much but they have showed very well the past few weeks. They aren't overly fast or overly skilled but they seem to be smart and play a very safe very methodical game that translates into success. NTDS had attendance issues last week and didn't exactly look overly impressive in week #1. I see TEZ once again coming to town and walking away with another W by games end.   TIGHT END ZONES BY 7


THE MCKENZIE AGENCY VS DARK KNIGHTS +3: TMA looked awesome last week and from what I was told Ferger threw better than he ever has before. TMA are all business. They don’t kill you with speed but they are a very solid football team. DK looked lost week #1 but came back to life last week. They have skill all over the field but they still need to learn how to use it properly. If this was a track meet DK would win but this is a football game where experience matters. I see DK being in the hunt by week #9 but I still think they need a few more weeks to “get it.”  THE MCKZENI AGENCY BY 3


CELINO SEWER RATS +7 VS THE PRACTICE SQUAD:  What a difference a week makes. If this was last week I would have told you this game easily could be a D6 title game preview but that was then and this is now. TPS has held up their end of the bargain as they have looked impressive CSR looked great week #1 but looked bad week #2. If each team wants to know here they stand it this division this is the game that will tell them. The winner of this game IMO takes the #1 seed the rest of the way.  THE PRACTICE SQUAD BY 6






1. Is Angry Buffalo ready to break out? They played New Gods and Public Enemy tough. It usually takes a few weeks to settle in with the speed of the D1 game. I have a feeling their roster could look a tad different this week. This team could be ready to really compete this week.  There is a chance Eyes Down Town or Racks and Sacks gets shocked this week.


2. What's going on with A&A? They are like 0-2 and have not looked good to date. They have only scored 42 in 2 games and have let up a whopping 75 points. A surprising RPAS are up next and they are capable of the upset. A&A better right the ship and right it quick as we are not used to this perennial power house sitting near the basement of the division. 


3. How does one hand out a best Bernal award if we have no Bernal's at football? Seriously Bernal's it's time to circle the wagons and figure out what is going on here or we are so cancelling this show and moving on with another story line. 


4. Was last week a fluke or is Indecent Exposure for real? I mean they literally smacked around 2 solid teams last week. I would like to see how IE stacks up with a very solid and very balanced URTT this week before I say they could be D4 title material. Though Shredders and BSS are no slouches so this is one team we will keep our eyes on. 


5. Who wins the battle this week the young fast rabbits on AWDIQ or the older vets on CFB? I love this match up. These two teams should be a great match up. CFB should be able to just throw the ball up and AWDIQ should be running 5-7 yard slants all day long. This game could be a good one.


10 final thoughts before game day


1. The game I have my eye on is in D1 where WW3 is heading our way. It started one fateful summer night at the outside bar. Tommy Emerson Hughes, Bro and the Klecky guy were kicking back with a few cocktails then "IT" happened. A war of words ensued which caused a quiet rivalry. This spilled into the bar after week 1 as a certain QB and a certain red headed pass rusher had a war of words. Well Saturday the time for talk will be over. It will be put up or shut up time. Are TEIM the new kids on the block? Or will Public Enemy once again thwart another challenger like they have for years? Tight Ends in Motion vs Public Enemy could be starting a glorious rivalry in D1. Will the game match the hype? That my friends is the question.....


2. He took out Burr, then he climbed Mount Olympus and he vanquished the Dragon Battaglia. This week's challenge is just as difficult, Bro must now face off with the Queen Bee.  HATBF has to be the story in D2 as they continue to shock. The Purge are really good but they just can’t seem to get their people to the fields. TP usually also has a huge girl edge but they won’t this week as a very under rated starlet is starting to make her presence know. HATBF will know by days end if they are title town material or not. If TP comes to town with everyone with them this will be a game if not the Queen Bee will suffer the same fate as the heroes before her.


