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The Playoffs, and so they begin.

Category: The Godfather's Picks
Created: Thursday, 28 June 2018 15:35
Published: Thursday, 28 June 2018 15:35
Written by Patrick McGovern
Hits: 7876


And so it begins……………….again

So here we are. We started the race with 56 teams but have narrowed the field to 48 and 1 potted plant. In 2 weeks 6 teams will achieve their goal of social co-ed football immortality. Where do we go from here?  Who will win? Who will lose? Let’s find out….



D1 Game of the Week

New God’s +4 vs Racks and Sacks: You can pretty much cut the tension with a knife. New Gods were beat in last session’s playoff by RAS. They made some changes and were supposed to be poised to take the next step. So far that has not yet happened. Ricky appears to be hurt, McGrath is not taking games over like he did last year, Cody really hasn’t been overly impressive and Pete and Jay seem to be MIA these days. To make matters worse RAS is up next and RAS has had New God’s number for the past 2 sessions beating them every time. New God’s is literally at the fork in the road. If they find a way to pull the upset they can make the finals as they are extremely skilled. But if RAS beats them again New God’s may never recover. Now yes we are going on and on about New Gods this week but make no mistake about it RAS is one solid football team. They deserve to be where they are these days. I expect a barn burner. Conventional wisdom would say RAS does it again but I like to cheer for the upset so I think New God’s are due.  New God’s by 1


D2 Game of the Week

There isn’t one but if I had to talk about 1 game.

The Replacements vs The Purge +6: Sometimes in life you have to close your eyes and believe in make believe. In our make believe world we are going to imagine that The Purge is going to actually show up and field a team instead of sending us some lame last minute excuse about the dog eating their homework or any other silly things they can think of. As for the game let’s also pretend the Purge has their super girl with them. This will present problems for TR who will need to make sure they account for her at all times. Where as I hope this exercise in futility comes to a screeching hault this week I feel bad for Kevin Zak who is easily not only one of the best players to ever play in this league but he deserves better than this. I for one hope he finds a new home in the fall because when he decides to leave this game it should be on better terms than this. TR is a solid team that will be waiting on TP. TR has speed to burn and TP does not have that same speed. TR must get a game from their QB. He is the key to their success. If the QB shows and plays well TR will roll but if not stranger things have happened. I wonder if Shari and Burr are friends or foes this week?   Replacements by 6


D3 Game of the Week

Sticky Bandits vs Mixxx +3:   Sticky Bandits have been flying under the radar for some time now. A&A is having attendance issues, team Topper is missing Drew and Bullet  Club is lost without Easton. Could the planets be aligning for the Sticky Nation? You can’t help but think JZ has come to town as a low seed before and shocked the world. It seemed like just yesterday he trotted out an 8 seed and made the finals of the D3 dance. He is battle tested and will give Sticky Bandits all they can handle and more. When Mixxx has everyone there they can play with everyone. SB are a very smart team that plays a very safe style of football . The will not make many mistakes so Mixxx will need to bring their A game. I see this game in the high to mid 20s and it could come down to the defenses. Will JZ change up his style or will he continue to trot out that way too deep zone? This game should be a good one that won’t be decided until late. Sticky Bandits by 4


D4 Game of the Week

Full Throttle vs Uncle Rico’s Time Travelers +1: Full Throttle is 6-3 and is riding a 6 game winning streak. Their offense has come to life led by a smart QB who contuse to get better week after week. FT plays a very smart very methodical offensive game. Last time these 2 hooked up FT won a thriller 40-35. I expect another barn burner. URTT are battle tested and have won the big dance before. They have played in the big game and they know what it takes to win a title. FT still is in learning mode and this might come back at them but you can’t discount the fact they have won 6 in a row. URTT will just sit back and let it fly. Offense is their game. My gut says URTT could shock this week but my heart is with Full Throttle.  Full Throttle by 1


D5 Game of the Week

All we do is Qwinn vs Hung Buffalo +6: If you like salty, nasty , chippy football this is the game for you. Hung Buffalo have been known as the TSL bad boys for some time now but AWDIQ is quickly catching up. This is a game about size vs speed. HB has the size while AWDIQ has the speed. Both have been in the big game and won big games before. AWDIQ will want to use their speed and spread HB out early and often. HB will want to slow the game down and just play methodical. Last time out AWDIQ beat HB 36-20. HB will put up a fight but at the end of the day speed kills which should propel AWDIQ onto round #2.  All we do is Qwinn by 7


D6 Game of the Week

Dilly Dilly vs The McKenzie Agency +8: Round #1 did not end well for TMA. It was a thug like beat down both on and off the field. TMA was ho humming along and has not been the same since “the incident.” Dilly Dilly is probably the best team in D6. They have everything they need to take home the title. What they do not have is fate on their side nor the support of the TSL Universe this week. Everyone will be cheering for TMA. TMA are the people’s champions and must find a way to keep up in this one. Dilly Dilly can move. TMA has one burner but they lack top shelf speed everywhere else. For TMA to have a chance they must play slow, sound and methodical. Ferger must make safe easy throws to keep his team in the game. TMA is up against it and the world will be on their side but will it be enough? I fear the bad guys beat the good guys in this one  L.        Dilly Dilly by 6



-I have said this for a while and will continue to say this, I feel the 2 deep zone is wearing out it’s welcome and will be a thing of the past in 1-2 more sessions. It’s too easy to beat and there are better ways to defend.

- All in all I think the officiating in this league has been solid. Yes every now and again something pops up but I feel Rameer and all our refs have done a great job enforcing the rules. I don’t think the refs get enough credit so I thought this would be a good time to make sure people remember that our refs are doing great work.

-Well Mo has been telling us for weeks Morning Wood can pull the upset. Drew is out and Morning Wood is now at put up or shut up time. Can Morning Wood shock Team Topper?

-A&A has been a shell of it’s former self and it all begins and ends with attendance for this squad. If they are at 100% they can play with anyone but if they are not anything can happen. Joey Batts and Cintas is up next. Cintas is a very vanilla but very methodical team that doesn’t make a ton of mistakes this could be a good match up.

- I am beginning to think Joey Batts likes Burr more than his own brother.

-No one is talking about Practice Squad right now…..but they should be.

-is 3RD and Schlong confident heading into this playoff or are they afraid someone is about to come to town and shock them? Ice Box vs Katie Keller could be the best match up the day.

- I wonder who will get a real paying job first “potted plant” or B’s Brother.

-Just we all are clear on sub procedures moving forward:

Please go to the rule book pages 2/3 Rules 5-7. There it will tell you what girls are allowed to sub in each division. If you need a sub you must email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before Friday at 10AM for that week’s game ONLY. You may choose anyone you wish before Friday at 10am as long as you follow the rules on divisions. Please note one girl is not allowed to sub anymore and (3) D2 girls may not sub in D1 but if you have questions on specifics email us and we will tell you who they are.  For example if you are a team in D2 you may only choose a girl in D2-D6 to be your sub. If you are a team in D3 you may only use a sub that is a girl on a D3-D6 team. If you are a team in D6 you may only choose a girl sub from division D3-D6. Once you send us an email will respond promptly in writing that your request has been accepted. If someone beats you to the sub it will be rejected and you will have to re-submit. If Friday at 10am passes you may only choose a girl on our USL only. USL subs do not have to be formally requested via email. We ask as a courtesy you tell us but you don’t have to. You must also submit in writing all guy subs and B Club subs. To be clear do not email, call or text Topper if you do this we will reject your request. You must email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. only. If you use the “Topper told me it’s OK” excuse we will still suspend you so please don’t waste our time and please follow the rules as they are written.



5 Questions for Saturday

1. How could you Drew? This was supposed to be Topper’s Mr. Holland’s Opus. It was supposed to finally be his time yet once again its playoffs and no Drew. Easton went down and A&A is having attendance issues. This was supposed to be the swan song in the longest title journey ever but now that is ruined. Morning Wood has to be drooling this week.

2. Can JZ conjure up the ghosts of playoff upsets past and shock the world one more time? JZ and Mixxx have struggled but JZ has been known to pull a rabbit out of his hat and shock the world. Sticky Bandits is coming to town getting hot at the right time and would like nothing better than to beat their foe this week. I keep hearing there is still some old “irked feelings “over winter comings and goings. This one should be good….

3.  How nervous is Bullet Club right now? This was supposed to be Joe K’s Mr. Holland’s Opus. It was supposed to finally be his time yet once again its playoffs and no Drew I mean Easton. Travis can play QB but then they lose his speed out there. Puckett All Stars are no slouch so Bullet Club better be careful this week. BTW I so am cheering for PAS to go back to back to back this go round.

4. Can Hometech pull the upset and move onto round #2? Rumors are swirling that “Cousin Steve” will not be dressing this week due to prior engagements. Can Austin take the rock and propel Hometech to victory? Tight End Zones are like a box of chocolates you really never truly know what you are going to get.

5. Will we get Gordon’s answer this week? Is this the dawn of A&A Club or are Gordon and Matty ice destined to be enemies and bitter vials forever? This is one storyline I will be monitoring closely this week. No one truly ever knows where Gordon’s head is at, my guess is he will change his mind 56x this Saturday. I hope we get our answer by days end.


10 Final Thoughts for Saturday

1. The game I have my eye on is in D4 where it is quadruple dog on!!!  Full Throttle has won 6 in a row and must now have at it with Uncle Rico’s Time Travelers in easily the match up of the week. Both teams are coming to town hot and either one could in theory take home the D4 title. The road traveled will not be easy as either one of these squad will have 3 grueling games they must survive if they want to call themselves champions.

2. Tight Ends in Motion heads once again into battle with new rival Public Enemy. They are 0-2 but I don’t think enough people are giving enough credit to a player who wasn’t in attendance in either game #1 or game #2. I am hearing rumors “potted plant” will make his TEIM debut. Potted Plant was an 8x all-star down in the East Side Social Co Ed Football scene. Potted plant is very smart, very crafty and could very well come up with a very tough game plan to keep Public Enemy off balance this week.  I expect nothing less than hell, fire and brimstone in this one.

3. Once we again we have another size vs speed match up this week . Will this be the summer of George or will Matty’s Angels kick their game up a nickel and head for the D5 title? Vandalay and Matty’s Angels should be a barn burner. If you like offense this one is for you. I have no clue who will show for VI so that kind of makes this fun as well. MA are really fast and will keep VI guessing all game. Can VI find a pass rusher to keep Matty Ice off balance or will they need to have a “committee” approach. I’m guessing if they rush just one guy he really could have a heart attack by days end.

4. I am hearing Drew will be gone which means Cunning Stunts must go to the back up this week. In this case that’s great news as the best QB, player, umpteen time champion and your reigning and DEFENDING league MVP is up next. The power of Joey Batts is all around us. He probably could beat Tommy Hughes Experience all by himself but due to the silly rule book you need at least 4 players on the field. THE V CS should be a great matchup.

5. If I was No Punt Intended I would be a tad nervous right now. Yes they are 7-2 but they haven’t exactly been overly impressive since they crushed 3AS. They lost to Uncle Rico, barely beat Brew Crew and only beat BSS by 6. BSS is up next and have been known to pull the shocker every now and again. If I was NPI I would make sure I am not looking towards next week as an opponent that can shock them is heading their way.

6. I don’t think there is a person in D1 who doesn’t like #XTC. Obviously there are some people that love #XTC. And no I wasn’t taking an indirect shot at a girl on a team in D4 there, or was I, nope I just thought about it I was not. My point is anything can happen on any given Saturday. Eyes Downtown look to be the heading towards another date with the D1 title but maybe the football Gods won’t be on their side for once. Speaking of Football Gods I hope Angry Buffalo smokes Marketing Mayors after that lame sub request of Lindsay from HATBF. For shame Marketing Mayors…fooooor shhhhhhame.

7. Dark Knights snuck into the D6 dance on the last drive of the regular season and now face a familiar foe in round #1. DK easily have 2 of the best athletes in D6 but they need to get more from their QB. If you can’t make the simple read and the simple throw you won’t survive the 3 game gauntlet. Patience is a virtue but there is an awful lot of talent not being utilized right now on the DK side of the fence. Celino Sewer Rats will bring the thunder as they are past D6 Champions.

8. I wonder where Hope N Ruin would be these days if they didn’t have like all of their girls hurt at one time or another. I fear HNR will be out gunned against a very solid Come From Behind. It would be nice to throw one more title on the pile for CFB before they start thinking about putting the gone fishing sign up on the franchise.

9. Indecent Exposure and HK4 have at it one more time this week. Last time they hooked up IE took a 44-43 thriller. If it’s offense you like it is offense you will get. IE is a solid squad who boasts the best player in D4 you have never heard of. HK4 has a very solid girl and a very solid QB. This game for me will be decided by the 2’s and 3’s of each squad. The girls will wash and both QBs are good but how will the depth players on each squad produce? The team that gets better secondary production probably takes this.

10. OK you must be thinking the same thing I am . If Mixxx doesn’t win this week will they call JZ into their office and fire him like SITE did last session. I for one hope Mixxx listens to their captain as he has won big games in this league before.



Week 9 Random Thoughts, Picks, Questions & Advice

Category: The Godfather's Picks
Created: Thursday, 21 June 2018 16:25
Published: Thursday, 21 June 2018 16:25
Written by Patrick McGovern
Hits: 5680


Enter Week #9

It is now or never time. Most of you know you are in but you don’t know what seed you have yet. For 2 teams in D6 their seasons hang in the balance. Some teams are cruising, some are reeling, some players named JZ and Drew are under so much pressure right now it is almost hard to breath. What happens next? Where do we go from here? Where the hell is B’s Brother?



D1 Game of the Week

Tight Ends in Motion vs Angry Buffalo +4: Oh its Hatfield’s vs McCoy’s on this week. These two teams are long time foes. It seemed like just yesterday when TEIM shocked the world and stole the D2 title right out of the hands of Angry Buffalo. TEIM is 4-3 but I still have questions. Public Enemy exposed big holes in their game last week but was the rest of the division watching or sleeping? Angry Buffalo has Nick Sooch and he is good. Delano V Tiger should be worth the price of admission all on its own. TEIM will have a big girl edge. Angry Buffalo will have a big size and QB edge. I can’t wait to see if TEIM rushes a guy on AB and I can’t wait to see if AB presses up on D and forces Alex to beat them over the top. The key to this game might just be the 2nd and 3rd girl options on TEIM. Emily will get the AB attention so one of Kate or Amy will need to have a big day in this one.  Tight Ends in Motion by 6


D2 Game of the Week

Gryffindor vs The Replacements +7: Burr and Batman will be foes this week but friends on the Joey Batts super team coming to a D1 near you in the fall. The Scotty M injury basically ended any hopes of back to back Gryffindor tittles. Burr will be waiting on Battman. Brother Nero has been awfully quiet the past few weeks could he be ready to go off this week? TR have been playing solid football down the stretch. I continue to say this, this is the one team I do not want to draw in round #1 of the playoffs. If this game comes down to the QB’s we all know who we are going with in this one. Regardless of the Scotty M injury Joey Batts easily could BE your league MVP once again when the dust settles.   Gryffindor by 4


D3 Game of the Week

1 Topper to Many vs 25.5-1 Morning Wood: I told you on the podcast this week that if my team was at 100% we can beat anyone. This week we get Team Topper and I am sure Morning Wood will have something special cooked up for that side arm swilling waiter and Co. My girls are fast, my QB is top notch and my BFF Dave Is not going to the this make belief Joey Batts super team set to play in a D1 near you in the fall. Yes I might have fallen on my head last week and I am still groggy but Morning Wood should not be taken lightly. That is why I am calling the upset. By week’s end my team will enter the D3 playoffs as a 10-1 shot. Morning Wood will beat Team Topper and I will finally stop this charade and tell the whole TSL universe that I am in fact the Godfather.  Morning Wood by 7


D4 Game of the Week

HK4 +7 VS Uncle Rico’s Time Travelers: Things are not as fun in D4 when 3RD and Schlong is off. It’s like the soap opera has taken a week off or something. HK4 is an up and down team. Some weeks they can go with anyone and other weeks they will get beat by 20. URTT can score early and often. They are battle tested and they have won the big game in this league. HK4 will have a few places they can attack and they do have solid girls and a decent QB but I just don’t see anyone winning a shootout with Uncle Rico and his Time Travelers.  URTT BY 8


D5 Game of the Week

Hung Buffalo +4 vs The Tommy Hughes Experience: THE continues to play their game and they are doing just fine. HB is a match up sent from the heavens for them HB is good but they aren’t overly fast which is the achilees heel of THE. HB plays a lot like THE.. Tommy Hughes is on cloud 9 after he QB’s Public Enemy to victory. I can so see him coming to the fields with an intern and warming up with a guy catching his passes and stuff now. As for the game THE probably rolls in this one though this game will be closer than you would think. THE BY 4


D6 Game of the Week

Dark Knights vs Jabronies +4: Win and you are in BAY-BAY!!! Oh it is week #9 do or die time. Both teams are fighting for the last golden ticket to the D6 dance. Jabronies looked like they were left for dead but last week they erupted. DK are a solid team with a few very good players. Their QB continues to get better week after week and they have a very under rated talent on this squad. In theory DK should run away in this one but it’s week #9 and in football anything can happen on any given Saturday. Jabronies could shock the world. They could play the game of their lives and steal the last ticket to the dance. If DK platy safe and don’t get overly cocky they should be able to carry in this game. If they go 4-5 and something happens elsewhere they could even grab a 6 or 7 seed.  This game should be good. No pressure…no pressure… Dark Knights by 3





-I think the most under rated player in this league is named TJ. He plays QB for Puckett All Stars and continues to get better and better week after week.