3. Awesome battle looming in D3 this week when long time foes Cobblestone and Bullet Club have at it. Usually Joe K goes bonkers cus Darryl trots out his cyborg TE sent from the future to dust up Bullett Club but this game might be different. Joe K has thought ahead and might have out flanked CS by stacking his roster in anticipation of the cyborg from the future. I feel bad for the clock operator in this game and hope and pray it isn't Tim Dove.


4. I love feel good stories in this game. Look no further than D6 and take a gander at The Practice Squad. They were terrible in season #1. They made a nice run in last session’s playoffs now they seem to have arrived and could be the D6 front runner. They have a huge game looming vs CSR who got shocked last week by Tight End Zones. The winner of this game could take the #1 seed come playoff time. 


5. I am very interested to see how the rabbits of Matty's Angels do this week with the slow and lumbering mudders of THE. This game should be your classic size vs speed show down. In one corner are the quick Angels who seem to be clicking now. In the other corner are THE who seem to be cruising right along. Both teams knows the other well so this game should be a good one. Can anyone stop Hitman Hearn in the middle? He will be needed this week big time.


6. Vandalay Industries shocked D5 and more importantly Hung Buffalo last week when they laid the smacketh downeth on them. The Scinta/Walter safety buddy connection continues to pay dividends. I was shocked to hear Topper went long ball on HB with his girls no less. I wonder if other teams will try this tactic against Hung Buffalo moving forward. 


7. OK we now have this confirmed the NWO/Gyrffindor game has a bet that is now confirmed. Here are the details.....The loser of said game be it Joseph or Anthony Battaglia will have to put on a wrestling singlet ala Curt Hawkins the 0-160 wrestler in WWE. Then we will grab Emily Curry and put her in a chair. After that said brother must serenade her with the back street boy’s song of her choice. This will all happen at a later date this season when 5 Star Productions make their triumphant return to the fields later this season.


8. We have Battle of the Un-Beatens at 11:00 am on field #2 as Cintas have at it with Uncle Topper and Co. Yes both are 2-0 and yes they have both looked good but let’s look a tad closer at the stats. Team Topper has beaten the 8th and 10th place teams in the division while Cintas have beaten the 6th and 10th place teams in the division. So yes they are both 2-0 but this could be the first week each has a legit threat heading their way. I suspect this will be the week Team Topper will try to use their girl edge to their advantage. I would think Team Topper will also have a speed edge in this one as well. Obviously Cintas has more star power and the better QB. I see this game being close but Team Topper might get a gender TD or two that could sway things in their favor. 


9. So I spoke with an associate of mine and he said to make sure a special shout out is made to 2 very special long time readers of this article. Cash Kitty and Poppy Kitty, after all this time, are finally on their way to their new home this week. God Speed Mr. Kitty may the odds forever be in your favor.  Also, thanks for reading.


10. If I had to pick winners in Breakfast Club. I would say Chef Curry with the shots 36 Taminators 24 Peanut Butter Kelly Time 28 Angry Tailors 20 Val's Pals 27 Poppin Molly's 15. 


If you want a sub please email the request to before Friday at 10AM.  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


If you have something to say email me anytime at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

As you know I do not give out my phone as I live in a log cabin in Des Moines Iowa and do not get cell service.

What Week Is This Anyways??

Category: The Godfather's Picks
Created: Tuesday, 24 April 2018 14:52
Published: Tuesday, 24 April 2018 14:52
Written by Patrick McGovern
Hits: 11239



OK Let's try this again shall we......