-JZ and Joe K have had an awesome girl sub battle looming behind the scenes this week. Will Bullett Club V Mixxx live up to the hype? I don’t think so either.

-So Drew no showed last week but Drew teams went 2-0. Is this a co-incidence or is there something to read between the lines? If Drew shows and Team Topper loses to Morning Wood will the cat callers begin to call for Drew’s head?

-Will the slow methodical game plan of Vandalay work this week or will the quick mini mites of AWDIQ rule the day? This is one of those size vs speed games. VI started hot but have not looked overly impressive the past few weeks.

-No Punt Intended hasn’t exactly been lighting it up the past few weeks and playoffs are quickly approaching. This is one team I will keep my eye on. Buffalo Solar Solutions are capable of pulling off a shocker.

-Will the league be able to survive without a Katie Keller soap opera angle this week? If I was 3rd and Schlong I would still have the whole team show at 11 and have them all stand an watch NPI play the Shredders. This would be a total head game the same way NPI played head games with 3AS when they played HK4 a few weeks ago.

-Sticky Bandits V Bullet Club could be a very very good game at 3:00 now that the Club lost their QB.

- I still don’t know what to think of Tight End Zones. I am just going to start calling them Team Roller Coaster. They are all about the ups and downs.

-I’m just throwing this out there but if you take Joey Batts off Cintas they are a 1-8 football team.

-I’m just throwing this out there but if you take Joey Batts off Gryffindor they are a 1-8 football team.

-I’m just throwing this out there but if you took Joey Batts out of the TSL we would be a 1-8 football league. 

-Just we all are clear on sub procedures moving forward:

Please go to the rule book pages 2/3 Rules 5-7. There it will tell you what girls are allowed to sub in each division. If you need a sub you must email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before Friday at 10AM for that week’s game ONLY. You may choose anyone you wish before Friday at 10am as long as you follow the rules on divisions. Please note one girl is not allowed to sub anymore and (3) D2 girls may not sub in D1 but if you have questions on specifics email us and we will tell you who they are.  For example if you are a team in D2 you may only choose a girl in D2-D6 to be your sub. If you are a team in D3 you may only use a sub that is a girl on a D3-D6 team. If you are a team in D6 you may only choose a girl sub from division D3-D6. Once you send us an email will respond promptly in writing that your request has been accepted. If someone beats you to the sub it will be rejected and you will have to re-submit. If Friday at 10am passes you may only choose a girl on our USL only. USL subs do not have to be formally requested via email. We ask as a courtesy you tell us but you don’t have to. You must also submit in writing all guy subs and B Club subs. To be clear do not email, call or text Topper if you do this we will reject your request. You must email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. only. If you use the “Topper told me it’s OK” excuse we will still suspend you so please don’t waste our time and please follow the rules as they are written.



5 Questions for Saturday

1. Many folks want to know so I’ll ask the question…who was that guy who threw 6 TDS for Hometech? That was Cousin Steve easily the most under rated of the Kensy clan. All he needed was a chance and last week he got it. Is he on Hometech full time and if he is do they instantly become the D6 favorite?  That my friends is one darn good question.

2.  OMG….could the Purge actually grace us with their presence this week or is this team about to fold? I can’t even remember the last time they actually played. I have the odds at 50/50 that they even show this week.

3. Is this it for The Bambs? I sure hope not but their season comes to a sad ending this week at 11:00AM vs Witter’s. I so hope they fix their issues and get back together for one more triumphant run. I hope they go like 8-1 in the fall and JMohr comes out of retirement and beats them for the D5 title.

4. So did JZ learn a lesson last week or is he going to commit the same sins he did last week? Move the zone up JZ. You can’t sit back in a super soft zone and get picked apart and then wonder why things aren’t going your way. The teams that win in this league attack on both offense and defense. Safe is stupid. Put your foot on the gas and let’s see where it takes you.

5. Time to ask the only question that matters….How do I join the Coach Jay’s school for good players who don’t play so good….yet? Easy find Coach Jay. Find Lenny. Email me. Hopefully this becomes a school to help players of all kinds and all division levels get better.


10 Final Thoughts for Saturday

1. Hopefully you get a chance to head to field #4 at 1:00 as it is D6 last playoff spot on between the Jabronies and Dark Knights in your game of the day. This one is for all the marbles. If this was 5 weeks ago I would have told you DK will run away with this but Jabronies are getting better and better week after week.  

2 Every time I look at the D4 standings I add one more team to the list of teams that could win it all. I could easily make a case for 3rd and Schlong, No Punt Intended, Indecent Exposure, Uncle Rico’s Time Travelers and now Full Throttle. If you ask me there is no better title chase then the chase that is about to go down between these 5 squads.

3. Good Lord can anyone beat Hootie and the Brofish? I say no. DMX is up next and I don’t see them being able to run with this squad. HATBF basically has it all. They have a decent QB, they are fast, they have size and they have the best girl you have never heard of but soon will.

4. Oh my, what a site it would be if Full Throttle wins 6 in a row. The train wreck known as Shedders is up next. If you ask me Lou could easily win D4 MVP as he has Full Throttle rolling right now.

5. Do we get to see Cobblestone in D3 for the last time this week on Field #2 at 3:00?  Darryl Carr QB Superstar is easily a first ballot hall of famer but it is quite obvious that his entire team except for him has regressed and it might be time to take the call to D4. A&A always get hot down the stretch and will be looking to send a message this week.

6. For the love of God Passless Chaps throw the darn ball to really really really really tall guy this week. I fear a scary outcome is upon us. I also am afraid of Democrats, people named Blake and paper clips.

7. Attendance Bowl will be played on Field #1 at 10 am between New God’s and Public Enemy. Both teams are way better than their records indicate but both squads have had nothing but attendance issues all season. I’ll ask the question, did Tommy Hughes accidently start a QB controversy for Public Enemy last week? As for the game I expect a barn burner between 2 very solid football teams.

8. The McKenzie Agency has a big test this week before playoffs when they must have at it with the Practice Squad. Hopefully Ferger has finally healed from the thug like beat down he received at the hands of Dilly Dilly. TMA will need to be ready to run as TPS can go with anyone.

9. Heated Spring rivals TEIM and Eyes Downtown will have at it this week. ED is running right through D1 and was crushing it last week post game. This could be the week Matty Mohr goes off on offense.

10. Everyone keeps asking why is the article changing? What gives? Well things change after a while so sometimes we need to change it up. This is alot like Howard Stern. He is arguably the best radio guy in history. He used to be on 5 days then went to 4. Then he had a contract negotiation and went to 3. When asked he said “you can either have me for 3 days a week or don’t have me at all.” I have had fun playing on Morning Wood and doing this article but I don’t have the time I once did so this will be the best I can do for a while. It’s better than the alternative.

11. Ready for B Club predictions? Peanut Butter Kelly Time 37 Poppin Mollies 20. Angry Tailors 30 Taminators 23.



Week 7, Thoughts, Insights, Warnings, Some Advice, No Picks!

Category: The Godfather's Picks
Created: Thursday, 07 June 2018 14:13
Published: Thursday, 07 June 2018 14:13
Written by Patrick McGovern
Hits: 9223





You said sorry guys

I heard that is not the case

Unfortunate news


Enter Week #7

So this has been a crazy week. Everyone has a thought on what is wrong and what needs to be done to fix things. I have an associate of mine he has (2) friends their names are Sarah and Emily. He asked them what they thought was wrong with this league and what needs to be done and that’s when Sarah said #DON’TBLOWIT. Emily later elaborated on the mission statement….And yes I too thought it was something about abstinence and stopping drunken coitus mistakes but I was corrected….


Don’t blow it people!!!!

Don’t blow it with the league, don’t blow it with the bar, don’t blow it with your team mates, don’t blow it with your friends, don’t blow it with your job, don’t blow it with your body, don’t blow it with your self-respect, don’t blow it with everything you have done for yourself and others.

Ladies and Gentlemen when you take the field of battle on Saturday June 9th in the year of our Lord 2018 I would remind each and every one of you….#DON’TBLOWIT

OK I unfortunately will be on sabbatical this week and can’t produce my normal article so here are some random thoughts to keep you going until I get back to business next week.



-So it looks like Kyle Coniff was right and 3rd and Schlong might not be the team to beat in D4. Dude has stolen Katie Keller’s milk money, tore up a podcast and thrown an after party in the past few weeks. Could Coniff be this generation’s ambassador of awesomeness ala “The Next Pauly J?”

-Kudos to Management for finally drawing the line on the tom foolery of the past few weeks. It is about time that sub rules get revised and people start acting their age and the wrongs start becoming rights. I for one hope lessons learned and we all move on better for it.

-Team Topper has had it on auto pilot but then tragedy has struck (their defense) and they now sit at 3-2 with a very solid A&A coming to town next. I am hearing their normal ladies will be MIA. Team Topper needs to right the ship and right it fast as playoffs quickly approach.

-Can anyone stop Hootie and the Bro Fish? They have been steam rolling through D2. Looks like they are heading to the show next. I know the league is busy with sub issues and tom foolery right now but when that stuff is done let’s focus on re-organizing and stopping all this that guy plays on this team and that team nonsense. This league started with 40 solid teams with no grey areas I think it’s time to return to one player one team.

- I really enjoyed this week’s podcast. You can agree or disagree with this that and the other thing but I for one commend this league on being a place where everyone has a voice. This league takes a ton of time trying to entertain its customer base. I commend this league for having a web site that works that includes people who actually know how to spell. I also commend them on taking their time to do a podcast to try and help the product. I listened to another league’s podcast a few weeks ago and fell asleep after 3 minutes. It sounded like 4 people were sitting in a garage and I was bored as F. Kudos to the podcast team and to Joe K/DJ Jimmy who were thrust into this position while others have been away. I really think this league does more good than bad with it’s podcast and website. If it ever left there is no doubt in my mind the people that would miss it most are the people that are “complaining.”

-I know there were a lot of long faces at last session’s banquet when Joey Batts walked that aisle and picked up his TSL League MVP. Is it possible that he goes back to back? Now hear me out…..He beat brother Nero in Brother Bowl, he lost Scotty M to a tragic injury and he still has his team at 5-1. What if he does the impossible and beats Hootie and the Bro Fish for the D2 title?  What then TSL Universe?   If that happens does he repeat as your league MVP? Be afraid …be very afraid….

-It is nice to hear that Paul LoVullo has returned. This league needs more of the “good guys” back in town. Come From Behind is 2-2 and could go on a run soon. It’s nice that Paul has been kind enough to lend a hand as a sub QB for teams that need it as well. This league needs more Paul LoVullo’s if you ask me.  If you still aren’t sure if you are doing it right go follow that guy around with a pen and paper you might learn a thing or two.

-Speaking of “good guys” I can’t tell you how much it paints me to see Cobblestone at the bottom of the D3 rankings. Yes Darryl Carr QB Superstar is still our #ICON but it might be time to take the trip to D4. It is quite obvious to this writer that his team just can’t match his talent level at this point in 2018.

-Can anyone stop Eyes Downtown? Marketing Mayors won’t do it without Delecki. I don’t think TEIM is ready yet. Public Enemy at 100% can play with anyone but they can’t get people to the fields. New Gods are having attendance issues and right now Ricky Austin is stuck in the matrix.  Angry Buffalo isn’t ready yet. I think Racks and Sacks are missing one more key player. #XTC is an enigma. When the dust settles I think Eyes Downtown will be hoisting the trophy come July.

-They kept talking about Bullet Club and Team Topper but no one spoke of Mixxx. I really am cheering for JZ this session. He has a solid team and dude knows what he is doing. I also feel bad SITE fired him so it would be a kool story if JZ proved everybody wrong and took the title.

-I can’t help but think The Replacements are the team you do not want to play in the first round of the D2 playoffs. This team has skill and has 2 blazers who can take a game over. TR can shock the world if their QB plays like his hair is on fire. Easier said than done but this still is one team I will keep my eye on down the stretch.

-Tommy Hughes Experience is up against it this week as they have 2 tough tests looming.  A very under rates Witter’s and very tough Cunning Stunts are up next. THE has no speed but they have smarts and they will need it in droves this week.

- One of my favorite people in this league continues to be Matty Ice. I was dying this week on the podcast when he talked about giving Joey Batts the “rock bottom” if he wins another TSL MVP award and loved the “moving car” stories with him and Molly Morgan. Matty is another guy you should follow if you are struggling with what we are trying to do here. Dude shows up, always tries his best on the field then parties like a rock star off it. I am beginning to wonder if we should just set up a “good guys club” where we get these leaders who just “get it” to walk around with the knuckle heads of this league and just show them how things are supposed to be done.

-Matty’s Angels seem to be gaining steam as the season moves along. A “tough” team both literally and figuratively is up next in Hung Buffalo. HB is not the same HB we have grown accustom to. Their offense is scoring but their defense has been lit up a few times especially long over the middle. Matty and his Angels love to go bombs away early and often so this one should be interesting.

- Cunning Stunts are 3-2 and having a fine season. Next up is the Tommy Hughes Experience. Everything begins and ends at QB for the Stunts. No one ever asks this so I will…When a team plays a gender team why don’t they ever get their tallest guy and isolate him on one side and just throw a jump ball at like 8-10 yards. Most girls are like 5’4” -5’10” and guys can go as tall as say 6’4”- 6’5”. It just seems like simple math to me. I don’t know that just popped in my head so I said it.

-DMX is struggling a tad in D2 and have been great sports. I wonder if someone should petition the league and let them use their “old football “again next session.

-I for one hope the Topper decides to re-boot the PJMJTHIDYMT. This of course is the Patrick J McGovern Jr Though He Isn’t Dead Yet Memorial Tournament for teams that don’t make the playoffs. I think a cool trophy should be made and handed to the winner.

-What ever happened to Brother Nero? Did he honor his promise and make 10 new friends? When will he serenade the fair maiden Emily? Are Brother Nero and his Brother even talking right now? If Nero draws the Batman in secret Santa will he hand his brother coal?

-I miss ACE. Right about at this point in the season Blasé LaDuca would have blasted face book like 3x proclaiming his glory. I got to be honest I so wanted to see Matty’s Angels V ACE one more time L. TSL Misses Ronny K!!!

-If the regular season ended today I would have Morning Wood at 53.4-1.

-What happened to Cintas? They started so good but have really fallen flat the past few weeks.

-Practice Squad and Dilly Dilly both sit at 5-1 but it’s the next group of (4 ) that has me intrigued in D6. Dark Knights, Celino Sewer Rats, Tight End Zones and The McKenzie Agency have all shown flashed of brilliance and also have had dreadful moments. I have a feeling one of these 4 teams could do some damage in this playoff and surprise some people. I still am onto sure which one of the 4 it will be though….

-Just we all are clear on sub procedures moving forward:

Please go to the rule book pages 2/3 Rules 5-7. There it will tell you what girls are allowed to sub in each division. If you need a sub you must email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before Friday at 10AM for that week’s game ONLY. You may choose anyone you wish before Friday at 10am as long as you follow the rules on divisions. Please note one girl is not allowed to sub anymore and (3) D2 girls may not sub in D1 but if you have questions on specifics email us and we will tell you who they are.  For example if you are a team in D2 you may only choose a girl in D2-D6 to be your sub. If you are a team in D3 you may only use a sub that is a girl on a D3-D6 team. If you are a team in D6 you may only choose a girl sub from division D3-D6. Once you send us an email will respond promptly in writing that your request has been accepted. If someone beats you to the sub it will be rejected and you will have to re-submit. If Friday at 10am passes you may only choose a girl on our USL only. USL subs do not have to be formally requested via email. We ask as a courteosy you tell us but you don’t have to. You must also submit in writing all guy subs and B Club subs. To be clear do not email, call or text Topper if you do this we will reject your request . You must email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. only. If you use the “Topper told me it’s OK” excuse we will still suspend you so please don’t waste our time and please follow the rules as they are written.



5 Questions for Saturday

1. OK now what? Jeff Easton is done like dinner and what is Bullet Club to do? Looks like we get to find out this Saturday.

2.  So was 3rd and Schlong a by-product of an early season schedule or did they just have a bad day at the office? Rumors are swirling Kyle Coniff figured out the key to stopping the Keller Nation. Stop Katie Stop 3AS…..BTW we will get our answer at 2:00 as HK4 will be one tough test.

3.  So who will be throwing for New Gods this week Good Ricky or Bad Ricky? Fasten your seat belts boys and girls as anything is possible. I’m beginning to think Ricky is stuck in the matrix.  I really think Rameer should put on a trench coat, throw on some shades and go all Morpheus as may be the only one that can save him.

4. What the heck ever happened to best Bernal? Has this thing died or will the hunt for Red October begin again? Who you got TSL Val, Diana or the other one?

5. Will Stegs and Joe Russell ever get their time with the D1 trophy? It probably never happens but how can’t you cheer for #XTC in D1?