On April 14th ummm...  On April 21st ummmm... On April 28th.... yes on April 28th in the year of our Lord 4 lb 2 ounce mighty Baby Jesus in his magical Baby Jesus robes of shiny stuff and magical colors or rockin a totally kool Jay German banquet outfit  with a totally kool Baby Jesus cap or pirate hat of some sort (56) teams will begin the voyage towards social co ed football immortality. Some teams enter the field of battle for one last taste of success as they know their time together may soon be over. Others will attend as they know deep down in their hearts that their time is finally now. Some teams that rhyme with Mollegiate Polar probably won't win many games but they will take the field of battle for fun and sun and they will enjoy their day even though they will lose like 46-8. One team will return but they better get their eyes off down town and get them squarely on Marketing Mayors. They know better than anyone that they must once again face Darth Vader. You can't win a D1 title unless you can beat each and every team TSL trots in front of you so this team must find a way to beat it's arch nemesis. Some teams in D3 are so mad that they haven't won a title that there are grumbles they have sold out for one last shot at the title. And what of our reigning and defending TSL MVP and D3 champion? What will he do for an encore? Could anyone in league history not named Darryl Carr QB Super Star have had a better year last year than the man known simply as Joey Batts? Will this be it for the Replacements or have they finally found a safe haven in the confines of a smaller less brutal D2? Will a new star emerge? I always wonder as a new season is about to begin will a new B's Brother or Boccio or Darryl Carr (OK not him no one can be Darryl Carr QB Superstar hes too awesome) or Girl on Crack emerge from the shadows to be "the next big thing" in our little corner of the galaxy? Who has improved so greatly that they will be noticed early and often this session? Will a new starlet emerge? And what of the great battle that is nearly upon us...When will the two biggest starlets in our game climb the mountain high, don their sumo suits and fight for all the marbles as they will punch and kick and swing to answer the simplest of questions, who will win the Alpha blonde or the Alpha brunette?  It's all about to begin again. The good news is we will all sit back and see it all un-fold before our very eyes together. We will see new stars emerge from the shadows, we will see our current stars fight so valiantly for one last crack at immortality. This season will be special. The juice will be worth the squeeze. We will laugh and we will cry. Do I have the answers to these questions and many more ...no...no I do not. I will sit back and let it unfold just like you. On April 28th in the year of our Lord 2018 (56) teams will take the field of battle. All slates will be wiped clean. All (56) teams are 0-0. What happens after that is up to you. In 10, 15, 20 years from now when folks walk upon that once hallowed ground and talk of the glory days of football past, will you be remembered as one of the greatest names in history or will you just be simply forgotten? That my friends is entirely up to you...... 




What happens next....is entirely........ up...... to ........you.




Now is the time I usually go through the games but week #1 is a crap shoot. There are too many new teams, players switching etc etc. I will handicap the divisions and week #2 I will go back to handicapping games once we get a good look at week #1 action.




****NOTE**** I only re-wrote the 10 final thoughts and the 5 questions for Saturday. I need to see these teams play a week before I start going on and on about wins and losses and make predictions. 
















#XTC     10-1








THE SKINNY: Mayors are easily the best team in this division. Mark Dalphonso has arrived, Cory Turner could be the best offensive mind in the game today and Delecki/Smith is about as good a duo as there is in this game. MM will be one tough team to beat in this division. ED should still be in the mix but they must find a way to beat Mayors. What they have done to date has not worked its time for change. PE is always in the mix but right now there is a dark cloud around them. Boccio is gone due to injury, Big Paulie is on sabbatical and no one knows if/when Cheryl makes her triumphant return. The question I would ask is who is going to step in for the Bocc? Will #XTC ever find a QB?  They are a solid team that is stacked but they just need a QB, will they find him? Rumors are swirling Cody Williams will be joining New Gods. Will someone be leaving or will Cody  be another member of an already large size squad? New Gods had a tremendous first session. I for one would like to see if McGrath takes the next step towards becoming a top 5 player in this game this session. Alex of TEIM will be under the microscope this session. The knock on him is his arm strength. He has not seen the speed and range the D1 defenders he will face this session has. Each team he faces will have a minimum of 2 studs on defense. Alex will need to be very smart and not throw lollipops or TEIM will struggle out of the gate. TEIM is very skilled it all begins and ends at QB for them. AB has the gun slinger and they have size but can their girls keep up in D1? We will find out very quickly. 