10 Final Thoughts for Saturday

1. The game I have my eye on this week in D6 this week where Practice Squad has at with The Dark Knights. Kenny, Renee and Andy used to be BFF on Dark Knights but one day Kenny and Renee wanted to start their own gig so they started Practice Squad. Things were tough for a year or so but now TPS is on fire. Andy got injured and had to take some time off and the Dark Knights folded. Now Andy is heathy and tearing it up with a new team that is starting to get hot. This game is all about the rivalry. If you like Hatfields and McCoys look no further than this one. This one should be a classic.

2. Great match up brewing in D5 this week between Tommy Hughes Experience and Witter’s. THE is known for their system and their smarts but Witter’s is skippered by Zach Newberry who is easily one of the smartest players in the game today. Newberry will be wise to all the THE smoke and mirror tricks. This game should be good.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

3.  SITE is on fire winners of their last (1) yes (1) game but they could make it two as a wounded Bullet Club comes to town at 11:00 am. SITE is not making the playoffs so this game will be their super bowl. #GARYFORTSLANDD3MVP

4. I thought this week’s Podcast was great and moved quickly. I have to be honest I so want to hand Joey Batts another TSL MVP trophy just so we assure Matty Ice attends the banquet and gives Joey Batts the “rock bottom.”

5. I can’t help but think that all the issues in this league started right about the time we lost B’s Brother as he has not attended football once this season. I almost wonder if we should make him a player/league ambassador and with his help maybe we can make this league better for everyone. It’s funny that man’s dedication to not working is almost legendary. I mean he turned down a date with a hot blonde so he could sit on his couch and do nothing all day. That is dedication man…..

6. Puckett All Stars continue to slowly gain respect each and every week. Ladies and Gentlemen this is how it’s done. They took D5, then they took D4 now they are in D3 and they deserve to be there as they sit at 3-3. They haven’t juiced their roster like some teams, they aren’t selling their souls for a title. They are bringing the same team out week after week and getting better  ”together as a team.” Kudos to you Puckett All Stars.

7. I can’t help but think N W O is walking into a trap this week with the Replacements. TR usually get cooking as the season progresses. N W O is 3-3 but they have not looked good since their ultra-talented alpha female went down. TR is scoring points and has been playing well as of late. If ever there was a chance at the upset….

8.  All eyes will be on Dilly Dilly this week at 11:00am. I am hearing the league is none too happy as they have been involved in some issues the past few weeks and will have a watchful eye on   them this week and the rest of the season. As for their game 5-1 Dilly Dilly has at it with 5-1 Practice Squad. Looks like the battle for the #1 seed is upon us…

9. Don’t worry Joey Batts no more “guilting of team captains” will be allowed the rest of the season. Last week poor Joey Batts was guilted into letting his opponent have 2 illegal subs as “Taylor Procrastinerksi” struck again.  Even though half the league already knew Shari was in Canada on like Wednesday the Purge as always waited until the last minute. Kudos to Joey Batts however as he once again proved without a shadow of a doubt that he is our MVP both on and off the field. Joey Batts is a leader among men, an inspiration for all to follow. When other captains would have snickered and said NO Joey Batts stood tall and did what he in his heart and soul thought was right. I for one commend this humanitarian and feel I am a better person for writing this and I know you are now better people for reading this.  

10. If I had to pick breakfast club games I would say…Peanut Butter Kelly Time 31 Poppin Mollies 20. Chef Curry 31 Val’s Pals 28. Angry Tailors 30 Taminators 27.



Week 8 Picks, thoughts, insights and predictions

Category: The Godfather's Picks
Created: Thursday, 14 June 2018 13:58
Published: Thursday, 14 June 2018 13:58
Written by Patrick McGovern
Hits: 7901


“I wish there was a way to know you’re in the good old days, before you’ve actually left them”

Andy Bernard

Things are starting to get good. WW3 is heading our way as we get ED/MM 2. Joey Batts has at it with his new mortal enemy Bro. Shari hopefully will make her triumphant return and like you I hope she B-LINES for Emily. 3AS has to have at it with Indecent Exposure. THE and AWDIQ are going heads up at 12:00. Poor Tight Ends in Motion will now scurry to get 5 games played in 2 weeks. Topper’s team is killing him, Joe K lost his QB, Public Enemy are 2-5, 40 Year Plan guy and Katie Keller are kidding themselves. Val Testa has threated to leave us in the fall. Hopefully Brother Nero and Ricky Austin have returned from the matrix.  Ladies and Gentlemen things are starting to get good. But with good there is also bad…..I of course am talking about pressure. You know it slowly starts to build . You start to not to breath as good. You get nervous. You can’t think as clearly. For 2 TSlers names JZ and Drew the pressure is “Franco” on. Right about now they probably are pasty white as they know their destinies and fate await them. One decided to play QB but now he has a team on the brink of playoff elimination. The other was fired and is trying to show the world that he was the evil genius not the folks that fired him. Ladies and gentlemen you can cut the tension with a knife. I feel bad for our 2 heroes Drew and JZ. Relax take a deep breath fellas it can’t be as bad as you think….or could it. No pressure this week guys…… no….p…r….e…s…s…u….r….e…..


Enter Week #8



D1 Game of the Week

Eyes Down Town vs Marketing Mayors +6: This is usually a great rivalry but let’s be honest it isn’t the same without Delecki. ED seems to be the team to beat in D1. They are cruising right now. Their QB is playing solid, their girls continue to produce and their guys are as good as it gets top to bottom. Turner and Co has the blue print to beat Eyes Down Town but do they have the horses? To beat Eyes Down Town you need to play solid mistake free football. I know I sound like a broken record but the plan is simple. Find Smith avoid Smith. If ED sticks to the plan they will carry by days end.   Eyes Downtown by 7


D2 Game of the Week

Hootie and the Bro Fish vs Gryffindor +4: The last time these 2 hooked up Joey Batts had them but had an epic melt down as his team once again let him down. For the record Joey Batts was easily the MVP of this game but befell bad last minute luck. HATBF seem to be running away with D2. The only thing standing in the way of their title is the Gryff. Small problem though, Scotty M is gone so realistically there is no way the Gryff can run with this team. There is a lot more on the line than you would think. Joey Batts yearns for back to back league MVP’s. To do the unthinkable he must beat HATBF not once but twice. Bro is killing it and his time could be now. One must still wonder if the tom foolery of last week will somehow someway mess up the rhythm of this power house. I expect a great game here but I just think the loss of Scotty M will be the Gryff’s downfall here.  Hootie and The Bro Fish by 6


D3 Game of the Decade

Slytherin that End Zone +13 vs Mixxx: You have to love the build-up and the story line but once the pop and circumstance fades we actually have to play the game and when that happens SITE probably gets smoked. JZ is an evil genius. He knows how SITE thinks, how they pass, how they run he will be ready for anything/everything they try to throw at him. I still think its funny SITE is playing mind games with JZ when they stole his super sub Katie Keller. If JZ has one weakness he can out think himself. JZ will have a ton of pressure on him this week. He is expected to win this game and win big. What happens if Mixxx throws a quick pic or if Mixxx craps out on their first drive? What then? What if the first half is over and its 8-6 SITE? Will JZ start to slowly crumble in that scorching June sun? Will he fold like a tent as he slowly realizes that an upset is afoot? Can JZ stop the upset or does fate have other plans? You know what, now that I think about it SITE has nothing to play for but one thing…their super bowl will be this Saturday they only care about 1 game and 1 game only. That means they have nothing to lose. Their season is on the line at 10am as the only thing that matters is winning. Can they pull the upset? Will they pull the upset? Wow maybe this game will be closer than one would think…. Mixxx by 10


D4 Game of the Week

3rd and Schlong vs Indecent Exposure +3: I am beginning to think 3rd and Schlong and No Punt Intended will be on a collision course with each other in week #11. I am sure Indecent Exposure will have something to say about that. IE is the definition of balance. They are a strong team. They have a decent QB, a solid female stable and they boast both size, speed and skill. They aren’t overly fast or overly big or overly anything but they are one solid football team. 3AS is good. It all begins and ends with their top female Katie Keller. Stop Katie stop 3AS. IE will need to be on their toes as we realized something last week in the HK4 game, Austin Weber-Keller can friggin go man. He has blazing speed that no one saw coming. Kevin Keller is playing solid defense and 40 Yr Plan Guy Keller is a solid football player. 3AS will not kill you with down the field speed but they are good, they are smart and they will play a very safe very methodical football game. These teams match up quite well as they both play the same style. To be honest with teams matched this closely, look no further than the QBS. The QB who has the bigger day will be the QB that wins this game. I expect a barn burner in this one.  3rd and Schlong by 4


D5 Game of the Week

The Tommy Hughes Experience vs All We Do is Qwinn +1:  I just don’t know. There is something weird about a bunch of D1-D3 people in D5 that makes literally no friggin sense to me. THE is 6-1 (shocking) but AWDIQ is a very decent team. They are small and quick like lil midget rabbits. They are fast and they will be tough to cover. THE runs a very simple offense that is all based on rhythm and execution. In theory AWDIQ will run THE off the field but will AWDIQ be ready for what’s coming next? THE will dink and dunk up and down the field. I reckon AWDIQ will do what everyone does and play off and THE will beat them at 6-8 yards and wonder how THE keeps scoring.  I mean God forbid if someone in D5 dares Tommy Hughes to throw a ball farther than 15 yards in the air as I don’t think he’s tried that in 3 years. If AWDIQ plays smart and uses their speed they could and should win. If they play off and play stupid they will be dinked and dunked to death and will have a very very long day. All We Do is Qwinn by 3


D6 Game of the Week

Celino Sewer Rats vs The McKenzie Agency +4: Both squads are having ho hum years as they are in the middle of the race. TMA was crushing people until the brutal Dilly Dilly assault on their QB occurred. They have not been the same since. CSR needs this win as it could improve their playoff standing as we get closer to the dance. TMA is a solid team with good players. This could be the week TMA unleashes their burner on D6 for some big gains. Can CSR keep up with the female attack of TMA? I just wonder if Ferger is better after the un-provoked attack by Dilly Dilly weeks ago. Ferger is the key to this game.  Celino Sewer Rats by 3




-Maybe it’s just me but for some weird reason things just seem to be settling down a tad now. I enjoyed this week’s podcast but I am so not believing that Katie Keller and 40 Year Plan Guy are not destined to marry.

-Shredder’s have been looking better the past few weeks and have a very winnable game this week on the schedule with Buffalo Solar Solutions.

- If you asked me to list the team in each division that are getting hot at the right time I would say D1: Eyes Downtown  D2: The Replacements   D3: Morning Wood D4: Full Throttle  D5: Tommy Hughes Experience D6: Dilly Dilly

-If you asked me what teams should be worried as playoffs are approaching I would say: D1: Public Enemy D2: The Purge D3: Bullet Club D4: 3rd and Schlong D5: All we do is Qwinn D6: Tight End Zones

-I can’t help but think everyone is under rating Uncle Rico’s Time Travelers. 3AS and NPI are getting all the pub but URTT can score and score a lot.

-If any TSLer in this league sees Val Testa at the fields this weekend I want you to walk up to that young lady and look her squarely in the eye then tell her “Don’t Go.” Don’t worry Val I talked to an associate who talked to Coach Jay help is on the way….

-Is Shari ever coming back to football so her and Emily can continue the most bitter feud in TSL history? Like you I too await this battle for female superiority. This fight is going to be good.

-This Saturday the TSL will be hiring additional security to protect all trees, grass, flowers and potted plants. Ladies and gentlemen if you see a big bully throwing plants or stomping grass or kicking tress please stop, yell “stranger danger 3x” and we will do our best to get you the help you need ASAP. Whistles will be handed out should they be required. As we continue to say do not walk the fields by yourself please make sure wherever you go you to take your league appointed safety buddy with you at all times.

-I know the Club is reeling but I really enjoy the battles between Joey Batts and Joseph K. Cintas vs Bullet Club should be a good one.

-Vandalay started out so well but they have started to fade down the stretch. Cunning Stunts MUST win this game at 12:00. No pressure Drew…no….pressure .

-Dark Knights could be reeling as one of their best players went down last week and this week they get The Thug Nation known as Dilly Dilly. DK must go at least 1-1 in their last 2 or they could be in trouble.

-Witter’s will be feeling the same pressure as Drew (though to be clear Drew is under 1000x more pressure than any TSLer league wide right now except JZ) and they have a huge test with Come From Behind this week. So who will be playing QB for CFB Paul or The Prophet the Most Honorable Dave Walter?

-I think this is the week one Bernal must reign supreme over the others as the world will be watching.

-Just we all are clear on sub procedures moving forward:

Please go to the rule book pages 2/3 Rules 5-7. There it will tell you what girls are allowed to sub in each division. If you need a sub you must email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. before Friday at 10AM for that week’s game ONLY. You may choose anyone you wish before Friday at 10am as long as you follow the rules on divisions. Please note one girl is not allowed to sub anymore and (3) D2 girls may not sub in D1 but if you have questions on specifics email us and we will tell you who they are.  For example if you are a team in D2 you may only choose a girl in D2-D6 to be your sub. If you are a team in D3 you may only use a sub that is a girl on a D3-D6 team. If you are a team in D6 you may only choose a girl sub from division D3-D6. Once you send us an email will respond promptly in writing that your request has been accepted. If someone beats you to the sub it will be rejected and you will have to re-submit. If Friday at 10am passes you may only choose a girl on our USL only. USL subs do not have to be formally requested via email. We ask as a courtesy you tell us but you don’t have to. You must also submit in writing all guy subs and B Club subs. To be clear do not email, call or text Topper if you do this we will reject your request. You must email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. only. If you use the “Topper told me it’s OK” excuse we will still suspend you so please don’t waste our time and please follow the rules as they are written.



5 Questions for Saturday

1. Will Cobblestone win a game this session? A very tired Sticky Bandits will be coming to town at 2:00. If ever there was a chance at an upset I guess this would be it. SB have been up and down. I so hope Darryl Carr QB Superstar makes his triumphant return and puts on a show for the ages. I am hearing rumors super sub Sam is back and this could help.

2.  What can we expect from the N W O vs The Purge game? If this was pre-season many would say this could have been the D2 title game. Right now both teams are reeling. N W O got beat by 5 people last week and The Purge has not been good. Brother Nero has not been the same since Brother Bowl.

3.  What will Tight End Zones do for an encore? Last week they lit the lamp with 78 points. Next up are Jabronies. Can a team score 100 in a week?  Will Jabronies be in the wrong place at the wrong time?

4. So who wins Hometech or Collegiate Builders? One struggles to score and one struggles to stop people. This one actually should be good.

5. Is this the beginning of the end for the Bambs? Say it ain’t so but I have seen this too many times before. I think we should get B’s Brother to MC a “peace intervention” for the Bambs and let’s get them all back together. Watching them get crushed like this is breaking my heart. This better not be it for this squad. Bambs it is not quite time to go softly into that good night….


10 Final Thoughts for Saturday

1. The game I have my eye on this week in D3 where it will be soooooooo on. Will the game be good? Probably not but who cares. It’s time to get it on Hatfield’s vs McCoy’s style this week at 10am.  SITE will go to war with former skipper JZ. To make matters worse SITE stole Mixxx’s sub girl when they beat the Mixxx to Katie Keller. I so hope the league does the right thing and puts this game on Field #1.

2. Tight Ends in Motion have a lot to work to do in the next few weeks as they must get (5) games in before the regular season closes. It appears they have (3) scheduled this week. If you factor in girl games, and breakfast club etc etc there are going to be some very tired TEIM faces by about 3:00. One must wonder if TEIM is walking into a trap at 3:00 with #XTC.

3.  35-1 Morning Wood has been getting hot the past few weeks as they face off against a very up and down A&A. A&A has befell bad ref luck the past few weeks but continues to move forward. A&A is a very solid team that has it all. They have size, speed and know how. They have played in the big games. They know better than anyone play time is over and they have 2 more weeks to work out the kinks as the playoffs quickly approach, MW could prove to be a tougher test than one would think. I expect a close game here.

4. Full Throttle is on fire as they keep wining as they continue to get better week after week. A vert beatable AXA is up next. FT could continue their winning ways by days end again in this one.

5. Racks and Sacks continue to have New God’s number and draw them once again this week at 11:00. RAS is 3-0 vs The New Gods. I wonder if Ricky Austin has returned from the matrix yet. I keep hearing rumors Pete will once again be MIA. This one should be good as we all will continue to wonder if New Gods can finally break through vs this team.

6. 4-3 Puckett All Star fresh off last week’s Mixxx upset have at it with Uncle Topper and his 5-2 Co this week. I expect a very good game here. Team Topper must figure out a way to play better defense. PAS are a very solid very methodical team with a very good QB. Team Topper better be ready in this one. This game will be huge for playoff rankings as we head down the stretch.

7. All eyes will be on Witter’s and Cunning Stunts down the stretch as they will be fighting tooth and nail for the final ticket to the D5 dance. CS has at it with Vandalay while Witter’s goes to war with Come From Behind. I so hope this race goes right down to the wire in week #9.

8.  It appears we will not be participating in the 4:00 game this session. Hopefully we can re-visit the game in the fall.

9. I am sorry to report but apparently dogs are no longer welcome at the fields these days. All it takes is one situation and that’s a wrap.

10. If I had to pick breakfast club games I would say…Angry Tailors 34 Poppin Mollies 21. Chef Curry with the Shots 36 Taminators 27, Val Pal’s 31 Peanut Butter Kelly Time 28.



Week 6 thoughts, picks, and lots and lots of questions???!!!