NWO    3-1








DMX  7-1




THE SKINNY: This division has only 6 teams but it should be bedlam each and every week. The Purge has easily the best girls in the division. They have talent but each week their fate depends on Taylor "feast or famine" Seketuski. When he's hot look out but when hes cold he's frigid. Replacements are very talented and boast the best player in the division. The question with them begins and ends at QB. Will their QB hold up?  NWO had a very solid fall session. They have good balance and very under rated females. I said it earlier but Brother Nero has things setting up nicely for a big year. DMX struggled in the fall but I think they will fit in just fine in this revamped D2. Call it a hunch but I expect big things from BRO this session,. He is the new people's champion, he is poised, he is skilled, he is well spoken, he is a man among a men, a beacon of light in an other wise dreary day and most importantly he is obviously the best brother. He is Joey Batts in this example. Bro will lead the Bro Fish into a great era of success. He will take his whole team and throw them upon his shoulders and will them to victory. They then will tell stories 10 nay 20 nay 100 years from now about Bro and his skill and how he did so much more for his team than his brother.   When they are done they will all high tail it into the bar (except Mary Poppins she will go home early) and they will win there too. The era of crush has ended the era of Hootie and his Bro Fish has begun. Incidentally the top 3 finalists for team name before  HATBF were (in no particular order) Beverly Hills 9021Bro, The Young and the Bro Less and Coming to Bromerica. I forgot to mention Joey Batts is great , easily the 2nd best player, person and humanitarian in this division and every other. I for one am a better person for just knowing him. Thank you that is all. 








BULLET CLUB         2-1


A&A 6-1








MIXX 12-1










THE SKINNY: There are rumors swirling that 1TTM and Bullet Club have started an arms race now in D3. Many claim both squads should be in D2 and their battle for the D3 title is nothing more than a mere formality. A&A is right where they want to be. They are sitting at 6-1 but they are battle tested, have solid girls, a great QB and one of the best players in the division. I am hearing quiet rumbles that Casey Oliphant could be ready to take the next step towards female super stardom.When you talk about poster child for how to do things right look no further than the Sticky Nation. Solid team: Check. Fun team: Check. Good people: Check. This league is a better place due to teams like Sticky Bandits.  It is now time to talk about the human highlight reel the best player in TSL history. A leader and man of such great character there are awards named after him. The dosecki's guy doesn't have shit on him. He's awesome , hes intelligent, he is better looking and just plain better than everyone else though he hardly ever tries. And lets be honest male or female name me one TSL'er with better hair? Yeah I didn't think you could either. His name is Darryl Carr QB Superstar and on April 21st in the year of our Lord 2018 he will grab his magical football and throw spirals that you swear will enter the beautiful Spring sky and bring you back to times of your child hood when things were so much easier and so much different. Cinta's is a Joey Batts project. Joey Batts is awesome so this team should be interesting. I have no clue what SITE or Morning Wood will bring to the table. MW has struggled in D3 before and right now SITE holds the record for weirdest team name. If SITE is Morgasm making her triumphant return wrapped in a 30' python I'm leaving TSL. RPAS keep getting put in a division and they keep winning titles. Kudos to them for making the jump to hyper space. RPAS are solid top to bottom and should be able to compete. Mixx is a mongrel team of JZ, Nick, Tammy and I think Justin Martial Law Garbacz. Mixx should easily be in the running for one of the funnest teams in the TSL. I am hearing rumors MIXX signed a lighting fast girl that no one has ever heard of...till now.  So let me get this straight Bullet Club already one of the better teams in D3 replaced 2 good guys who never show up with 2 good guys that always show up.  RIIIIIIGGGGGGHHHHHHTTT. I'm hearing rumors the Topper was none too happy with last seasons effort and has literally replaced people and signed everyone he could as he has marked this season on his calendar with a big red X. It's title or bust for the Topper. With his arm strength already eroding and his mind surely to follow the clock is ticking for poor Topper. This might be his best and final look at the D3 trophy. 