Category: The Godfather's Picks
Created: Wednesday, 30 May 2018 20:33
Published: Wednesday, 30 May 2018 20:33
Written by Patrick McGovern
Hits: 7842


Enter Week #6



No Punt Intended


Where do we go from here? What happens next? Let’s find out……………



NEW GODS +1 VS MARKETING MAYORS:  It is becoming a broken record find Smith avoid Smith. If New Gods follow this blue print they should have success up the middle and to the opposite side. NG are a tale of 2 Ricky’s. If good Ricky shows NG should cruise in this one as they have skill all over the field. If bad Ricky shows up……MM are a solid team but it isn’t easy when you face a team with this much talent and you are short handed. It is becoming more and more clear to this writer that Delecki easily could be the MVP of this league.  NEW GODS BY 3

MARKETING MAYORS VS PUBLIC ENEMY +3: I have little doubt in my mind that New Gods will follow the blue print to beat these guys. Public Enemy however could be anyone’s guess. Sometimes this team falls in love with how smart they “think they are” and don’t just realize football is a simple game. The game plan is simple find Smith and attack every where else. The 2’s and 3’s of MM can’t go with Osika and Pauly J. PE should feast all day with the mis-matches they have but I still wonder if they will be stubborn or if they will just play smart football this week and take the W that is literally staring them in the face.  PUBLIC ENEMY BY 1

#XTC +7 VS PUBLIC ENEMY: I really have no clue who will show for #XTC, I don’t think they do either. . I do know that #XTC always gets up for this game and if they are going to bring the thunder this will be the week. PE has, for years, had a tremendous ability to carve up the #XTC zone and should once again this week. If Dubey shows PE would be smart to man up #XTC as Dubey can’t beat the man. If Dubey shows and PE gets dumb and zones them they could be in for a shocker.  PUBLIC ENEMY BY 6



THE REPLACEMENTS VS THE PURGE +4:  This one should be good. Both teams are heading in the right direction TP finally won but got lucky. TR are slowly starting to pick up steam. TP will struggle with TR has TR has 2 burners and speed is not something the Purge has much of. TP girls are good and will beat up on the TR girls but one would figure Burr and Doug should run all over the soft zone of TP. Everything begins and ends at BQ for TR. If their QB shows well  they win if he doesn’t they get smoked.  THE REPLACEMENTS BY 4

GRYFFINDOR VS THE PURGE +6: The loss of Scotty M could be catastrophic for the Gryff. Yes they still have your reigning and defending league MVP and normally that will be enough but can the Batman carry this team all the way to the promise land? TP is a hot mess. They got lucky last week and really haven’t shown much. They are better than this but have yet to show us what they are made of.  This is the week the stars come out as the MVP has at it with the Queen Bee. I so want to take the Purge here but they just haven’t shown me enough to do so…..yet.    GRYFFINDOR BY 7

HOOTIE AND THE BROFISH VS THE REPLACEMENTS +8: HATBF are the class of D2 and seem to be on a one ticket to D1 at the rate they are going. They are crushing every single team trotted out in front of them. They are swift, quick and they can score at will. They can stop everyone they have faced. TR have started to show signs of life but I just don’t see them winning a shootout with a team of this magnitude. Last time out HATBF took a huge lead then held on did TR learn anything from that game for this week?  HATBF BY 10

N W O VS DMX +8: N W O is tanking right now. Brother Nero killed his team with a boneheaded mental lapse last week when they got shocked by the Purge. DMX is struggling on defense but a team that could be shocked comes to town this week. DMX can score points and N WO doesn’t really get into shoot outs so this game could be interesting. N W O lost their edge when Nero lost brother bowl and they lost their top girl. I see this game being a lot closer than one would think. N W O BY 1



MIXXX +1 VS 1 TOPPER TOO MANY: Sticky gave Team Topper a beating last week and exposed some things. Mixxx comes to town and would like nothing better than to send D3 a message that they are D3 title worthy. JZ is an evil genius and will have something special cooked up this week for Topper and Co. Poor Topper can’t do this all by himself he needs help. Where is Davis? Why hasn’t Drew thrown this team on his back? Why do I ask so many questions? I see this game being a good one. There is a ton of pressure on Team Topper this week as they lost last week and if they lose again they could free fall. Mixxx will be ready for this one so TT better be ready for war.  1 TOPPER TOO MANY BY 3

BULLET CLUB VS PUCKET ALL STARS +7: Puckett All Stars have settled in nicely in D3 and have shown well to date. No one likes BC since they turned heel. They should be in D2 and hiding out n D3 is kinda cheesy. BC has PAS pretty much covered all over the field. They have the better QB, the better girls and the better guys. PAS will give them a fight but I just don’t see them going toe to toe with this team this week. BULLET CLUB BY 8

SLYTHERIN THAT END ZONE +8 VS COBBLESTONE: Cobblestone is struggling but look no further as the slump buster has arrived. SITE is not playing well but they have shown up the last few weeks. Cobblestone must get things going this week and they must do it quickly as playoffs quickly approach. It pains me to say this but maybe Cobblestone is destined for D4. I can’t believe Darryl’s supporting cast has let it come to this. Darryl shows up every week and literally makes it rain out there but noooooo no one helps him. They aren’t catching his magical spirals. They aren’t playing defense. OK fine so he throws one 8 feet over someone’s head. WTF go grab a 6 foot ladder or jump higher. I’m sorry this is just hurting me too much when I watch this team it is making me cry and making me sad and I am confused and I don’t know what else I can do say or say. Cobblestone players not named Darry Carr QB super star I am calling each and every one of you out right here right now at this very moment in time. I am calling you out to help your leader and our icon win this game. You owe yourselves and more importantly Darryl more than you are giving. God speed Cobblestone supporting cast it is now time to win a football game. COBBLESTONE BY 7

A&A +6 VS STICKY BANDITS: SB looked awesome last week in 2 big wins. A&A is at a cross roads. They have not played so hot and have had attendance issues but at one point it has to stop and the ship must be righted. If A&A is going to get back on track this is the week as playoffs are getting closer. SB are a very smart and a very methodical team They will bring it each and every week and they make few mistakes so A&A better be ready to go. A&A has big sped edges in this game but I am not so sure that will translate to a win this week. If you want to know where A&A stands in this division we will know right after this game. STICKY BANDITS BY 4

64-1 MORNING WOOD +7 VS CINTAS: MW started out so well but it looks like they just beat a bad team in week #1. Cintas are a pretty solid team top to bottom. They aren’t world beaters but they will show up each and every week and they will bring it. MW has been up and down to date. MW has 2 wins but it is against the 2 bottom teams in the division. MW needs better d as you can’t give up 40 a game and compete in this division. Cintas is not an offensive juggernaut but they should have enough to take this one this week.  CINTAS BY 6



BREW CREW +7 VS SHREDDERS: Shredders just can’t seem to get it going this session. They have been a solid team in the past but they just aren’t getting the job done. The offense is off and their defense has been a hot mess. BC is coming to town at the perfect time as they struggle on O and they are terrible on D. I wouldn’t read too much into this game. Shredders should win this and win it by a good amount but this game won’t solve the problems at hand. SHREDDERS BY 4

FULL THROTTLE VS BUFFALO SOLAR SOLUTIONS +3: FT got a big win last week and a very winnable game is up next. BSS is in familiar territory as they are ho humming along. They aren’t awesome but they aren’t good awful. When I think of .500 football team this is the team that pops in my head. They aren’t really good or really bad. FT is starting to take steps in the right direction and another big win could give them some confidence as we head down the stretch. FULL THROTTLE BY 4

HK4 VS INDECENT EXPOSURE +3: Both squads are having a solid season to date so this one should be good. IE has had some injury concerns so that could cost them this week. HK4 is a solid squad that is up there with the top teams. They are balanced and can win this division. IE is very balanced and they have talent all over the field. I expect a decent game but HK4 appears to just have a little more in the tank than IE does. Look for HK4 to take this one.  HK4 BY 3

UNCLE RICO’S TIME TRAVELERS VS AXA +8: URTT lost last week and I reckon they will be hopping mad this week,. Poor AXA is up next and I fear URTT will look to make a statement this week. URTT can score at will. AXA is getting better and is leaps and bounds better than in week #1. I just don’t think AXA has enough to go toe to toe with this offensive juggernaut. Look for URTT to take this running away.  URTT BY 10

NO PUNT INTENDED +3 VS 3RD AND SCLONG: This is the one we have been waiting for. NPI is having a solid season as they boast a very decent team. We were told they will be short handed but can NPI run with 3AS who is just dismantling every team they face? They have stars all over the field. The Keller nation is atop the D4 mountain and will look to make a statement this week. They are reading and they keep hearing it too. Are they as good as they think? Are they a product of a soft schedule? Can they beat a top team? Why hasn’t Katie Keller asked 40 yr plan guy to marry her? I mean it’s the same questions each and every week. Well this week we get our answers. NPI is solid foe that will come to play. Can they run and gun with a team that can’t seem to be stopped? 3RD AND SCHLONG BY 4




PASSLESS CHAPS +7 VS HOPE N RUIN: Don’t look now but HNR is on the outside looking in if the season ended today. They are doing OK but not awesome. PC are struggling mightily so this should be the week HNR scores a ton and gets back into the race. HNR has a solid team and has one in this league before so they can get back on track. A team that struggles to score and stop people awaits them. HOPE N RUIN BY 8

COME FROM BEHIND VS HUNG BUFFALO +7: These teams know each other well. In a perfect world CFB is the better team but you really don’t know who will play and who will not play each and every week. HB struggled early especially on defense but it appears they have started to right the ship and they are playing way better these days. It just seems like CFB has a few more horses in this game but attendance is always an issue.  COME FOR BEHIND BY 6

WITTER’S +8 VS ALL WE DO IS QWINN: AWDIQ is super fast and super good. They sit atop the mountain right now. Witter’s looked D7 bound after week #1 but this team continues to get better and impress. They have a solid captain who is as smart as it gets in this league. Under his guidance this team is ever improving. Are they quick enough to run with the mini mites of AWDIQ ? I am not so sure they are ready for this test quite yet. ALL WE DO IS QWINN BY 7

MATTY’S ANGELS VS THE BAMBS +8: Matty’s Angels erupted last week as they laid the smacketh downeth on poor unsuspecting Vandalay. The Bambs are a hot mess since their QB went AWOL. These aren’t the Bambs we used to know. They have a dark cloud that follows them around wherever they go. This is a sad story that will go from bad to worse as MA have no mercy and will run the score up if they get the chance. I suspect a massacre of epic proportions is upon us.  MATTYS ANGELS BY 13

VANDALAY INDUSTRIES VS UFO +7: This one should be good. UFO are quickly becoming the “bad boys” of TSL as they continue to fight their way towards the top of the division. Their street cred has gone up 143% since they turned heel. VI was rocked last week as they looked slow and over matched. Can UFO pull the upset and shock the world? UFO has scored a ton of points and has been in their last 3 or so games this one should be good.  VANDALY INDUSTRIES BY 6



COLLEGIATE BUILDERS +11 VS THE MCKENZIE AGENCY: TMA has been up and down this season but their offense continues to show week after week. CB is still a hot mess but they are not as hot nor as messy as in years past. TMA should make it rain this week as they have one of the better offenses in D6 today. CB will struggle to keep pace with an offense such as this.  This should be one of those “alot to a little scores” by games end. THE MCKENZIE AGENCY BY 14

NICE TDS VS HOME TECH +7: Hometech is a hot mess. I do not even think B’s Brother can save them at this point. NTDS have shown well as they played some very good games to date. Hometech has struggled to score and that could be the reason they struggle this week. NTDS will find some holes in the HT defense and should have enough to take this one late. NICE TDS BY 6

PRACTICE SQUAD VS JABRONIES +7: Jabronies have shown well in their first session. They continue to improve and are doing a decent job moving the ball. Their D is still a work in progress. TPS is up at the top of the division as they are loaded on both sides of the ball. Look for TPS to have an easy time scoring points on the newbs in route to an easy victory.   PRACTICE SQUAD BY 11

DILLY DILLY +3 VS TIGHT END ZONES: This one should be good as each team is on fire. These 2 could easily be seeing each other again real soon. Both are solid on both sides of the ball. TEZ is offense personified while Dilly Dilly is all about the defense. As long as DD doesn’t thug things up this week we should be in store for a solid football game between 2 very good teams. TIGHT END ZONES BY 1

DARK KNIGHTS +4 VS CELINO SEWER RATS: CSR is having a decent session but I have been told the league is none too happy with their sub problems and will be watching them like a hawk the rest of the way. DK are an up and down squad that is getting better week by week. They have proven they can score in this division but they need better play from their defense. CSR is a solid methodical football team that is just balanced so DK better be ready to go this week. I expect a close one here. CELINO SEWER RATS BY 3



5 Questions for Saturday

1. What must Brother Nero be thinking right now? He lost brother bowl, then he made a huge mental lapse which caused N W O the game last week vs The Purge. I asked it a few weeks ago and will ask it again have we lost Brother Nero? As it appears he is now lost in the matrix.

2 Will The Purge start their climb back up the rankings this week or is this team lost for good? TP has 2 very winnable games this week. They have been a hot mess for literally the last month. They have the ability to take this division but have shown close to nothing. Can their season be saved or is this it for them? This is the week we find out.

3.  Is this the week A&A gets back on track or will they continue to ho hum in D3? This team is loaded with skill and is way better than their record indicates. They have speed to burn and are battle tested. A very smart very tough Sticky Bandits come to town this week. A&A is up against it as it is now time to kick their game up a nickel as the playoffs quickly approach.  Sticky Bandits have been playing stout defense the past few weeks.

4. Topper was rocked last week how will he recover? Last week was not good for Team Topper nor Vandalay. Will the Topper dust himself off and get back up and will his team to victory?  They say when QB’s hit the wall that is usually it. I mean with Topper it happened like 6 seasons ago but does he have enough left in the tank to bring his team back from the dead?

5. Will the Cobblestone supporting cast finally rise to the occasion and help Darryl Carr QB Superstar secure victory? Darryl is a man on an island right now. Yes it is a magical island and Darryl is still our #icon but it just isn’t fair that his team is no where close to him in either skill set or effort. I expect a big win this week vs a very beatable SITE.


10 Final Thoughts for Saturday

1. The game I have my eye on this week is in D4 where it is quadruple dog on when 6-0 3rd and Schlong have at with 4-1 No Punt intended. This could be a preview of the D4 title game. 3rd and Schlong has dusted up D4 but many claim they have yet to be tested. They will be tested by a very balanced and very solid football team. The winner of this one probably takes the #1 seed heading into the dance.  Each team has continued to improve by leaps and bounds week after week.

2. Don’t look now but the reigning and defending D1 champs could be in trouble this week. Marketing Mayors must have at it with both Public Enemy and New Gods. The book is out on MM. Find Smith and go the other way. Both PE and NG have blazers all over the field so MM could struggle this week horse vs horse. The only thing that can save them from taking 2 L’s this week is Dalphonso playing like his hair is on fire.

3. Tight End Zones continue to quietly go about their business as they keep winning week after week. A tough test is heading their way with Thuggy Thuggy I mean Dilly Dilly. TEZ will get to see what they are made of this week as DD is solid across the board. This is the week good offense faces good defense.

4.  I am curious to see how a much improved Witter’s does this week with a team that looks like they are the class of D5 in All we do is Qwinn. AWDIQ is loaded with speed as they play a very smart safe football game. They hit their guys on quick hitters and let them run them out. Witter’s might need to push up a tad this week to cut off the quick slants and crosses. Witter’s was a hot mess week #1 but has continued to improve. This game should be a good one.

5. Shredder’s have been struggling but finally catch a break this week as a very beatable Brew Crew is next up. Shredders have struggled on both sides of the ball. They better take this one and take it by a bunch or the last few games could be miserable for this once mighty franchise.

6. This could be Morning Woods last chance at a W this week. Yes they beat the bottom 2 D3 clubs but MW has not looked good. To make matters worse the MVP of everything is up next and that is not AOK. Joey Batts always looks to put on a show when a weaker team comes to town. Joey Batts knows better than anyone that the MVP selection committee can show up on his side line at any time so he better be ready to go as no TSLer has ever gotten back to back league MVP.

7. I got to thinking about team names today here are my (3) favorite and worst: My (3) favorites: Hootie and the Bro Fish, 1 Topper too Many and Vandalay Industries. My (3) worst: Slytherin the End Zone, Chef Curry with the Shots and Gryffindor.

8.  I will have a watchful eye this week on Mixxx as they have at with Team Topper. JZ is an evil genius that will have his team ready to go this week. Mixxx will be ready for everything thrown at them. It all begins and ends at QB for them. Topper can be hot and cold. Can JZ pull the upset? It’s funny both teams are 3-1 but it just feels like Mixxx is the underdog this week.

9. OK let’s try this again….to be clear the only way a sub request in this league is legal is if you email a request by Friday at 10am to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..  Do not email Topper. Just send the email and we will respond back if your request is acceptable. Please be advised we will be checking and if you are caught breaking the sub rules the team captain and the sub in violation will both be suspended for multiple games. To those that are following the rules and continue to thank you. To those that are choosing not to….good luck you are going to need it.

10. If I had to pick breakfast club games I would say…Chef Curry 31 Angry Tailors 23. Val’s Pal’s 28 Peanut Butter Kelly Time 27. Taminator’s 31 Poppin Molly’s 24



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