HK4 8-1




AXA 12-1




AARP 15-1








THE SKINNY: I still am waiting for Katie Keller to bust out of her shell and become "the next big thing" in the TSL. Girl has everything you are looking for. She is a great athlete, she is well spoken and has great sentence structure, she is a walking soap opera and she is poised for big things both on and off the field. Once Katie fulfills her destiny and becomes this leagues next big star how will 40 yr plan guy react? Will he be happy for her or will his love for her grow even stronger? This is one storyline I will be watching closely. NPI has been doing things the right way for a few sessions now. They are ever improving both on and off the field. I saw them at the bar more than once last session. They continue to improve and could easily be this sessions D4 title holder. Uncle Rico crushed D5 and now sets their sights on D4. They are a very balanced team that could easily make some noise this session.  Full Throttle is back and that's a good thing. They were a solid team that just was missing one speedster. If they find one fast guy they could easily be in the hunt come playoff time.  HK4 and Shredders return. Both teams are loaded top to bottom. Both have very decent female -players. Both can be also beat on defense so they must make tightening up the D priority #1 this season. AARP returns yay. Indecent Exposure was a very solid team that was befuddled by injury it will be interesting to see how they do assuming all their horses have returned. Brew Crew struggled if memory serves me right so I think they will struggle again. 3rd and Schlong is one of my favorite teams. Team Keller is awesome both on and off the field. One must think they are very sad as long time friends and punching bags Hometech have moved down 2 divisions. I don't know what to expect from AXA all I know is it is a fun team that will have Cody Williams debuting as a QB.  
























UFO 15-1








THE SKINNY: I think this is the division to be in it has everything you are looking for. D5 has both gender teams which naturally makes us think instant rivalry. D5 has Tommy Hughes which is a walking sop opera. CFB is the likable old vet team. The Bambs seemed to have sold their souls for one more shot at D5 glory. AWDIQ started off a few seasons ago with so much fan fare but their light is not shining as bright as in the past. HNR is always a solid stable team on both sides of the ball. UFO is taking a big gamble going from D6 finalist to a small fish in a big pond. They could struggle early out of the gate as this division is loaded top to bottom. I still don't know what to expect from Witter's but I do know they do have some talent on both sides of the ball. Hung Buffalo will once again bring their unique "attitude" with them both on and off the field. HB is one tough out and a tough team both literally and figuratively speaking. Its a shame ACE is gone as I so wanted to see ACE V Angels one more time. Vandalay Industries is a make shift team of the Topper, the prophet the most honorable Dave Walter and former ACE skipper Ronny K. This division has literally everything you could want and more. It has great teams, great story lines, walking soap operas and turmoil around every corner. D5 from week to week should be the place to be this session. I need to be honest I haven't a clue who is on nor do I know one thing about Passless Chaps.




























THE SKINNY: I only know one thing in D6 I must meet girl on crack. OK I know 2 things the other is Collegiate Builders usually struggle and I expect nothing less this season. New teams usually either are way too good for D6 or are a walking train wreck in season #1. We have some newbs so anything is possible. Dark Knights has returned but I must ask the question has Binder Girl returned with them? They have the potential to be a very solid team this session. Hometech got crushed D4 and has decided to move down to D6. Hometech should be the odds on favorite to win this thing. The McKenzie Agency is easily one of this leagues favorite teams they have the likable Ferger, the lovable Brent and the villain in Prim. They also have one of D6's most under rated players in Ron Weber. Practice Squad shocked many when they went from terrible team to a D6 semi finalist the next year. Practice Quad V Dark Knights should be a bitter rivalry in this division. It is nice to see Nice TDS return. Will the Tammy's soon follow?  CSR is back and is always in the hunt. There are alot of newbs I know little to nothing about. Anyone of these teams could shock or could be a hot mess by week #9. If Hometech does in fact win the D6 title will 3rd and Schlong immediately show up out of no where and challenge them to a game in the parking lot for said title?







Poppin Mollies 27 Peanut Butter Kelly Time 24

Angry Tailors 23 Taminators 13

Emily's Minion's 30 Val's Pals 28








1.  How will Hometech do in D6? If D6 doesn't work out there really is no where else to go. They have 2 tough tests heading their way this week with CSR and Dark Knights. I like Hometech and will be cheering but be honest if they leave D4 to go to D6 how funny would it be if they start 0-2.? I know it would be crazy funny right? No pressure Hometech....no pressure....


2.  Will Bro begin his journey towards the D2 MVP this week or do Doug and Burr have something to say about that?  Is Bro's time now? I am sure Bro can run with one Replacement burner but what of the other HATBF safety? Will he be able to cover one of the divisions better WR's? Can anyone on HATBF cover Burr because that is literally impossible? Could Mary Poppins tell him a story and put him to sleep?  If HATBF lose this week will one of their players be all like "I told you we should have been Crush?"    Burr + Bro=BOOM.


3. How will week #1 be without Big Paulie? Easily one of this games greatest stars both on and off the field Paul Nieman will be sorely missed as he tends to matters beyond his control for work. I for one think this league is a better place with Big Paulie in it and hope we still get to see him when he is able as he will be sorely missed both on and off the field. I am curious to see if Boccio steps up his game off the field or if he goes into a shell of some sort and quietly fades away. 


4. If you are Morning Wood do you even show up this week as Darryl Carr QB Superstar is literally un-beatable on opening day? Cobblestone is the toughest team in this league to play in week #1. They have star power and most opponents just fall into the trap and see Darryl and are in awe and then they can't concentrate or play good and 50 minutes later they lose. God speed Morning Wood and good luck this week...your going to need it. 


 5. Who exactly is Topper Sports League best sibling? We already know about our stars but who is the best supporting sibling.....Is it Bro or Brother Nero or Gordon's Brother or is it a Bernal sister? We will be examining this very question each week in this article and on our weekly podcast. Hopefully we also will hand out a "best supporting sibling trophy" at our next banquet as well. 






1. The game I have my eye on this week is in D1 where Marketing Mayors and Eyes Downtown have at it in one of the greatest rivalries in the game today. You could very well be seeing a preview of this session's D1 title game as both teams are as good as it gets. MM are the champs and have arrived. There is no better 1/2 punch than Delecki and Smith. The supporting cast is lights out and the QB has arrived. ED is such a solid team but they need a re-boot. Some teams (not named Public Enemy) have caught on to what they are doing and have begin to figure out ways to throw them off. ED needs to find a way to change their style. Just when someone thinks they have all the answers change the questions. ED will not win a D1 title unless they throw something at MM that they haven't seen before. 


2. Great match up looming in D3 when Bullet Club and A&A have at it one more time or as I like to now call it the "Matty Ice and Gordon Freedom Festival."  A&A is loaded and put a thug like beat down on the Club in last sessions playoffs. The Club has re-tooled and will look quite different this year as they have become instantly better on both sides of the ball as they now will be one of the smarter teams in D3. I can't wait to watch the girl battle unfold in this game as both squads are loaded at the female position. If Casey Oliphant truly is ready to take the next step she must beat JJ this week. Easier said than done. I will be watching Jeff Easton very closely this session I think he tends to get too high and too low and desperately needs a calming influence to help him take the next step. I believe that calming influence is now on his roster and his game is about to sky rocket this session. 


3. So I am hearing rumors that Johnny Football has joined DMX. I see DMX as a very sneaky dark horse this session. The Purge's girls should run all over DMX but DMX is tailored made to rip apart the soft zone of the Purge. I think this game will be alot closer than many would think. If you are a betting man definitely bet the over in this game. I expect 80 points in this one.  


4. Oh it is soooo on at 2:00 when Sticky Bandits and Mixxx have at it. I still am not sure of all the details of how and why but JZ is back in D3 and he will bring a super fun super competitive team with him. Sticky Bandits are who you think they are,. They are one solid football team both on and off the field. Mixxx better be ready to go to work as these two teams and probably 4 other ones all could stake their claim for the D3 title. SB are a very smart very methodical squad as is Mixxx. I expect a very smart and solid game that should probably be very close and end up with in 4-6 points by days end. I don't think either team has speed to burn so they will need to use their brains this week more so than any other. 


5. Uncle Rico crushed D5 and now they set their sights on D4. Standing in their way this week is test #1 3rd and Schlong who had a very solid season last year. Has Katie Keller arrived? Will all her love interests and off the field stuff cause her to lose focus on the field?  This is a very important season for her. I have seen players get caught up in the off the field drama stuff and they are never the same. Seriously though how come no one ever interviews or finds out what 40 yr plan guy is thinking? It's Katie Keller this and Katie Keller that . I for one want to know what 40 yr plan guy thinks. However improbable what if he actually doesn't love Katie Keller at all? What if the 40 yr marriage plan thing was her idea?  I mean when you think about it that's a total chick move. And what about Kevin Keller? This all started out when he got lost now no one even remembers him anymore. BTW was Kevin Keller ever found?  Will Kevin Keller get back in the spotlight or is he just fine with things the way they are? Now that I think about it does Kevin Keller even play on 3rd and Schlong anymore?


6. If you like fun games look no further than The Bambs and Vandalay Industries. I think the score will be a route as I am convinced the Bambs have sold their souls for this session's D5 title but seeing Parrish V Topper will bring back memories of glorious battles of seasons past when Topper always beat the Bambs. Maybe if we are lucky TC and Parrish will once again start up the Topper Heckle Email chain. Oh do I miss the hundreds of jabs TC and Parrish used to sling at Topper day after day after day after day. #topperthrowslikeawaiter is all Parrish. As for the game, VI will not have the speed to keep up I see a route heading our way. 


7.  Angry Buffalo will quickly get to see what they are made of this week with New Gods. NG are a very solid team on both sides of the ball as they have stars all over the field. Coach Jay will need to think of something and think quick as AB could be out gunned in this one. If I was AB I would use their size to their advantage this week. I am curious to see how Delano does this week. He will  go from the best player in a division to just another really great athlete in D1. I wonder how he will react when each week he will see a guy on his back that is just as good as he is. 


8. D5 title: check....D4 title: check.....now the Puckett All Stars head to the valley of death and must face off with the chosen one Joey Battaglia. He has a team called Cintas I am not sure who is on it or if they are any good but I know Joey Batts could beat most teams 1 on 6 so PAS better be ready to go this week. I'm curious to see if PAS can go back to back to back as that would be one kool story if they could. 


9.  I looked at the schedule this week and kept thinking the same thing....D5 is going to be AWESOME. THE vs Hope N Ruin. Matty's Angles vs AWDIQ. Witters vs Hung Buffalo. Topper vs The Bambs.  D5 is the place to be. The fun teams are here. The girls teams are here. Topper is here. Matty Ice is here. Ronny K is here. Joe K is here. Come from Behind is here. The prophet the most honorable Dave Walter is here. Hell even Drew is here.  This division will be a war a fun war but a war none the less each and every week. 


10. Before you take the field of battle this Saturday please remember a few things. First, go to Toppersports.com and download the rule book. Second, if you need a girl to sub on your team it is imperative no matter who you use that you email us before that Thursday at 6pm for said weeks game at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. Please refer to the rule book for all sub rules. You must receive email confirmation from us that your sub is accepted. This also holds true for the sub list. We will be forwarding a universal  sub list for both male and female players. Please know this season the list will be smaller than in years past. If you have any issues please email us or talk to us anytime. Breaking sub rules could cause future suspension or issues for you and your team. With that being said good luck to all Saturday. 






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